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crenk 04-06-2012 05:45 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
One of my most favourite tv serie which I love a lot.

Teuthida 07-09-2012 12:13 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Found this very cool.

And a preview clip from Season 3:

Teuthida 07-13-2012 08:49 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

manasecret 07-15-2012 10:28 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Merle's back, baby. Merle's back.

jamesbuttler 07-16-2012 06:20 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Hello dude,

I am huge fan of horror Tv Show and Movies...The Walking Dead is My one of best Tv show....THe character of this Tv show look real ghost...I shock to see the character of this tv show......

manasecret 07-16-2012 06:48 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Well Mr. Buttler, Merle truly is a ghost from the past. It is a good shock to see him back.

Teuthida 10-15-2012 08:01 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
It's back. Thought that was a solid first episode.

Vampyr 10-15-2012 03:23 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
It was good, but I continue to be amazed that the dumbest people on earth appear to the ones who survive the zombie apocalypse. They just make the most horrible choices.

We'll take this old man, our only doctor and person capable of delivering a baby, and put him on the front lines!

Vampyr 10-22-2012 10:07 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Second episode was also really good. This season is shaping up nicely.

I'm so glad Rick killed Mexican-Shane. Really shows the character has learned not to even let crap like that get started anymore. Was also interesting to see how the hardened criminals reacted to Rick and company, who, after everything they've went through, are way more tough.

Angrist 11-04-2012 03:15 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I'm a bit late with watching this, so here are my thoughts on episode 1:

- Have they never seen real pregnant women? They don't look like someone trying to keep a pillow under their shirt. They also can't wear skinny jeans.
- Apparently we're starving... but there's no way we're eating dog food! We'd rather die than eat dog food, seriously!
- Hey we've found the perfect way to dispose of zombies! You just lure them to a fence and stab them through the head. Now that we know that, let's waste all our bullets on them and when we have no more bullets, let's enter an enclosed area and try our luck in hand to hand combat. No one lives forever, right?
- I've asked this in season 2... but if you turn zombie, does the bone in your skull disappear? Apparently you can perforate one with the blunt side of a broomstick.
- Ok we abandoned the cars, have no food and are now in a square mile's field with no roof above our heads. Can we please stay here forever?? Pleeeease? If we had some seeds we could even grow some vegetables to stay alive! In the mean time let's sing songs around the campfire so the viewers will understand that we have found ultimate happiness.
- Weren't they like really good at hugging a zombie and then stabbing it to death? Why do they start running like a bunch of morons when they're inside and see some zombies come around the corner?
- I'm an Afro-American chick with a sword! My role in this series is to look angry!
- I'm a redneck badass with a crossbow, but when I get really scared I try to wave the zombies away with my flashlight!
- So one guy (as Vampyr already pointed out: let's put our only doctor on the front line!) gets bitten in his leg and it's bleeding. He's already infected so all we need to do is keep him from dying. Hmm how do we stop the bleeding? ... I know! Let's cut off his leg!!! He'll be forever thankful!
- Wait, we almost forgot the drama! What can we come up with this time? Eh ok so Rick doesn't want to talk to his wife, ok? Woah we'll have enough drama to last the whole season!

Ok that's about it. Apart from that, the episode was decent.

BreakABone 11-04-2012 10:22 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I'm just not gonna believe it until next week! >.<

Vampyr 11-05-2012 07:39 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I knew T-Dog was dead as soon as he had more than one line.

Teuthida 11-05-2012 01:31 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
RIP T-Dog. I was happy he was finally getting more lines. Should have known.

Wasn't feeling anything during the Lori and Carl scene. Thought it was too bad since I usually get really emotionally involved in the shows I watch. But then that the flashback...and then seeing Rick's reaction. :baby:

Also really liked the Governor's twitch when he was speaking to Merle.

I'm just waiting until zombie baby. Has to happen.


Originally Posted by Angrist
I've asked this in season 2... but if you turn zombie, does the bone in your skull disappear? Apparently you can perforate one with the blunt side of a broomstick.

Yeah, that is odd. This ep had Glen slice a skull completely in half with what was probably a dull knife.

KillerGremlin 11-06-2012 01:27 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Maybe I'm just over the whole nerd rage thing, or maybe Season 2 set the bar so low for absolute pile of shit, but damn!

This season is fucking good! And they are deviating from the comics.

I like it.

I have....nothing to really nitpick about. Sure, the show isn't Breaking Bad, but it never will be. They really turned this show around with Season 3, and I'm ready to eat my hat or whatever.

Also: Dexter. Another show that went to fuck-shit-fuck after Season 2 and cruised controlled into the crapper, and surprisingly turned it around big time this season.

What the fuck is going on? Who cares?! I have entertainz.

Also, RIP Lori. You were a proverbial thorn in my real ass. But we all loved you. And you lasted longer than the black guy.

Angrist 11-06-2012 03:52 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Ok I'm up-to-date with the show again. What can I say? People had to die, it was time for a change. But I actually expected Rick to go before Lori. It would be nice to see what happens to the group when Rick dies. Daryl would probably go solo while the rest would try to find another 'leader'.

Anyway, I still think it's stupid how they handle the zombies. Like in the last episode, why wasn't anyone carrying his melee weapon? That was incredibly retarded and we saw what happened. More people dying needlessly.

I didn't expect to get emotion with Lori dying (I still think she was a psychotic bitch), but it was a pretty strong scene.

Just wondering: in the comics, was the Governor also in a town? I was under the impression he was ruling the prison. Not that it matters much...

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