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Angrist 10-24-2011 02:38 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Yeah ok. Let's hope episode 3 will be good. But I'm afraid it will go through the whole thing in 10 minutes and spend the other 30 on some sentimental stuff. (Of which 10 minutes is about finding the girl, yay!)

KillerGremlin 10-25-2011 01:30 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
This scene:

Maybe episode 1 was really that crappy, but I thought episode 2 was a marked improvement. Everything is rolling along except for the search for Sophia. That's dragging the show down.

The Germanator 10-25-2011 10:32 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Yeah, I thought episode two was much better...Probably partly because it was the standard length. It's also good to get a new dynamic with new characters.

T-Dog! HA! It's just so bad...every line that old man good.

KillerGremlin 10-26-2011 01:06 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I'm trying to not be annoyed by Dale and Andrea....

Dale was a miscast - he belongs in some family sitcom - and the bad lines they give him aren't helping. I guess I can't rag on him too much, his biggest speaking part involved a dialog with T-Dog and talking to the emotional Andrea (just kill yourself you suicidal cunt. You were a strong female lead in the you're just annoying. And I know, it's the writers fault again for that horrible CDC episode).

People/Kirkman keep saying they want to go in new directions with the TV Show, and add new stories/plot. There are sooooooo many bad ass old guys out there who can act. Why couldn't they have casted a good actor for Dale and given him a more integral role?

Last night I sat through Romero's zombie-western(ish) Survival of the Dead. This guy (Kenneth Welsh) made the movie watchable:

I mean listen to him talk about acting:

That guy is a boss. There are sooooooo many kick ass old guys in Hollywood. Guys who are Clint Eastwood-y or whatever. I don't know how they casted Dale, but it was a shit decision.

Sorry guy who is playing Dale, you belong on Everybody Loves Raymond, not a zombie-apocalypse TV show.

Typhoid 10-27-2011 11:42 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Man, some of you guys are being way too harsh on the show, in my opinion. If theres a human corpse in a car in the comic you'd pay it no mind, but since it's in the show it's all "What the hell, why arent these people zombies!". Maybe they didn't get bit. Maybe they died in a car accident involving all of those cars plugging up the highway. It's not like death by zombie is the only way people can die in this show.

About the zombies being fast - so what. He can do what he wants. Zombies aren't real. He can make them fly if he wants. He can give them all tophats. And if he does, that will then become fact in his universe. Vampires used to be evil terrorizing figures, then suave womanizers, then bad metrosexual actors. The cycle of imaginary monsters' behaviour usually changes from one fictional story to the next fictional story. Besides, not only are slow zombies boring, it's been raped to death. And, they're not really zombie zombies anyways.

I don't mind Dale, the character. I figured they were going for the "Everyone can survive, even nice old grandpa-types" aspect, and maybe picked a less badass dude just because it would make people care more about the character if he was a nice old man who attempts to keep spirits up rather than some grizzled old cunt who takes pleasure in decapitating infected human beings.

I think all the actors are pretty decent at their jobs. They seem like believable real people to me, most of the time. If they were hell-bent on destroying zombies (immediately from day 1) that would stretch it a little far.

I do hate the character of Andrea though. But i'm assuming/hoping they're weakening her way down to have some mega moment that will just beef that chick up into some heartless badass killer.

KillerGremlin 10-28-2011 01:11 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I can't wait to see Dale balls deep in Andrea.

KillerGremlin 10-31-2011 04:15 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Man. At first I was like "yesssssssssss" but then I was like "nooooooooo."

But you have to think they are moving forward with axing him, right?

Maggie is insanely hot. If I was Glenn I would be working on repopulating the planet pronto, because how many opportunities do you have to bang hot actress-type girls in the apocalypse?

That's a veiled criticism. She is way too hot. Or maybe not. I've met some hot farmer girls, and girls from Kentucky are fucking crazy. All that religion and conservative stuff creates a closet freak environment. I mean these are girls that shove their hands up a horses' ass, they've seen shit and farm animals so nothing scares them. And if you have the fineness to milk a cow...

