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Dylflon 04-10-2010 06:56 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
I demand to be an 'expert' on the movie podcast.

Dylflon 04-10-2010 07:01 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2

Originally Posted by TheSlyMoogle (Post 266856)
I could partake in some podcasting action I suppose. Get a little of that gay opinion up in dis bitch.

I suggest doing a gay report when you're on.

The segment could be called "Things That are Gay with John Holliday"

BreakABone 04-11-2010 12:42 AM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
So seems like this week's podcast isn't going to happen

So had two ideas for next week, depending on the forum.

First, would be dependent on who got Splinter Cell: Convinction could provide coverage on that.

If not, could be on Kick-Ass, thoughts on the comics, what expect from the movie.

And if we don't do it this week, could do a Kick-Ass comics to film discussion the week after.


for names, based on direction song was going

was thinking something like 8-Bite podcast. I mean you can sometimes get food in a tavern/bar/pub. And well it is still a gaming site, I know its a bad pun.

Just trying out different things.

BreakABone 04-11-2010 02:07 AM

GT Podcast Help
So I'm trying to put together a new podcast as I mentioned before, and before that can get off the ground.

Working on some things, I know already discussing in the other thread, but not everyone is checking it out, so figured would have this thread for general help.

First up is coming up with a name, we've been batting a few around. The main goal at least to me is to find a way to merge both the "Tavern" part of the name with the "Game" part of the name. With that said, here are a few of the suggestions

With a Twist
Just with a Twist
8 Bit Heist
8 Bit Bang!
Almost Gamers
The Nerd Round-Up
Cactus Punch
Life Potion

I mean just some ideas, feel free to throw some out, say which you think should stay, which should be burned and buried in the back.

Second off is the music, I posted samples of 2 songs my friend made for me in the other thread, but also trying to find songs from other sources. So far got some music from Wild Arms and Wild Guns, which is some pretty cool digitized western music.

Again offer up any suggestions or anything.

Teuthida 04-11-2010 02:26 AM

Re: GT Podcast Help

(Mmm) Nerdtenders
Just Us Cast
Weekly Nerd Heap
Nerds On The Rocks (Are A Bloody Mess)
10-Gallon Hat, 8-Bit Horse
Tased and Confused, Bro
8-Bit Bottles of Beer on the Screen
Canadian Cowboys of the Wild Wild Internets
Rory P. Cantaloupe and the Erotic Asparagus of Certain Doom

BreakABone 04-11-2010 01:56 PM

Re: GT Podcast Help
Another idea just had

The Good, The Bad and the (Pod)cast

BreakABone 04-12-2010 01:19 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
Okay so going through the list of people, gonna put down their field and add/subtract/disagree with me.

Magus- Video games (owns a Ps3 and Wii), manga/anime, some movies
Uber_Paddler- Video games (owns a PSwii60), manga/anime
Professor S- Video games (owns a 360 and Wii?), some comics, politics
Swan- Video games (owns a 360), comics, movies
Jason1- Video games (PS3 and Wii)
Typhoid- Video games (PS3/Wii), music, movies,sports
Xantar- Video games (Wii), movies, some comics, TV shows
Bond- Video games (360), some TV shows
Carnage- Video games (360), sports, movies, music
Dylflon- Video games (360/wii), movies, music, TV, s ports

thatmariolover 04-12-2010 02:31 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
I'm surprised this thread got as far as it did without my notice. If it's going to be official maybe we should sticky it (then again, I could just learn to read).

Regardless, I'd be happy to participate in any way you guys might need. I can do recording, transcription, editing (both video and audio), and content.

magus113 04-12-2010 03:19 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
I'm down with the Nerds on the Rocks (Are a Bloody Mess) title. Haven't listened to the themes so I can't offer my opinion.

I also have SOME knowledge of comics. We could also talk about the Losers since the movie will be coming relatively soon, although the format Earl suggested for the first podcast looked good to me.

