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KillerGremlin 10-14-2011 04:44 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Fox 6 (Post 279000)
So now that breaking bad is over, this show is picking up again. Given that they have diverted from the source material I have no idea what to expect. How many episodes is this season gonna be?

I'm pretty sure it was picked up for 13 episodes.

I've already lowered my expectations. They have Shane (Jon Bernthal) credited/casted for the whole 2nd season.

Killing Shane is CENTRAL to the comic. It is the only plot point you really need to follow to a tee to still be considered a "Walking Dead" tv show. The fact that they pussied out and don't seem to be going down that path is sad but also fucking ridiculous. The comic isn't a force of great dialog, it's not really a complex or complicated comic. I don't get it. =/

If you don't kill downplay Lori and Rick's issues. You lose the emotions during the prison stuff. It really downplays a lot of what makes the comic so good. And so my prediction is we are going to see typical TV-drama bullshit. Mounting tension between Lori, Shane, and Rick. Unspectacular and cliched writing. They could have made the show dark (like how it is supposed to be) but instead they are going to create faux drama.

They have casted Hershel Greene and it looks like the first 6 or 7 episodes will involve the Greene farm and life on the countryside. No mention of stopping in the suburbs....which could have been really creepy and fun.

I dunno, we will have to wait and see. Season 1 was B- or C+ TV for me. They captured the ambiance perfectly, the story not so much.

Angrist 10-14-2011 04:47 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
But they covered themselves with contagious zombie gore! That's a pretty good story right?!?!

KillerGremlin 10-14-2011 04:58 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 279002)
But they covered themselves with contagious zombie gore! That's a pretty good story right?!?!

Uggghhhh....don't remind me of that horribly acted episode. That is the type of comic violence that is campy and comicy enough that the show's writers should have cleaned up or just kept out of the TV show.

It's clear that their writing team isn't the best in the business.

KillerGremlin 10-14-2011 05:19 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
From the man himself:


KIRKMAN: I will say that some of that came from the fact that we had a six-episode first season. It didn't feel right to get through Shane's story in six episodes and wrap it up. Jon Bernthal is doing such an amazing job with the character that we don't really want to get rid of Shane any time soon. The guy could live forever.

I will say this: I get no small amount of delight from making jokes about killing that guy every time I'm doing a convention or panel with Jon Bernthal. That guy loves being on this show, and I go a little overboard. I'm expecting him to deck me at some point. We'll be on a panel and I'll go, "Keep on lipping off, buddy — we'll be getting rid of you soon!" He's a good sport about it, but I want to keep Shane around to keep bugging Jon Bernthal.

Who knows what motives are behind the decision. :ohreilly: Do I get a reward for making the first Kirkman-George Lucas comparison? I hope it's pie.

Angrist 10-15-2011 11:32 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Hm so when's season 2 starting again?

Fox 6 10-15-2011 11:43 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Sunday the 16th

Teuthida 10-16-2011 10:41 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Vampyr 10-16-2011 11:19 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Pretty good episode. The only thing I dislike so far is how completely idiotic the characters can be sometimes.

BreakABone 10-17-2011 01:29 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Vampyr (Post 279024)
Pretty good episode. The only thing I dislike so far is how completely idiotic the characters can be sometimes.

I think, in some ways, it just deals with being stuck in a situation where normal rules don't always work.

Like during a character's speech, I actually felt sympathetic towards suicide attempts because, I mean at the end of the day, you are only fighting for your survival in this world. So why not go out on your own terms?

KillerGremlin 10-17-2011 04:01 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
An entertaining first episode, I still feel like this show has yet to move out of the C or B-grade level.

I'm mostly referring to some of the amateur hour acting. This stuff is unavoidable in the horror genre, which is probably why many directors go for the horror-comedy route. :D

But they need to tighten some of this stuff up. The Bambi, fuck-me looks were weird. And every scene with T-Dog has suggested that T-Dog deserves his horrible nickname.

I've already complained about plot so I'm just going along for the ride. The zombies and cinematography were good, let's hope they can keep the post-Apocalyptic ride going.