This episode actually ascended to B+ status! The first episode was craptastic and gets a D+. Episode 2 was C- swill. So if the show keeps this up we might actually get an A-quality episode before the season wraps up.

Angrist 10-31-2011 07:00 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Is it just me or was the sound quality of the last 2 episodes really really bad? What's with all the loud crickets?!? I'm having a hard time hearing what everyone's saying.
Edit: oh and the whispering. Great combination there, loud background noise and whispering people!! Congratulations, you have found another way to make the show bad.

Edit2: Ok, onto the rest of the episode. The last minutes were good, but all the stuff before that was so boring. And pointless.

Teuthida 10-31-2011 07:47 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Was just skimming through the comics. Looks like Shane has become a mix of Tyreese plus Rick's dark side. I wonder if it's hindering Rick's development since he comes close to killing Otis in the comic. Shane seems to be doing his dirty work. Shame about Otis. I like that actor.

Speaking of Maggie, here's how her talk with Glen happens in the comic: Heh, too bad. Guess gonna stretch things out.

But yeah, the show is getting better.

Vampyr 10-31-2011 08:36 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 279266)
Is it just me or was the sound quality of the last 2 episodes really really bad? What's with all the loud crickets?!? I'm having a hard time hearing what everyone's saying.
Edit: oh and the whispering. Great combination there, loud background noise and whispering people!! Congratulations, you have found another way to make the show bad.

Might just be you, I haven't noticed anything like that.

Teuthida 10-31-2011 09:38 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

I got T-Dog.


In another life you were strong, and your sense of right and wrong is still a core part of who you are.
But the apocalypse has left you less sure of yourself; guilt over past actions has forced you to second-guess the decisions you make.

Angrist 10-31-2011 10:57 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Vampyr (Post 279269)
Might just be you, I haven't noticed anything like that.

It might have been the rip then. Weird, I've never had that problem before.

Vampyr 10-31-2011 01:50 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I really liked last nights episode. The pace of the show is still pretty slow, but it's picking up a little bit.

Can't stand Andrea's character:

Dale : " Do you forgive me?"
Andrea : "...I'm trying to."

Are you kidding me? *sigh*

Rick's "he talked about the deer" speech probably could have been written better.

I like where Shane's character is going though. Now I just wonder if him shaving his hair at the end symbolizes him trying to put it behind him, or if he's going to continue down a path of becoming more and more morally ambiguous.

To be fair though, he actually offered to stay and hold off the zombies while Otis got away.

KillerGremlin 10-31-2011 01:54 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I've been meaning to reread the comics. I read 30 issues or so last winter before I got distracted with school. I have a feeling it's just gonna bug me.

So far none of the characters have really been fleshed out in terms of feelings, motivations, and their past. They all act like idiots, are overly dramatic. And right now in the TV Show Dale, Andrea, Carl, Carol, Sophia, Lori, and Shane are all characters that suck and I don't care if they die. The big plot devices to move the episode forward this season have been finding Sophia and Carl being shot. Rick's behaviors have become caricatures, and I just see forced drama and bad writing, not real character development.

So having said all that, Shane is actually being made into a real sonofabitch and I at least appreciate that step forward. His acting is still way over-the-top (scene outside the house by the truck when he comes back home without Otis). But Shane is the first character to actually have that "dark tone" from the comic book, because EVERYTHING ELSE in the show so far has been a sunny walk in the park.

I've been to a few messages boards/Reddit and people are freaking out about Shane. Like "OMG I can't believe he did that, that's the most crazy thing I've ever seen" freaking out. o_O

If the general public reaction to Shane killing Otis (remember, Rule #1 Cardio) is to freak out, then how would the general public react to Lori and the baby being massacred? This show is never going to go full dark. :(

Typhoid 10-31-2011 04:41 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

I like where Shane's character is going though. Now I just wonder if him shaving his hair at the end symbolizes him trying to put it behind him, or if he's going to continue down a path of becoming more and more morally ambiguous.
I thought he shaved his head because Otis ripped a chunk of his hair out, and he didn't want anyone to get wise to the fact he shot him and left him for the zombies so he could get away. I'm not trying to sound like a douche, I mean that just as a comment and not as an "are you suuuuuuuure?.