BreakABone 04-12-2010 03:58 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
Okay so TML has agreed to record and edit for us.

I think depending on the time frame, we may need someone else to record and send to him.

Now with that settled, we have the name/music issue to work on, which is in the other thread.

Third, I want folks to send samples of their audio quality eitiher via like a minute long monologue of sorts or adding me on Skype and testing it out there.

Thank you.

Hope to record Wedn/Thurs night this week.

BreakABone 04-13-2010 05:20 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
Okay, I think we have determined a name

Nerds on The Rocks

We have an idea of the format.

We have someone who will edit.

We just need to get the staff and the recording dates down.

And another song for your ears. I'm REALLY fond of this one.

Keatonmr 04-13-2010 05:43 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
Yeah, I really like Nerds On The Rocks.

We could wait a couple days and discuss Kick-Ass. I'm seeing a showing on Thursday

BreakABone 04-13-2010 10:14 PM

Nerds on the Rocks Episode 1
Okay, I think we have finally settled on a name. (I really like so it counts for something)

We have a semi-working theme song.
Any feedback is appreciated as this whole project is a work in progress.

Now we just need to come up with a recording schedule. TML has agreed to edit the cast, and I'm sure we can find some place to host it.

As stated before, Keaton has agreed to be the host for now (Unless he has changed his mind) and we have a stable of people who want to have their voices heard. At best, want the staff to rotate around the main topic of discussion for the week.

Now for episode 1, we have a lot of ways to go but the basic breakdown.

On The Rocks (Segment One)
Will be the segment where folks talk about what new media they have consumed.
I would like this to be known ahead of time. If nothing else, I want to make sure that everyone on the podcast for the week knows what the other person is talking about. They don't need to know intricate details, but they need to know if its a CD, a movie, a comic series or whatever it is.

Survey Says (Segment Two)
This week is still a toss-up. Depending on when we record and people's purchasing habits, it can either be a discussion of Kick-Ass (the comic and the movie, how it compares and all that jazz) or it can be a look at Splinter Cell: Convinction.

None of us are real pros, but I believe its also NPD week, I don't suggest it.

On Tap (Segment 3)
This is a combination news/look ahead segment.
Depending on the week, it can be a recap of nerd news. New Ultimate Spiderman cartoon, Joss Whedon directing the Avengers, and the likes.

Or it can be a discussion of the movie of the week (Kick-Ass/The Losers), new comics (Brightest Day), Blu-ray/DVD news (LoTR just released), TV shows (24, LOST. W/e)

So here's the thread, want some solid ideas and a firm time.

magus113 04-13-2010 10:34 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 1
I'm in class until 7:40 Eastern tomorrow, and it takes me generally about an hour and a half to finally relax after having dinner and the like. So I'm good after that. Thursday nights are generally good for me as well. I would also say Saturday morning/afternoon is good for me, but I might be having some plans for this coming Saturday that'll cause me to have to stay out. Sunday nights are great too.

BreakABone 04-15-2010 12:41 AM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 1
Okay I had another idea for the middle portion of the podcast.

Today marks the final day of Xbox Live for original Xbox games.

So thought would be a cool thing to look at the development/evolution of console gaming over the past 9 years.

Where it has come, where you hope to see it go.

Jason1 04-15-2010 04:48 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 1
I suggest discussing God of War III

uber_paddler 04-15-2010 05:02 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 1

Originally Posted by Jason1 (Post 267181)
I suggest discussing God of War III

Yeah, that could probably be done in the media consumption block, though.

magus113 04-15-2010 05:14 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 1
Not much to discuss really. The franchise altogether could be a better discussion as well. I have a few tidbits of info of about how they're going to take the series from here on in as well.

manasecret 04-15-2010 06:27 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
I'm down for contributing.

My areas of expertise: Electronic engineering, some video games (PC, Wii, and PS3), some movies, a little music, Houston, New Orleans, Texas, some rock climbing, some Europe travel, Malta, Italy, long walks along the beach, etc.

