View Full Version : My Daughter's A Tramp, Isn't It Cute?

06-16-2006, 01:45 PM
Fantastic Read:

A while ago while shopping at Best Buy I couldn't help but start people watching. One such couple, a mother and daughter, were buying CDs and DVDs in front fo me. The mother was a pretty lady, probably in her mid 30’s, well dressed, probably your typical white, upper class, religious republican. What I couldn't help notice was that her daughter, who was probably aged 10-12, was wearing a glittery cut-off shirt with the words “I faked it” emblazoned just a few inches above her exposed pierced naval.

Immediately questions started racing through my mind: Did I just read that? What did you fake? A temper tantrum in front of the vending machine? Does the girl really know what the shirt means? Does the mother know what the shirt means? How come they make cheese-filled hot dogs but not chili filled ones?

Thinking about it for a while I realized that with a little bit of hard work and venture capital I could easily rule the stuffed hot dog market. Then the door alarm sounded, and as I watched the security guard demagnetize her new Britney Spears CD more questions started racing through my mind. How could she let her daughter wear such clothing? How could she let that CD anywhere near her stereo?

Chances are good that the girl had to explain it to her mother, or that the mom thought it was “cute” and harmless.

It’s not just this family either, its happening all over America. Kids see sex symbols on TV and want to mimic what they see. After all, it looks good on Britney, it must look good on me too. It’s not just kids, fashion designers know this too. Somebody obviously made the shirt big enough for an 80lb girl to wear.

So the kids want to wear it, the fashion designers make it for them, who else can we blame? Somebody has to be at fault, and as tempting as it is to try and point a finger at MTV, Rockstar Videogames and those damn liberals, it’s obviously the parents who are culpable here.

People wonder why we have such high teenage pregnancy and STD rates, and immediately think stronger laws are needed. The answer is simple. Stop teaching our children that sex is funny or cute. Stop treating sex education as a forbidden subject. Everybody knows that the more you forbid something, the more a child is going to want to do it.

Parents raise a fuss when schools want to teach sex-ed, yet they turn around and allow their 10 yr old daughters to dress like hookers. If you want your kid to grow up right, stop telling her that this clothing is “cute”. It’s not cute at all, it’s sick.

Professor S
06-16-2006, 02:08 PM
There is a serious vacuum of parental responsibility growing in America. "Permissiveness" does not begin to describe the idiotic thinking of parents like the one described. Having your daughter dress like a whore may be tongue in cheek and all in good fun... until she's giving out "mouth hugs" in the back of the school bus and coming home with an irregular beauty mark on her lip or worse.

Also, with the increasing danger from child predators, this is even more stupid. No, if a little girl dresses provacatively, its not her fault if she gets molested... but she still got molested. You can either buck the system and make a stand for a 10 year old's right to dress themselves, or you can help them avoid very real dangers.

Its not just clothling, but media pushing such behavior as well. Personally, I find MTV to be the single greatest element in damaging our youth. Shows like Next, My Super Sweet Sixteen, Laguna Beach and the rest create a distorted world view in the eyes of the youth. Its to the point that if I had children I would block MTV before HBO or even Cinemax. At least their trash programming is obviously fictional and not pretending to be reality.

Many of you may scoff at my concerned, but most of you are much younger than I am. I am coming to the age where I am considering when I plan to have children and its most likely within the next 5 years. Shows like My Super Sweet Sixteen are a serious concern because of false life-expectations of a daughter, should I have one. This is the conversation that will take place:

"Daddy, I want a new car for my 16th birthday."
"Well I'll tell you what, how bout I get a new car for you 16th birthday and you can have my 2000 Grand Am? Sounds good? GREAT!"
"I HATE YOU!!!!"
"Yeah, I know. Go clean your room."

06-16-2006, 02:36 PM
At least the author has a sense of humor, it's the only thing you can have.

People wonder why we have such high teenage pregnancy and STD rates, and immediately think stronger laws are needed. The answer is simple. Stop teaching our children that sex is funny or cute. Stop treating sex education as a forbidden subject. Everybody knows that the more you forbid something, the more a child is going to want to do it.

