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Professor S 11-21-2011 08:22 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I think at this point everyone is trying to show their worth, and that's why Dale is trying to hard to play mechanic (in the beginning), peacemaker, psychologist, and philosopher. He's old, and he has to be thinking what his value is in such violent times. For the audience I believe he plays the role of the observer/audience. In a world gone mad, we see it through his eyes.

Rick the the leader, Shane is the enforcer, Daryl is the hunter, Glenn is the courier, the chick is the sharp shooter, Dale is the sage, Rick's wife is the village slut, and T-Dogg is the... he's the... um... the next victim (hopefully).

KillerGremlin 11-21-2011 08:49 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 279676)
I think at this point everyone is trying to show their worth, and that's why Dale is trying to hard to play mechanic (in the beginning), peacemaker, psychologist, and philosopher. He's old, and he has to be thinking what his value is in such violent times. For the audience I believe he plays the role of the observer/audience. In a world gone mad, we see it through his eyes.

Rick the the leader, Shane is the enforcer, Daryl is the hunter, Glenn is the courier, the chick is the sharp shooter, Dale is the sage, Rick's wife is the village slut, and T-Dogg is the... he's the... um... the next victim (hopefully).

Not just the metaphorical observer....but the observer of common sense!

I mean come on! Lori has been sneaking away to have private convos with Shane since season 1. It's obvious she is boning him. I think Dale was on to that. I think Dale knew about Shane and Andrea right away....I think Dale sees stuff that everyone else is too retarded to notice. Except for that damn herd in Episode 1, why'd ya let me down Dale, why!? :lol:

Even though some of his stuff seemed obvious in the last episode, I really think his dialog was some of the most human dialog we have seen on the show.

The scene with Dale confronting Shane? That was BY FAR one of the best dialogs on the show so far. It felt real. Human. Like it wasn't written by George Lucas the Second, aka Kirkman and his writing team of monkeys.

If the show continues to improve like this it will be stellar stuff as it moves forward.

Even the Rick and Lori confrontation was much better done than past exchanges of forced dialog. The Rick and Lori exchanges regarding Carl were terrible. Shane and Rick's exchange last episode made me want to throw a remote at the writer's head. But this newest episode? Rick sounded like a normal fucking human.

I know people very well, and for the first time since Season 1 Episode 1, they've been getting the dialog right.

Edit: they even got some humorous dialog out of Glenn! And it was organic and didn't feel forced! I mean....I's like they hired a whole new team of dialog writers for the most recent episode.

Typhoid 11-21-2011 09:01 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

The scene with Dale confronting Shane? That was BY FAR one of the best dialogs on the show so far. It felt real.
I think that was one of the best moments in the show so far.

I agree that the last episode seemed a lot more human than the other recent episodes.

I fall back to my theory of why the writing style/acting consistency changes wildly; the creator of the show has some handjobs to pay off [for getting the show] so he's giving episode-writing-jobs and directing-jobs to friends, and friends of friends. So maybe now they've rifled through the shitty directors/writers that were owed favours, and are on to some people who are doing it for a job. Hopefully.

Professor S 11-27-2011 10:16 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Great episode tonight. The main characters are finding their voice and lines are starting to be drawn. Shane is crazy, but in a way that is understandable and people can be empathetic towards. Rick is showing that he can make the truly hard decisions. Dale is holding on to the group's humanity.

Just a very good episode.

Vampyr 11-28-2011 12:22 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Yep, best episode of the season.

The Maggie/Glenn dialogue is still cringe-worthy though.

KillerGremlin 11-28-2011 01:21 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Vampyr (Post 279873)
Yep, best episode of the season.

The Maggie/Glenn dialogue is still cringe-worthy though.

I think they're going for semi-camp and having fun with his dialog. But who knows with these writers.

Tonight's episode was the best episode in the series by far...


How the show moves forward is going to determine if tonight's payoff was worth the slow burn we had to endure for the first half of Season 2. If they don't start killing main characters (I'm looking at you, psycho Shane; and Hershel...crazy nutbag), or moving this plot forward....

After a 2 month hiatus and a fairly slow/awkward Season 2, I feel like the last 6 episodes better maintain the darkness. Shit better go down. If the next 6 episodes go back to 1st gear, than tonight's episode will get docked big time. You have to go up from here, right?