Maybe this ought to be a once a month thing, so we don't over extend ourselves trying to get things out every week when we really don't have much interesting stuff to talk about.

EDIT: Oh, and I can talk about micro-brews and alcohol. We could do like a drink of the week/month, have clanking bottles and talking about what goes in it while making it, and then a taste test right then and there.

BreakABone 04-15-2010 06:37 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 1
So can we try and get this rolling tonight around 8 pm, if anyone is around?

magus113 04-15-2010 07:25 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 1
8:30 might be better. Dinner first. Man's gotta eat.

Keatonmr 04-15-2010 08:19 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 1
Tomorrow evening would be better for me than tonight, because tonight, I am seeing Kick-Ass haha

magus113 04-15-2010 08:32 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 1

Originally Posted by Keatonmr (Post 267201)
Tomorrow evening would be better for me than tonight, because tonight, I am seeing Kick-Ass haha

Go you!

magus113 04-15-2010 08:39 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 1
Tomorrow would be great also btw. I definitely could do that.

BreakABone 04-20-2010 01:34 PM

Nerds on the Rocks Episode 2
I know episode 1 isn't even out yet (it will hopefully be up sometime tonight) but I wanted to get some people lined up for this week's episode so we could schedule a time.

This week's episode will mainly focus on cartoons/shows based on video games. So if you have any experience in this field, come on down.

magus113 04-20-2010 02:28 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 2
I'm down

thatmariolover 04-20-2010 11:36 PM

Nerds on the Rocks: Part 1
Well here it is, GT's official podcast episode number 1. There are a few mic situations to get ironed out but I thought the dialogue was really good. Regardless, it's been a long time coming.

BreakABone 04-21-2010 12:42 AM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks: Part 1
Its the first show, there will be some growing pains.

Magus sounds like he is speaking on a cell's speakerphone, but he already is working on fixing that.

There seems to be random times when the audio breaks and it does kind of get annoying, but assume part of the program.

There are also random sounds throughout the show. Maybe, we should record in smaller chunks and then paste them together.

As a whole though, I enjoyed the podcast. The discussion seemed natural, and the three host seemed knowledgeable for the most part, granted, I disagree with some of their points (think most people credit Blade/X-men with the comic book resurgence), but it was listenable.

The three of them seemed to work well together. I thought anyhow. So may need to go back to the drawing board.

Some other deals, I know there was no intro/outtro for this episode, but that was more due to the recording software. We shall get this worked out for next week.

The third segment, at least when I pitched it was named, "On Tap" but may re-tool the segments as well.

I like the discussion of a topic, a big news story and then something simple to wrap the show around.

Xantar 04-21-2010 11:01 AM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 266930)
Xantar- Video games (Wii), movies, some comics, TV shows

Bond and I can also talk about law if it ever comes up. I know there are still people out there filing anti-videogame lawsuits.

BreakABone 04-21-2010 11:15 AM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
Speaking of different areas of expertise

Was thinking/hoping to have a podcast with Germie, Dylflon, Teuthida and maybe Gekko about video games being art.

I figured, they represent the 3 standard sense of art and Gekko is trying to be a developer. And well he is bitter so should make a good listen.

Okay throwing out some other ideas/dates

Around the release of Prince of Persia, we can have a podcast focused on video game movies. What has come, what is in the pipeline and what you think works as a future movie.

The Germanator 04-21-2010 12:21 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2
I'd love to be involved, but I don't have any kind of headset/microphone computer technology unfortunately...

BreakABone 04-21-2010 01:06 PM

Re: GT Podcast Round 2

Originally Posted by The Germanator (Post 267531)
I'd love to be involved, but I don't have any kind of headset/microphone computer technology unfortunately...

All of that fancy musical equipment and you folks couldn't buy a single usb mic. :P

You can get one on the cheap...