Speaking of forbidden subjects, how about drugs, drinking, stem-cell, and all that other sh*t. Instead of teaching kids that alcohol is the bane of their existence until 21, and marketing the crap out of it, maybe we should get rid of the drinking age and instill proper moral. Or how about stem cells. Religious nut jobs. And drugs don’t destroy dreams. Heroin destroys dreams. Prolonged drinking destroys dreams. Marijuana is healthier than alcohol. Want me to dig up documentation? Just ask. How many marijuana ODs have there been? 0? 0.

Fortunately, we’re in America. It’s a slippery slope to unmystify one thing. So it won’t happen.

06-16-2006, 03:31 PM
I'm not saying I think it's completely right for little girls to do this.

But the parents were probably teenagers in the 60's.

The 60's.

So showing some belly and having a peircing is a lot better than roaming fields naked tripping on LSD.

06-16-2006, 04:53 PM
And having unprotected sex. Woot! Unprotected sex!

I know prude girls that dress loose as hell. From a visual stance, you would think they'd be easy as pie to nail, and they're actually quite virgin.

I don't think giving a 12 year old a shirt that says "I faked it" is appropriate though. But I'm no parent so I can't really judge. I stand by my first post.

06-16-2006, 05:30 PM
Fox and I were walking to the local 7-11 one day and we were confronted by two twelve year olds that wewre dressed identical (very skanky if I might add). So one of them comes up to us and asked "You got any smokes?"

To which I reply "How old are you!?"

Their response? "Twelve. How old are you, f*g?"

We stood there with the most dumbfounded looks on our faces. Needless to say, I was deeply disturbed.

06-16-2006, 08:54 PM
Wait, why would they call you f*gs if they were trying to score cigs...I would of sat them down and given them a stern lecture on their negotiating skills, and then shown them the proper way to get older kids to buy you illegal products. If those are our future politicians, I am scared.

06-16-2006, 10:07 PM
If those are our future politicians, I am scared.

Dont worry.
They were girls.

06-17-2006, 01:59 AM
It reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine reveals to Jerry that she had faked with him. And it was funny.

It's wrong for a twelve year-old girl to wear a shirt with that message.

It would've been a lot more helpful for the writer to tell the mother the shirt is wrong instead of writing a comical essay about it though.

06-17-2006, 04:03 AM
It would've been a lot more helpful for the writer to tell the mother the shirt is wrong instead of writing a comical essay about it though.

Not really. Then the mom would get all indignant and tell the man off for trying to tell her how to raise her child. Then she probably would have bought whorier clothes for her daughter just to spite the man.

It happens... I hate people.

/me shrugs and walks away

06-17-2006, 07:30 AM
I totally agree with the writer. What's wrong with people?

I know a girl of 14 with a shirt "I'm a virgin. Unfortunately this is a very old T-shirt". :unsure:

06-17-2006, 10:32 AM
The thing I hate the most is the people who dress ...okay lots of piercings, hair color changes daily, clothes look like they came from a dumpster and they live in fear of imapiling themselves on the numerous wrist bands with spikes sticking out from them. and they defend themselves with "Im original, different, Im not being a trend whore" Now just recently I would be like...your f*cking weird without any reason at all, so I thought about and came up with its okay to be different but there is a limit and to live a healthy live you have to be socially accepted...

06-17-2006, 12:26 PM
The thing I hate the most is the people who dress ...okay lots of piercings, hair color changes daily, clothes look like they came from a dumpster and they live in fear of imapiling themselves on the numerous wrist bands with spikes sticking out from them. and they defend themselves with "Im original, different, Im not being a trend whore" Now just recently I would be like...your f*cking weird without any reason at all, so I thought about and came up with its okay to be different but there is a limit and to live a healthy live you have to be socially accepted...

See: Scenesters, emo, goths, industrial fellows and all their dumb sub-groups...