Also, I think the sound quality thing is solely the rip you got, Angrist.

This episode was definitely one of the better ones, I thought. I like what's becoming of Shane's character. Seems like he's slowly slipping into insanity - or something. At the end of this episode it gave me a thought that Shane would be the Antagonist to Rick sometime soon. Maybe by the end of the season. Then again he does seem to have totally wanted Rick and Rick's son alive, despite the intense desire to bang his wife. Who wouldn't. Chicks a babe.

I didn't find anything wrong with the deer speech. Well, it was sort of like a comment, but still. I thought it was pretty touching in a completely-cheesy way. The innocence of children, and all. Zombie apocolypse is going on all around him, kid gets shot and is close to dying, he's seen people get torn apart by the re-animated corpses of people- and the first thing he talks about is how pretty a deer was? Innocence I tells ya.

If I can ask without seeming too douchey for constantly critiquing other people's opinions (because I really don't do it with the intention of douchedom, but with the intention of conversation about why your opinions on why certain things are so bad, are so bad to you); but what seemed over-the-top to you about Shane when he got back and was standing at the truck? The dude essentially killed an innocent man, and had to stand there and watch everyone's reaction to having that dude be dead and torn apart by zombies. It's not like [Shane's actor] was wimpering and had saliva dripping from his lips as he made some moaning sound while helplessly flailing his arms or something. He wasn't pandering to the camera or breaking any fourth wall. The way he talked wasn't very theatric at all.

*joint break*

I honestly don't find the acting on the show terrible at all. I have to figure that some (especially real) people would lose a little of their personalities when a catastrophic event takes place, while others (forget name, Merle's brother/Glen) assumedly have their personality remain unchanged (the slightly jovial attitude, while not being a complete comedian) because they're more or less mentally prepared for the situation by having some type of survival training, or training in general. And don't give me a "Glen doesn't have training." The kid knew the city streets so he felt totally comfortable. Now that they're away from what he knows, I'm noticing his character looking like he's feeling more and more upset with the situation as time passes.

To me Andrea just looks like a chick in complete and utter shock. When my grandpa died a couple weeks ago that's how my dad was more or less. Less of the zombie aspect. But if you've seen anyone in total shock before, they are pretty melodramatic at times. And usually somber, quiet, and highly easy to agitate. The character of Andrea just watched her sister die, then had to put a bullet through her head, decided to kill herself, then was forced to give up that option because of some stubborn old man she doesn't even know. Is the character of Andrea not allowed to be sad? Do you want her and all other characters to be emotionless soulless dickheads who don't think about repercussions or the past? Can these characters not have flaws, break down, get scared, worried, and be extremely depressed? When faced with a traumatic situation, some people just break. Some become stronger people. Some do both.

Are we (as collective fans) so jaded by what zombie shows/movies usually are that when there are characters that act like real people it seems far-fetched to us? Does the collective populace just want another mindless zombie show that is compiled of 5 minutes of finding zombies, and 40 minutes of murder with 10 minutes of loud dialogue in between about finding and killing zombies? Where's the suspense or character building in that.

Anyways, black out your comic-shit. Some of us (probably only me) haven't read them. Granted they might not stick to it page-by-page, but still man, come on.

Vampyr 10-31-2011 04:57 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 279276)
I thought he shaved his head because Otis ripped a chunk of his hair out, and he didn't want anyone to get wise to the fact he shot him and left him for the zombies so he could get away. I'm not trying to sound like a douche, I mean that just as a comment and not as an "are you suuuuuuuure?.

Yeah, that was definitely the reason he did it, I was just commenting on the other symbolism there. It was like a turning point for his character, with the look he was giving the mirror and how he had just changed his appearance - like he was morally and now physically not the same person any more.

I haven't had a problem with most of the acting either. I think Carl is pretty terrible, and Andrea has plenty of bad moments, but everyone else is doing okay. I even think Dale is pretty believable.