Teuthida 10-17-2011 06:05 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Just waiting for T-Dog to come out and say it's alright if they just call him Theodore or something. Then again the actor's name is IronE...sooo yeah.

Since they're going to the farm in the next ep does that mean they're skipping over Tyreese?

Skill not crazy about the show for the reasons KG mentioned. Can't help but think how awesome it would be with Mad Men or Breaking Bad caliber acting.

Shall stick it out until a certain character shows up. She'll make or break this for me. Not sure if it'll be this season though. Dunno how much they're going to stretch things out.

Vampyr 10-17-2011 10:05 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 279027)
I think, in some ways, it just deals with being stuck in a situation where normal rules don't always work.

Like during a character's speech, I actually felt sympathetic towards suicide attempts because, I mean at the end of the day, you are only fighting for your survival in this world. So why not go out on your own terms?

Eh, although that was really bad, and I was cringing during her entire speech, there were other bad parts I was thinking of. Like trying to assemble that gun while the zombie was outside the door, and that dude almost cutting his arm off, and the little girl not waiting on Rick.

It removes a lot of suspense from the show when the characters do things that make me think they deserve to die, rather than continuing to empathize with them.

BreakABone 10-17-2011 10:57 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Vampyr (Post 279031)
Eh, although that was really bad, and I was cringing during her entire speech, there were other bad parts I was thinking of. Like trying to assemble that gun while the zombie was outside the door, and that dude almost cutting his arm off, and the little girl not waiting on Rick.

It removes a lot of suspense from the show when the characters do things that make me think they deserve to die, rather than continuing to empathize with them.

I guess to each their own.

I will agree with you, I thought it was awful that she was trying to assemble the gun while the zombie was in there. Especially since.. you know... she doesn't know how to. :lol:

And the little girl just seemed like an easy plot point, but where the hell could she sneak off to without them tracking her. Even mentioned only one set of tracks so not like she found another person.

KillerGremlin 10-17-2011 02:09 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I didn't understand the gun assembly scene either; if you have zero clue how to put a gun together, why make the noise. But I let that one slide because the make-up was awesome on the camper zombie, and the screw driver finish was eye-wrenching.

The other scene that no one has mentioned is the scene where they cut open the zombie. The way that Daryl had to do the two-handed knife...hahaha...I was laughing. I actually wonder if that scene was intentionally supposed to bring on some camp/cheese. It definitely had the over-the-top gore of a good B-flick. "It's just a woodchuck," lololol. I'm glad you can basically take a bath in Zombie blood and not become infected.

KillerGremlin 10-17-2011 02:11 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 279029)
Shall stick it out until a certain character shows up. She'll make or break this for me. Not sure if it'll be this season though. Dunno how much they're going to stretch things out.

I heard that she will show up. No Governor though...and so I'm guessing no prison?

KillerGremlin 10-17-2011 03:31 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Really interesting dichotomy. The community is like, "meh," but a lot of TV Review websites are singing praise. I guess because this is the only zombie show on TV? Or maybe people aren't familiar with the source material?

From Reddit:


I really dont understand the "pet the deer" (???) thing at the end. I thought at first they were going to let the boy shoot the deer "right of passage" style. But ... just let him wander up? and pet it? Is that what he was trying to do? Are these people retarded?


The girl was inside the Deer!

And she was shooting her way out!


Zombie trying to break in and get you? I'll just lift you up onto the roof to safety with me. JK, here's a screwdriver.


UNDER THE CARS?! what a great plan!

Maybe if they followed the comic this wouldn't be such a common reaction:

I hope both kids are dead, they are really dragging the show down.

Lots of discussion about the cheesy opening monologue, the church scenes, and filler sequences. And commercials (although I pre-recorded it, fast forward ftw).

And people are hypothesizing that at the CDC the guy whispered to Rick that:
Lori is pregnant. It would make sense.


'What Lies Ahead' is an amazing premiere for The Walking Dead: Season Two. I was as worried as anybody else when it was announced that Darabont was no longer showrunner, and convinced we were in store for a less than stellar season.