The problem with them is that they're not being different at all, and if they really do feel the need to express their difference and individuality through their physical appearance, I consider it to be fairly sad... And it's even more pathetic when they refer to themselves in some kind of godly way upfront, and only want to talk to other "elite, unique individuals" like themselves...
I don't run into a cases that extreme very often, but it happens...

Not that I think people shouldn't dress like that, it's all about the "meaning" behind why they do it... If it's because they want to look different and unique, well then they're doing a piss-poor job...

.... *snaps out of it*... Oh right, slutty infants...
We walked down the 6th grade hallway at my friends' school (which is both a middle and a high school) a few years back, and it was like something out of a horror film...

Perfect Stu
06-19-2006, 01:11 PM
DH, dont be so hard on emos. Some of their parents don't even make 7 figures a year, life is cruel to them and they need everyone else to know it.

As for little girls, it's quite disgusting. I don't think its right to point the finger at MTV, though...point the damn finger at the parents. Parenting has become an inconvenience to so many people and I think it's absolutely pathetic. A friend of mine has a 13 or 14 year old sister and all she does is flirt. With us 19-21 year olds, with older (30+) men. I've heard stories, she'll tease guys and then get disgusted at them when they actually show interest. I've talked to my buddy, I told him that if she keeps that kind of behaviour up, she's a prime target to get raped/abused. A bunch of my other friends were like "thats a terrible thing to say, dude, its not her fault". I seriously dont think Im out of line at all by brining it up, I'm just stating what I think is a fact. Better she knows it now, gets slightly offended, but does something to change as opposed to think everything's fine and dandy until some dirty old man does whatever and has her depressed for 20 years.

06-19-2006, 01:29 PM
The thing I like the most about this discussion is that we are all quick to point the finger at the girls themselves and their parents, but never the boys and/or men who accept the girl's sexual advances and such.

06-19-2006, 01:37 PM
I seriously dont think Im out of line at all by brining it up

No man your in no way out of line, man I love the way society is right now, like its not frowned upon to publicly critisize smokers who smoke in public, and its not quite as frowned upon to publicly critisize people who are severly overweight...

My planning teacher was reading it over my shoulder and said
Personally I would have bitched her out, then her mom

Professor S
06-19-2006, 03:56 PM
The thing I like the most about this discussion is that we are all quick to point the finger at the girls themselves and their parents, but never the boys and/or men who accept the girl's sexual advances and such.

Thats the whole damn point! Men have always wanted to get into the pants of women, no matter what era it was. It was women who made them work for it and made them put a ring on their finger. Now that women have become just as promiscuous and slutty as men have always been, all Hell is breaking loose!

Also to counter your point, you don't see men wearing tight baby-tees and hip huggers (THANK GOD). We hide our ****.

06-19-2006, 05:13 PM
I'd like to point out how unacceptable Stonecutter's signature is. It says,

Is Snoopy gonna have to choke a bitch?

We cannot stand by and support that kind of message. And I don't think Charles Schulz would appreciate or endorse Snoopy saying such distasteful words.

Frankly, I see nothing wrong with replacing his signature with a new one that says,

I am rude and vulgar.

06-19-2006, 06:27 PM
The thing I like the most about this discussion is that we are all quick to point the finger at the girls themselves and their parents, but never the boys and/or men who accept the girl's sexual advances and such.
Can't agree more. It's a world that men created. Men wánt girls to dress up like that. :unsure:

06-19-2006, 08:19 PM
The thing I like the most about this discussion is that we are all quick to point the finger at the girls themselves and their parents, but never the boys and/or men who accept the girl's sexual advances and such.

Here's my penis and testosterone.


Perfect Stu
06-20-2006, 05:04 PM
The thing I like the most about this discussion is that we are all quick to point the finger at the girls themselves and their parents, but never the boys and/or men who accept the girl's sexual advances and such.

oh please.

cover your hand in honey, and a bear will bite your hand (and possibly some of your arm) off and enjoy eating it. whether its the right thing to do or not, it doesnt matter. fact is, the bear got his honey regardless.

my point? you shouldnt cover your hand in honey around bears. it serves no purpose, other than to get bitten off.