My problem with Andrea isn't that she is sad, it's that she acts completely idiotic, mostly in her attitude towards Dale. I mean, I can understand some irrational anger after she tried to kill herself, but going so far as to have him apologize and then act like there's actually something for her to forgive him for? :ohreilly:

Typhoid 10-31-2011 04:59 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

mean, I can understand some irrational anger after she tried to kill herself, but going so far as to have him apologize and then act like there's actually something for her to forgive him for?

Well, she even said why she was mad at him. She lost everything, and had nothing to live form. She wanted to die on her terms, and not be ripped apart by zombies, and he took that choice away from her by saying he'd stay if she stays. Because she knew he didn't want to die, he just didn't want to be alone.

KillerGremlin 11-01-2011 05:56 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

What the fuck Otis, have you learned nothing?

You'd think after the deer fiasco, the dumbass would stop pointing his gun at other living people.

Typhoid, I think your opinion is 100% valid, but I still feel like the acting has been....I dunno. Not great?

Also, does anyone else think Lori is like anorexic thin? Maybe her body isn't my type. I go for the super thin chicks sometimes, but in my opinion she needs more cushion for the pushin'.

The Walking Dead is all about evil people, not evil zombies. I don't want a show that is 50 minutes of killing zombies. Like I said, I'm happy that they are finally pushing for something dark with Shane.

Season 1, Episode 1 was the darkest episode. The whole house scene with Morgan and Duane was what I wanted from the show. That episode was dark, claustrophobic, and left you with a sense of slow, impending doom. I wish they would have gone back to the suburbs before going to the farm, because the small set pieces have worked well for the show.

The whole city sequence and the current group is pretty sub-par. Episode 2 was solid with the tank scene and the horse. But the Merle crap was annoying. The Grand Theft Walking Dead with the old people made no sense and didn't remotely fit in the context of the universe. And the Ed-Shane stuff was dull.

So here is a comic book, dark as they come where "no one is safe," and a TV show that starts off with great expectations after Episode 1 of Season 1 and then turns into something pretty standard. If anything, The Walking Dead is on par with your average zombie flicks. It hasn't tapped any dark subjects like Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later.

Sophia has been a misstep in Season 2, but this week's episode is a good step forward. I honestly think this season is looking up...

I do encourage you to check out the comics. You don't even need to read up to issue 90. You can stop after the prison. They introduce a guy...the Governor. The guy made #86 on IGN's top 100 comic book villain list.

Zombies, the apocalypse, and surviving...are all the backdrop to the cold hard reality. The cold hard reality that humans are way more terrifying than flesh eating undead. And that we are mindless consumerists, lol (thanks Romero). I don't get that impression so much with the show so far. The hanging tree zombie scene...was it dark? To me, not really. It felt more like Romero-comedy-camp. I guess the Walking Dead writers forced an "epiphany moment" out of that scene for Andrea. But I wasn't all that impressed. (plus, the entire time I was wondering if that was the same tent they found earlier. And if it was, how did a new zombie get in the tree? And if that was a new tent they found, why didn't the explore the inside of the tent and around the campsite? This inconsistent writing is rampant and it starts to weigh heavy on you after a while).

But the good, dark, nitty-gritty stuff is looking up. We got Shane, Hershel, and mutant well-zombies based on the preview of the next episode. Should be good.

Typhoid 11-01-2011 04:17 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

I do encourage you to check out the comics. You don't even need to read up to issue 90.
I think right here is why there's so much bias against the show. There's been what, like....11 episodes on TV? Where as if the comic was a show, it'd have been going on for like 6-7 years.

I think one of the main things is that comic books are aimed at a pretty niche market, where as TV is generally aimed at everyone. Houswives, old people, that type of thing. For example, my mom absolutely loves the Walking Dead. It's her favourite show that's on right now. She loves the intensity of it, and the seeming bleakness in all of the characters. She's never even had a negative thing to say about the show. And I think that right there is the divide in the audience. You're watching a not-carbon-copy remake, she's watching an original show. she has absolutely no idea it was a thing before this show.


The hanging tree zombie scene...was it dark? To me, not really.
I'm not sure, but did you miss the point of that scene, though? (I always forget his name), Merle's brother was totally cool with leaving the dude there, where Andrea felt sympathy for the human being behind the zombie who killed himself to escape the world not only because A) she wants to kill herself and escape the world and B) her sister was a zombie. The scene definitely wasn't "dark", but it was more of a character realization moment. I think Andrea realized that if she wants to kill herself, that's how she's going to end up. Maybe. I don't know.