Teuthida 04-21-2010 02:22 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks: Part 1
Babs pretty much said everything.

You're quite an eloquent dude Mags though shame your sound quality sucked. Towards the end almost every other word out of Keaton's mouth got cut off. And Uber who had the best sound spoke the least.

I tuned out in the beginning for the Xbox talk but was pretty enthralled for the rest of the show.

A little constructive criticism. You guys would frequently namedrop GT and Babs but have to take into account that there would be folks listening who aren't aware of the site (maybe not this once there's a proper intro) or even Babs. (I know what you're thinking: Who on the internet doesn't know Earl? Surprisingly there are a few.) Had a good conversation going on but seemed a little unaware of having a listener audience.

Good job guys. Leaps and bounds better than the last attempt two years ago.

thatmariolover 04-21-2010 02:32 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks: Part 1

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 267536)
Babs pretty much said everything.

You're quite an eloquent dude Mags though shame your sound quality sucked. Towards the end almost every other word out of Keaton's mouth got cut off. And Uber who had the best sound spoke the least.

I tuned out in the beginning for the Xbox talk but was pretty enthralled for the rest of the show.

A little constructive criticism. You guys would frequently namedrop GT and Babs but have to take into account that there would be folks listening who aren't aware of the site (maybe not this once there's a proper intro) or even Babs. (I know what you're thinking: Who on the internet doesn't know Earl? Surprisingly there are a few.) Had a good conversation going on but seemed a little unaware of having a listener audience.

Good job guys. Leaps and bounds better than the last attempt two years ago.

Once we do introductions for episodes and get a podcast subscription system through iTunes it should be a bit smoother as well.

uber_paddler 04-21-2010 02:37 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks: Part 1
Yeah, this probably wasn't the best episode for me to be on, lol. I rarely play on Xbox Live, didn't play the original at all, and don't read comic books or watch Joss Whedon shows. Though at least I managed to keep a certain degree my characteristic monotony out of my voice.

magus113 04-21-2010 03:17 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks: Part 1
I was kinda bothered after recording thinking that I talked so much. I think that after a while I tend to get very repetitive and fumble over words. I'm glad someone found some good in that though. I've already got my Rock Band mic as a better alternative until I can snag a nice Logitech headset with a boom mic.

thatmariolover 04-21-2010 03:24 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks: Part 1

Originally Posted by magus113 (Post 267542)
I've already got my Rock Band mic as a better alternative until I can snag a nice Logitech headset with a boom mic.

I still have an old Logitech PS2 USB mic that I originally got for WoW ages ago. It has served me very well for a long time.

uber_paddler 04-22-2010 10:40 AM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 2
Well, since this thread seems to be dying, I'm definitely willing to participate again. I'm down to record pretty much whenever. Well, I have to study today for my exam tomorrow. Of course I have to become inebriated after said exam. Other than that, any time is good.

BreakABone 04-22-2010 12:25 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 2
Just some general suggestions as always.

I think we should record in smaller chunks, perhaps do like 15-20 minute sessions of recording. And then a short break. One makes it easier for the person editing the podcast, but also gives you folks time to discuss what going to talk about next. Maybe get some notes/find links or whatever in case everyone draws a blank.

Also since, there were some minor technical issues, could potentially help to alleviate them.

Another thing, I think there should be an intro and then an agenda run-down before the theme song.
Like Hi my name is X, and X and X and this week we will talk about Y,Y and Y. Theme Song... and then Welcome to Nerds on the Rock, and go from there.

As for naming suggestions,

I believe originally was like, On The Rocks, Survey Says and On Tap

On The Rocks is taken since name of the podcast haha

So let's see,
we can still use Nerds on Tap for the news portion.
And will think

Teuthida 04-22-2010 12:28 PM

Re: Nerds on the Rocks Episode 2
See if you can get your musical wizard to do really short (a couple seconds) jingles for each segment.

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