"What Lies Ahead" was the perfect set up for season two. There was a nice balance of calm apprehension and full-on zombie fighting that kept the pace from feeling like it dragged on for too long in any moment. The 90-minute episode was worth the wait and it's obvious that all the pulse pounding, breath catching, and heart stopping moments will have viewers craving and clawing for more. Indeed, The Walking Dead is back!

IGN liked it:


I've seen the first two episodes of the season (produced under Darabont's vision), and so far, the only complaint I have for The Walking Dead season 2 is that they didn't send me more. What lies ahead for the show remains to be seen, but if "What Lies Ahead" the episode is any indication, The Walking Dead may have finally found its stride.

Really interesting split between the nerds and the general public. Now I feel like an asshole for being such a critic and whiner. I'm a fucking whiner, ha. But then like Teuthida said, Breaking Bad is such a good well-acted. And Kirkman's comic really conveys an intense sense of dread. When I read the comic my mouth was open and I was thinking "holllly shit" numerous times. So far the TV show hasn't really made me feel super tense, except for maybe the scene in the house in the suburbs and the roof scene early on in Season 1.

Is this show shaping up to be the next Lost?

Angrist 10-17-2011 06:35 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Hm, I just sat through the show. I didn't want to form too much of an opinion... some stuff I liked, other I didn't.
Pretty much the same as season 1. Weird story, stupid characters, average acting, decent atmosphere.

Typhoid 10-17-2011 08:19 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I like the show, a lot - still. I spent all day yesterday watching the marathon, then the new episode.

The acting in the show doesn't bother me so much, really. it's a TV show based on a comic book, so going into the show I gave it some leniency based on that alone. I'm not sure why, though. Maybe because I appreciate what they're going for so much that I overlook things I'd rip apart in other shows, and I smoke a lot of drugs.

Anyways, I lol'd at the "Jesus, give me a sign!" / "Oh, alright, I guess I'll get someone to shoot your son while he's chilling with Bambi" thing that went down. I've never read the comics, and I don't know the story - but I've got some hefty assumptions now as to what might happen in the long run because of that.

As for them getting covered in blood and not getting infected; didn't they say you could only get infected by getting a bite, or a scratch? I thought about that, too.

PS: Who the fuck would let their son walk up to a wild buck in the first place? Especially during a zombie apocalypse.

BreakABone 10-17-2011 09:24 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

I really dont understand the "pet the deer" (???) thing at the end. I thought at first they were going to let the boy shoot the deer "right of passage" style. But ... just let him wander up? and pet it? Is that what he was trying to do? Are these people retarded?
I was under the impression, they were gonna let him gut the deer.

KillerGremlin 10-18-2011 02:26 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 279042)
I was under the impression, they were gonna let him gut the deer.

I didn't get that impression from the way they shot that scene. That's a Redditor's opinion you quoted, btw. Typhoid had the same thought in his post above yours.

Angrist 10-18-2011 03:18 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
At first that's what I thought. That whole scene was just so awkward.

Oh and the 'zombie herd' thing when they hid under the cars just took way too long. 10 minutes long nothing happened. Oh and 2 idiots almost get themselves killed in the stupidest way ever.

Vampyr 10-18-2011 09:31 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 279040)
PS: Who the fuck would let their son walk up to a wild buck in the first place? Especially during a zombie apocalypse.

Yeah, I was expecting him to get trampled at any moment.

I also did not get the impression they were going to let him gut the deer, considering the super happy look on the kids face just to be looking at it.

BreakABone 10-18-2011 11:48 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by KillerGremlin (Post 279045)
I didn't get that impression from the way they shot that scene. That's a Redditor's opinion you quoted, btw. Typhoid had the same thought in his post above yours.


I saw Rick and Shane raise their guns to shoot the deer, and I swore Carl pulled out his knife, and they lowered their gun.

Fresh deer meat, would have been awesome.

KillerGremlin 10-18-2011 08:05 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 279053)

I saw Rick and Shane raise their guns to shoot the deer, and I swore Carl pulled out his knife, and they lowered their gun.

Fresh deer meat, would have been awesome.

It was just a confusing sequence because they spent so long phrasing the shot. They focused on the deer for way too long capturing its majestic beauty. Then they kept cutting back and forth between the character's faces. I swear Rick and Shane kept exchanging "fuck me softly...gently...and soothingly" look with each other and the deer. And then Carl began to walk towards the deer.