(plus, the entire time I was wondering if that was the same tent they found earlier. And if it was, how did a new zombie get in the tree? And if that was a new tent they found, why didn't the explore the inside of the tent and around the campsite? This inconsistent writing is rampant and it starts to weigh heavy on you after a while).
The zombie didn't hang himself...the human being hung himself. There is aneasy possibility that the human could have been away from the tent at the time (if it was the same one, which I'm totally sure it wasn't anyhow) - but yeah - the zombie didn't get hung, the human dude hung humself, and zombies came by and ate his legs as he hung there, thusly turning him into a zombie.

Personally, I think you should stop expecting it to be like the comics. Didn't they already say they were going to make it different? That right there means that you (general) should immediately stop the comparisons. I've never heard anyone compare the Star Wars episode 1 book to the Star Wars episode 1 movie, because they're different things - or even any Batman cartoons/comics to Batman movies. "In episode 42 Robin was there to fight the joker, but in the dark knight where the fuck was Robin? THIS MOVIE IS SHIT. HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT HES DOING. HOW DARE HE DIFFER FROM WHAT I WAS PREVIOUSLY USED TO!!" ;)

Again, I just feel like I need to defend the show, I've seen soooo many people be needlessly harsh on it just because it's either not what they expected from what they created in their mind while reading the comics, or because they're far ahead in the comics, and the differences in canon are maybe freaking people out. I don't mean on this site alone. I just see so much negative feedback for the show, and it pisses me off, because there comes a point where too much negative feedback typically leads to a show getting cancelled - and I really want to see this shit through to the end. With the show, if the show gets cancelled, I won't read the comics, because if there are actually large differences between them, I won't really consider them the same Universe.

The Germanator 11-02-2011 09:47 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I enjoy reading Grantland's recaps of the episodes. This one points on some of the problems I have with the show maybe more eloquently than I have the time to do.

Professor S 11-02-2011 10:56 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I enjoy the show, but I think some of the frustration people have with it is not that it has diverged so much from the book, but that it's needlessly diverged. The greatest draw of the series is that people are the real danger, and that anyone can die at any time. So far the zombies are FAR more dangerous (I hate running/smart zombies), and I'm not worried that anyone core to the show will die! Otis just got it, but who the fuck was he? So far no one we care about has been killed, and that needs to change.

T-Dogg... I'm looking at you.

KillerGremlin 11-02-2011 11:47 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I agree with Prof S 100%.

I want to add that in the absence of everyone's vulnerability, the show has lost its dark tone/theme.

The comic was full of love and drama between characters, and we see the TV show heading in that direction. But the impact of two characters getting together in the comic is that it was all the more worse when one of those characters died.

Typhoid, I don't have much to disagree with except to say we simply have different opinions and expectations. Maybe take comfort that I enjoyed episode 3 better than everything else in Season 2 so far.

But anything else I can add has been touched on by that awesome link that Germy posted and by Prof S' comment.

Typhoid 11-03-2011 01:27 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Otis just got it, but who the fuck was he? So far no one we care about has been killed, and that needs to change.
Well based on what others have said (about people being the real evil), I now believe Otis was simply a tool for the transition.

Angrist 11-03-2011 03:47 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 279316)
So far no one we care about has been killed, and that needs to change.

T-Dogg... I'm looking at you.

Wait, somebody cares about T-Dawg? I think I missed something here. He's the most boring character of the show.

What I don't like is all the stupid random stuff people do. Like Dale who goes looking for 2 abled people in the middle of the night. By walking through car-wrecks... How stupid is that?
And then the scene doesn't go anywhere. Suddenly he's back at the trailer again as if nothing happened. I think they're trying to fill up some minutes.

Ok what was the little girls name? Because if they find her dead, I don't think I'll remember what she looked like. She's been missing for 3 episode, how do they expect us to still care about her? It's like the actor couldn't miss school any longer and they're waiting for her christmas break. :mad:

Typhoid 11-03-2011 05:42 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

She's been missing for 3 episode, how do they expect us to still care about her?