Anyone have predictions now that a whole lotta shit went down?

Professor S 11-28-2011 07:27 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I think the plot has moved forward quite a bit, but it has nothing to do with the farm or the army base. We are seeing these characters change. They are becoming hardened and at times, cruel. This is a necessary character arch if they are going to be able to leave the farm... and face the Governor.

Vampyr 11-28-2011 10:17 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
One thing I remembered during last night's episode, didn't Maggie ride in on a horse early on and decapitate a walker with a baseball bat?

What was with her character suddenly regressing to being Walker-friendly, and acting like the one in the pharmacy was the first one she had ever seen killed?

Teuthida 11-28-2011 02:37 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
She wacked it in the head but was still "alive." Darryl shot it afterwards.

Typhoid 11-28-2011 03:24 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I loved the episode.
I can't even put the ending into proper words. But I'll try.

I liked how earlier in their week they were anti-guns - and most of the people who knew about the barn were anti-shooting-walkers. Not their farm, etc. That type of thing.

All it took was one crazy alpha-male to Hitler the situation up and get them to blankly kill everyone in that barn. I noticed that every single person [of the group] at least killed 1 walker.

KillerGremlin 11-28-2011 04:04 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Dale didn't kill a Walker.

And Hershel went full retard with Rick when they went to round up zombies.

I mean Shane is fucking psycho, but he also was preaching some common sense. Hershel is by default a moron because he hasn't been outside the farm to see the real world.

I understand that most of the people in the barn are family members of Hershel, and I can empathize with that fact. But Rick blew a hole in Sophia's he also can relate to having close friends/family turning into a zombie.

I think the fact is, Hershel is going to be held at gunpoint most likely. He can either go with the flow, or die. Rick will be a pussy and go against this. And that will ultimately be the demise of Shane. All things considered....TV Shane does show more common sense than the core group. He just lacks empathy and is antisocial.

I found Andrea to be the most annoying character in this episode. Not annoying in a poorly acted or written sense, but I just find her character to be one degree removed from Shane. She too is on the brink of insanity. Honestly, if I was Dale I would peace the fuck out of there because that group is going to self destruct. But I'd shoot Andrea and Shane in the face first.

These Zombie films and TV shows are like survival tips 101. Things to NOT DO in a real zombie apocalypse. I wouldn't travel in a group with a whole bunch of morons. That's for sure.

Like I said....the show has momentum now, so they need to continue down the dark, self-destructive path.

Typhoid 11-28-2011 04:22 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Dale didn't kill a Walker.
Damn! I r corrected.

Anyways, I totally agree with everything you just said, and have nothing of value to add.

Vampyr 11-28-2011 08:24 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
One of the things I liked most about this episode was Shane's tirade, because to everyone else he looks insane, but what triggered is that he really thinks everyone else has lost their minds.

I mean, if you step back for a second, Rick is leading a Walker on a stick to store it in a barn. That's pretty crazy.

KillerGremlin 11-28-2011 11:49 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Rick's problem is that he wants to make everyone happy. As a leader, you can't do that. I think there's good "deeper meaning" in that development, even if it is unintentional by the writers.

Rick has tried to understand everyone, and the result has been lapses of common sense.

My question is what the heck happened to Sophia? Rick gave her pretty clear orders...and she can outrun the walkers. So when did she fall to the zombies.

Does anyone know if this was addressed on the Talking Dead or something? So far all the Talking Dead questions have been really dumb: "why don't the zombies go poop har har" but I think asking about where Sophia went would be a good question.

Maybe they will do a flashback to what happened to Sophia in the intro to one of the next episodes. That would be a worthwhile and awesome flashback. And it would be dark...seeing her bit by a Walker.

Angrist 11-29-2011 02:37 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Good episode. Oh, what did you think of the Portal reference? It's nice they try something like that, but in this case it didn't make sense.

What I was wondering about with Sophia is why the farm people didn't mention her to the group. They knew they were looking for a small girl.. well hey, they caught a small zombie girl the day before! If Hershel wanted them off the farm, why did he give them time to search for Sophia?
Also, a lot of farm equipment/people was used to search for her.

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