06-20-2006, 05:17 PM
oh please.

cover your hand in honey, and a bear will bite your hand (and possibly some of your arm) off and enjoy eating it. whether its the right thing to do or not, it doesnt matter. fact is, the bear got his honey regardless.

my point? you shouldnt cover your hand in honey around bears. it serves no purpose, other than to get bitten off.
Oh, that's fantastic. The next time I commit a crime I'm just going to go blame it on that human instinct.

06-20-2006, 06:47 PM
LMAO, so now we're relating this to criminal activity?!

06-20-2006, 08:16 PM
Reproduction serves one and only one purpose. To avoid extinction.

The fact is, guys are naturally really really attracted to lots and lots of girls. If we want to get on the subject of moral bounds we can talk marriage. If you're putting yourself out there...i dunno. it's hard to argue.

Professor S
06-20-2006, 08:28 PM
Oh, that's fantastic. The next time I commit a crime I'm just going to go blame it on that human instinct.

You're not addressing Stu's point. Yes, you can blame human instinct, but blame is different than an excuse. People do stupid, cruel and inhuman things all the time, and many times its either in the nature to do so or their actions are a result of their present condition.

None of this means the perpetrator shouldn't be punished; they should be punished to the fullest extent. It also doesn't make the girl any less raped. Whether its right or wrong to expect young women to dress more conservatively doesn't matter. Its irrelevant. What does matter is the reality of the situation, not the utopian ideal.

06-20-2006, 11:06 PM
This goes great with this:


A 14-year-old Travis County girl who said she was sexually assaulted by a Buda man she met on MySpace.com sued the popular social networking site Monday for $30 million, claiming that it fails to protect minors from adult sexual predators.

Solis contacted the girl through her MySpace Web site in April, telling her that he was a high school senior who played on the football team, according to the lawsuit.

In May, after a series of e-mails and phone calls, he picked her up at school, took her out to eat and to a movie, then drove her to an apartment complex parking lot in South Austin, where he sexually assaulted her, police said. He was arrested May 19.

06-21-2006, 12:43 AM
If he said he was a jighschool senier, and was lying, wouldnt she sort of....notice as soon as she saw him?

06-21-2006, 12:57 AM
If he said he was a jighschool senier, and was lying, wouldnt she sort of....notice as soon as she saw him?

jighschool? Been chatting with a lot of Spanish speakers lately? :) It always throws me way off when I'm chatting with my Colombian friend and he says jaja when something amuses him. It just doesn't register in my mind the same way haha does...

06-21-2006, 01:19 AM
jighschool? Been chatting with a lot of Spanish speakers lately? :) It always throws me way off when I'm chatting with my Colombian friend and he says jaja when something amuses him. It just doesn't register in my mind the same way haha does...

Haha, yeah I have some girl from Argentina on my list who I talk to a lot actually. But I've North Americanized her. She knows what lol, brb, omg, ttyl mean.

At least with me she says "haha".

06-21-2006, 09:29 AM
Well it's both parties are at fault. The girls don't have any values in place ( weather it be the parent's fault of the child's choice to ignore those values) and neither do the guys.

It's natural to want to have sex I mean this has always been there.........so it's not that back in the days people didn't want to screw around and have sex with numerous persons but it was their values that kept them from doing so. The values determined who, where and how. No values and "poof" natural desires run around uncontrolled.

So both parties are to blame. Men and Women.

Oh and btw I personally think proper values should be taught in the family.

Oh and The fingersman would have laid the smackdown on those to little girls. * sorry I just read a Rock interview a few days ago*

Perfect Stu
06-21-2006, 03:41 PM
Bond, you're missing my point completely. I don't know if thats just a reading comprehension issue (I doubt it, you're a smart guy) or you're just trying to find an arguement when there isnt one there.

Using my example again...suppose the bear knew that biting off someone's hand is a terrible thing to do. Let's say the bear gets shot afterwards, assuming the punishment fit the crime. That doesnt change the fact that the person still is left with only one hand, and the only sure way for the whole situation to be avoided would be to not slap on a bunch of honey.

