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magus113 04-07-2010 01:07 AM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 266575)
Yeah that's how it sounded to me as well.

Anyhow, I guess for the first round, we can try...

Well guess we need a topic for the first podcast. Any takers?


It doesn't have to follow this format, but it could be a three part podcast

Part 1: On the Rocks
Basically the Whatcha been Playing/Reading/Watching Segment of the show
It could be topical or just what's going on with the guest of the week.

Part 2: Survey Says
Would be the Segment of the Week. So a roundtable discussion on a singular subject. A game, a comic series, a movie, TV show

PArt 3: What's On Tap
A look ahead at next week. What movies are coming out u wanna see, if there's any big events like a Con or e3, games/dvds/blu-rays /comics coming out. Etc

I mean it doesn't need to follow this format, just an idea

I like it! It keeps a structure to the podcast while keeping it open for any new ideas or topics, and since there's always something new when you're coverings many types of media like games, books, comics, and movies.

Teuthida 04-07-2010 03:23 AM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
So segment ideas I came up with talking to Babs:

Given the insulting from our last endeavor I propose a segment called Angry Drunk where the edited out tasteless comments and namecalling which are bound to happen are thrown together and tacked on as a closer to the show.

Or since so many of you are fond of making drunk threads we could have a call in line where you ramble off your insane drunken slurs for the Angry Drunk section.

Or it could be Prof S's segment...I kid I kid.

And then there is the name. Don't want to use "GameTavern" since won't really be the focus. Babs wants something with "With A Twist." There was also "Hair of the Dog, Eye of the Newt" and "Hair of the Dog, Eye of the Tiger" but those sound like Kung Fu movies.

Thought "With a Twist" could be a segment where someone delves into something to talk about and then ask what the twist is. 9 times out of 10 it'll be stupid or an insult.
"And that's how you create your own subatomic particle accelerator."
"And what's the twist?"
"Your mother's a whore."
"Goodnight everybody."

Tried using a band name generator and got:
* Tavern Of The Spinning Drip
* Tavern Of The Forum Morality
* Villain Tavern And The Moon
* Tavern Of The Elusive Cocoa
* Sensual Tavern
* Tavern Android Of The Radiant Flaw
* Intelligent With A Twist And The Tendency
* With A Twist Under Empty
* With A Twist Retention
* With A Twist Of The Colon (ouch)
* Tavern Schwank
* Premature Tavern Of The Bending Pinky
* Tavern Primate And The Florida
* Tavern Project Of The Backroom Nostalgia
* Lunch Of The Tavern Confusion
* First Class Tavern Of The Double Ostrich
* Twist Cork And The Clever Addiction
* Loud Twist And The Veggie Tomato
* Twist Creme Of The Jaded Muffin
* Twist Liquid And The Pubic Junkee

5 O'Clock Podcast, because it's 5 o'clock somewhere.

KillerGremlin 04-07-2010 05:14 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
I usually suggest porn but how do you do that over a podcast? :ohreilly:

Typhoid 04-07-2010 05:18 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
I like "Loud Twist And The Veggie Tomato", or just "With a twist" works.

BreakABone 04-07-2010 05:29 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 266665)
I like "Loud Twist And The Veggie Tomato", or just "With a twist" works.

I actually like the name, "Just with A Twist"

KillerGremlin 04-07-2010 05:34 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
A titty twist. There we go, we can tie my pr0n into the title. Brilliant.

Keatonmr 04-07-2010 05:38 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
None of the names are clicking for me personally. I'm not gonna be the one naysayer though, if the majority want the podcast to be named something, I'll go with it haha. Yay democracy! Anyways, I really like the 3 segments listed and think they are all great ideas. Question, how many people do you think we should have on the podcast at once?

Teuthida 04-07-2010 06:36 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
Three on average. No more than five at a time.

BreakABone 04-08-2010 01:32 AM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
Okay so we still don't have a topic for the first podcast, which is always a good start, but was thinking if you folks wanted to try and record tomorrow or Friday night.

I think we can do 4 for the first podcast so Keaton, and I guess 3 people. It would be a basic introduction to the podcast and what we hope to accomplish. I guess segment 2 and 3 could be what's going on and what's going to happen next week.

Just an idea. Not around much this weekend so wanted to throw it out there.

magus113 04-08-2010 01:40 AM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
I'm down if you guys are. I should be able to contribute as long as I get a headset or a mic. Getting a new laptop tomorrow and I don't know if it has a built-in webcam or microphone.

uber_paddler 04-08-2010 02:13 AM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
I'm also in the "need to get a decent mic first" camp. I have a feeling my laptop's built-in mic won't do the job.

magus113 04-08-2010 02:52 AM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2

Originally Posted by uber_paddler (Post 266715)
I'm also in the "need to get a decent mic first" camp. I have a feeling my laptop's built-in mic won't do the job.

As long as I have one I'm okay but I've been in need of a good headset for a while since my mom sat on my last good pair. So pissed.

Keatonmr 04-08-2010 04:34 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
If you guys are wondering if your sound is good enough or not, try talking to me on Skype and we can figure that out.

Xantar 04-08-2010 06:09 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
I already have a mic and everything. My voice will sound weird because it's just naturally that way.

To start with, how about a segment about upcoming movies? And how come there are so many mercenary on the run movies all of a sudden? The Losers, The Expendables and The A Team all at once? Seriously?

Also, you could close by endorsing a remixed videogame song that you really like.

Typhoid 04-08-2010 07:32 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
I still haven't found my mic.

Truth be told, I haven't started looking.
So, there's that.

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