Now mind you, these are two trained cops from Hillbilly USA. They should know how to hunt deer. Specifically, they should know that you can't just walk up to a deer. A) you'll frighten it, B) that's retarded.

It was just a very odd, drawn out scene that didn't make much sense.

The Germanator 10-19-2011 01:29 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Yeah, I feel like I'm with most of you guys on this show. It has it's moments, and it's about zombies, so it's watchable. If there were this many slow moments in a show about something else, I'd probably stop watching.

Again, I just keep comparing it to Mad Men, or Breaking Bad, or Boardwalk Empire, even Homeland the new Showtime show. They're just better produced, written, and more interesting shows.

Typhoid 10-19-2011 03:49 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 279046)
Oh and the 'zombie herd' thing when they hid under the cars just took way too long. 10 minutes long nothing happened. Oh and 2 idiots almost get themselves killed in the stupidest way ever.

People these days, all about action, action, action. Nobody's mind has any time for suspense anymore. It's sad, really.

Scenes like that is why I like the show. I don't like it for the mutilations or the decapitations, or even because it has zombies in it. I watch it because it's one of the few horror-genre shows that has 'classic' suspenseful moments (That I'm aware of), where there is no dialogue, just anticipation. And who knows, sometimes the anticipation leads to nothing. Take the first episode when Rick's walking down the dark set of stairs exiting the hospital. All you can hear is the guy breathing, and occasionally see him light a match. No zombies. No yelling. No guts or murder. Just anticipation.

I like the show for the "Holy fuck there's zombies, what the fuck do we do? Shut up, be quiet!" rather than the "Holy fuck there's zombies, quick, let's let a million bullets fly and bash all of their heads in!" But don't get me wrong - every once in a while that's a pro.


Again, I just keep comparing it to Mad Men, or Breaking Bad, or Boardwalk Empire, even Homeland the new Showtime show. They're just better produced, written, and more interesting shows.
Personally I don't find that fair. Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, and Generic Showtime Show C aren't based on comic books. Now granted I don't know how well Walking Dead is sticking to the comic book story, but I assume they're probably just presenting the comic book to a wider audience, rather than making a completely new show where the writers have total freedom, like they do in those shows you mentioned. I don't know.

Angrist 10-19-2011 04:19 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I liked the scene where they were hiding, it was scarier than some slashing action.
But it just took way too long.

The Germanator 10-19-2011 04:46 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 279063)

Personally I don't find that fair. Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, and Generic Showtime Show C aren't based on comic books. Now granted I don't know how well Walking Dead is sticking to the comic book story, but I assume they're probably just presenting the comic book to a wider audience, rather than making a completely new show where the writers have total freedom, like they do in those shows you mentioned. I don't know.

I agree with that to an extent, but that doesn't excuse the fact that I feel that many scenes aren't acted well and many entire episodes aren't paced well. If it wasn't going to translate well into the hour-long TV format from a comic book, then they shouldn't have made it.

You've said you've enjoyed the suspense, and obviously the show needs these slower scenes, but I just don't think I care much about the other characters. I feel like Shane and Rick are interesting, but the dynamics between the other main characters doesn't do much for me. And when long stretches are focused on those characters...I dunno, I kind of lose interest.

I kind of think that first episode could have been 45 or 60 minutes rather than 90 and it probably would've been better.

Again, I like the show, just don't really love it...Or understand why it gets the ratings and critical acclaim. It's just okay, not great, but that's just me.

Typhoid 10-19-2011 05:07 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I'm with you on some of the acting being sub-par, and some characters being forgettable. It's not like I don't understand how that can ruin a show for people.

I just think because of Breaking Bad, and how good of an actor Brian Cranston is, and how good of a show that turned out to be, peoples expectations for AMC shows is now exceptionally, and ridiculously high. It's not HBO or anything, you know. I just try to give it super leniency in that sense, and just enjoy the ride for what it is.

I am high every time I watch the show though, so not only does that intensify the intense moments, it also intensifies the not-intense moments. I guess that's why I'm more into it.