I cant stand people who commit crimes let alone rapists/sexual predators, but this has nothing to do with that.

You're not addressing Stu's point. Yes, you can blame human instinct, but blame is different than an excuse. People do stupid, cruel and inhuman things all the time, and many times its either in the nature to do so or their actions are a result of their present condition.

None of this means the perpetrator shouldn't be punished; they should be punished to the fullest extent. It also doesn't make the girl any less raped. Whether its right or wrong to expect young women to dress more conservatively doesn't matter. Its irrelevant. What does matter is the reality of the situation, not the utopian ideal.


06-21-2006, 10:48 PM
id like to point out that there are guys out there who wont accept sex from any most women, and ARE NOT HOMOSEXUAL myself included.

06-22-2006, 05:25 AM
Same here MrCoffee. I'm still a proud virgin.
And I know most people will think I'm trying to talk myself out of the fact that I didn't have sex yet, but then consider this: I had a girlfriend for a year and we chose not to have sex. Religious principles aren't easily broken. :)

06-24-2006, 02:06 AM
There was sex before religion.

06-24-2006, 04:03 PM
I saw a little girl at the movie theater with a shirt that read, "I (heart symbol) rockstars."

She was with her mom so it couldn't have been something she was secretly wearing outside the house.

06-24-2006, 04:14 PM
What's wrong with loving rockstars. When I was 6 i was rocking out to the stones and beatles. I would have worn that shirt.

06-25-2006, 02:28 AM
actually there is two ways you can look at the situation...

06-25-2006, 12:04 PM
There was sex before religion.

Score one point for KillerGremlin

06-25-2006, 04:20 PM
This topic inspired me to go on one of my rare research expeditions, and I found out something rather interesting.

The latest studies show that rates of rape may actually be higher in rural areas than in urban areas. At the extreme, rape per capita in Alaska is more than twice the national average. And it can get even worse when you consider that rape counseling and reporting services are much less available in rural areas than it is in urban areas.

So next time you see a girl in a tight short skirt and tank top with high heels in the inner city, consider this: statistically she may actually be safer than the girl described in the first post of this thread.

06-25-2006, 08:49 PM
Sorry, I know this post is extremely late, but I haven't been able to find enough time to post a full reply until now.

Reproduction serves one and only one purpose. To avoid extinction.

The fact is, guys are naturally really really attracted to lots and lots of girls. If we want to get on the subject of moral bounds we can talk marriage. If you're putting yourself out there...i dunno. it's hard to argue.
Well, yes, we could debate that. I wasn't sure if this discussion should really head in a moral direction (where there will be some major disagreement) or stay at a point where most everyone can agree with the original editorial.

True, that guys are naturally really attracted to lots of girls, but that doesn't mean guys should have sex with lots of girls.

It's natural to want to have sex I mean this has always been there.........so it's not that back in the days people didn't want to screw around and have sex with numerous persons but it was their values that kept them from doing so. The values determined who, where and how. No values and "poof" natural desires run around uncontrolled.
Exactly. And only your instinct or your values can be correct. I would argue our instinct has gone astray and those damn values are correct.

Bond, you're missing my point completely. I don't know if thats just a reading comprehension issue (I doubt it, you're a smart guy) or you're just trying to find an arguement when there isnt one there.

Using my example again...suppose the bear knew that biting off someone's hand is a terrible thing to do. Let's say the bear gets shot afterwards, assuming the punishment fit the crime. That doesnt change the fact that the person still is left with only one hand, and the only sure way for the whole situation to be avoided would be to not slap on a bunch of honey.

I cant stand people who commit crimes let alone rapists/sexual predators, but this has nothing to do with that.
I see your point. Actually, I saw your point before, but I wasn't sure in which way I should reply to it so I decided to use a sarcastic one-line reply that probably wasn't the best choice. While I understand your point, I still do respectfully disagree with what you are saying.

There was sex before religion.
Your point? There was a God before sex.