Edit: But being the first episode, I'm hoping all of the next will get progressively better. The first episode of season 1 wasn't all that great compared to the other episodes. So here's hoping.

Angrist 10-19-2011 05:36 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
And here I thought the first episode of season 1 was considered the best.

Teuthida 10-19-2011 05:42 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 279067)
Edit: But being the first episode, I'm hoping all of the next will get progressively better.

Well, that was the last ep from Darabont so perhaps there will be a noticeable shift.

Obligatory Robert Kirkman iFanboy interview:

Funny as always. And shows them scenes from ep four (which we can't see) but I'm intrigued by their reactions.

Fox 6 10-19-2011 08:55 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Have this PVR'd thought i'd be more excited to watch it. just havent bothered yet :P

Teuthida 10-24-2011 12:02 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Blue meth in the bag of drugs. :)


Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 279029)
Just waiting for T-Dog to come out and say it's alright if they just call him Theodore or something.

Yay. Calls himself Theodore in this last ep.

KillerGremlin 10-24-2011 03:54 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Vivian Volkoff is fucking hot! I would J on those Ts.

This episode was a marked improvement from s2 episode 1. Hershel Greene is a fucking psycho and they set that up nicely.

T-Dog is still annoying, and the search for Sophia is a continual low point for the show. I mean what the fuck...continuity...we are going on several days of her missing. Logically she is dead. Right? Right?

But I mostly want to J on Maggie's Ts. God damn.

Edit: What's with the running zombies. That kind of ruined it for me. Make up your mind, yo. The inconsistencies with the zombies behavior/intelligence/speed is becoming annoying.

Teuthida 10-24-2011 06:10 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
On The Talking Dead Kirkman said fresh zombies should have the ability to move quickly and slow down as they decompose more. But yeah, they do act too intelligent a lot of the time.

KillerGremlin 10-24-2011 06:14 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 279137)
On The Talking Dead Kirkman said fresh zombies should have the ability to move quickly and slow down as they decompose more. But yeah, they do act too intelligent a lot of the time.

Kirkman is the next George Lucas. I swear.

That shit is ANNOYING. Last week they couldn't squarely address why there were dead people in the cars who were not zombies.

Why can't he just be honest and say, "It's for dramatic effect. It's bad writing. It's a TV show and we are creating tension, lighten up."

If the zombies do in fact slow down as they decompose, doesn't that put a time line on their survival/existence? Wouldn't that imply that in 2 weeks all the zombies are going to be slow and survival will be a cake-walk?

Why couldn't he have just said, "the TV show isn't the comic, these zombies run occasionally." Why did he have to come up with a terrible explanation? Arrrrggg.

Otis is fat. He is a likely zombie-dinner candidate. At least according to Rule #1: Cardio

Teuthida 10-24-2011 07:11 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Probably because most people don't like those type of answers and want to believe those in charge of the show know exactly what they're doing.

I figure making them more faster than in the comic might be a tradeoff for perhaps having less of them to use, especially now with the lower budget. If I recall, it was either the character just stumbling into one (which on screen can just make them look careless) or the sheer number of them making them a threat.

Oh...and answer to the dead bodies...head trauma from car accident. That works...but highly doubt was thought of before filmed.

Anyway it goes, it's Kirkman never went into any explanation on the whys and hows before. The zombies were always just the backdrop. I guess with a weekly show with call in questions, better to just make stuff up on the spot instead of saying he doesn't know or can't say....which he does do a lot.

Meh, Darryl is entertaining at least and the acting overall seemed better this week...might just be because of who got more screen time though.

Vampyr 10-24-2011 10:31 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Better than the last episode, but still kind of meh. They took an hour to tell about 5 minutes worth of story.

It did finish strong though, hopefully the pace will quicken from here.

Angrist 10-24-2011 01:08 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
It finished strong? The whole episode I was looking forward to some zombie action. All they did was run around and lock themself in... with a small piece of metal!! And they were just watching it happen. I don't think they even looked around to see if there were any walkers behind them.

I enjoyed the episode, but everything's going so slow.

Vampyr 10-24-2011 02:23 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I mean it finished strong as in something actually happened, potentially setting up a good third episode.

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