Dun dun dunnnnnnn, maybe that's the point.
World's gone to shit, someone is missing, how long do you spend looking for one person. Making it take a lot of episodes creates an emotional divide between caring for that little girl, and wanting her to die so you (as a viewer) can move the fuck on.

Fox 6 11-05-2011 06:10 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 279295)
The zombie didn't hang himself...the human being hung himself. There is aneasy possibility that the human could have been away from the tent at the time (if it was the same one, which I'm totally sure it wasn't anyhow) - but yeah - the zombie didn't get hung, the human dude hung humself, and zombies came by and ate his legs as he hung there, thusly turning him into a zombie.

I think you got a little mixed up there. The sign on the tree read "Got bit, fever hit, decided to quit" So he realized he had been bitten and then wanted to kill himself. But my question is, if he knew what happens when you get bit why didnt he blow his head of? Like the redneck guy points out.

Professor S 11-06-2011 11:25 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Not everyone has a gun.

Fox 6 11-06-2011 12:44 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 279376)
Not everyone has a gun.

This is tha 'Merican south. Errebuddy gots guns

Typhoid 11-06-2011 03:37 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

I think you got a little mixed up there. The sign on the tree read "Got bit, fever hit, decided to quit" So he realized he had been bitten and then wanted to kill himself.
Well, he still defiinitely wasn't a zombie when he hung himself. ;)


But my question is, if he knew what happens when you get bit why didnt he blow his head of? Like the redneck guy points out.

Meh, maybe he didn't know. Maybe he just knew he started feeling insane, sick, and had an affinity for human flesh, and thought "Fuck this shit." :ohreilly:

Professor S 11-06-2011 06:15 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Fox 6 (Post 279377)
This is tha 'Merican south. Errebuddy gots guns

Coming from a Canadian... do southerners all wear cowboy hats as well? :D

Fox 6 11-06-2011 08:35 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 279387)
Coming from a Canadian... do southerners all wear cowboy hats as well? :D

not all of em. only the though hombres, or the queers.........

BreakABone 11-06-2011 10:17 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Sometimes not the brightest group.

And Glenn got him some! And somehow the scene was more subtle than the comic version.

KillerGremlin 11-07-2011 04:44 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Maggie Green side boob was fap-worthy.

This episode was a step up again...but the whole well scene smacked of SHEER retarded. Seriously, how dumb is this group?

KillerGremlin 11-07-2011 05:26 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Oh. And as someone from the Midwest who has been on a REAL FARM, let me say that you cannot see diddly fuck out in the middle of a field at night. I don't understand why Lori went into a field to piss on a stick. Why not do that in the privacy of a bathroom...with a toilet...and a door that locks.

The writing on this show is really fucking awful.

But I'm glad the new episode was a continuing improvement, minus some more forced drama/really poor decisions by the main characters.

Angrist 11-07-2011 07:34 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I decided for once not to comment on the show. Just know that I enjoy it just enough to keep watching.

Professor S 11-07-2011 08:53 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 279396)
I decided for once not to comment on the show. Just know that I enjoy it just enough to keep watching.

This. So far the concept is what is keeping me going, and my curiosity to see how the series differs from the comics. But I'm starting to lose my patience with what I believe is he series' need to put gore and zombies in front of the characters. The well sequence could have been accomplished in one segment. I feel like they are needlessly trying to stretch out the plot and it is lacking any of the page-turning genuine shocks from the books.

Typhoid 11-07-2011 03:18 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 279387)
Coming from a Canadian... do southerners all wear cowboy hats as well? :D

Only in Alberta. I wish that was actually a joke.


I feel like they are needlessly trying to stretch out the plot and it is lacking any of the page-turning genuine shocks from the books.
That's definitely a possibility. It's not like there haven't been shows that are guilty of dragging on scenes to fill time. :ohreilly:

Last episode wasn't my favourite, but I still enjoyed it for what it was.

KillerGremlin 11-07-2011 03:34 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I've been following Reddit's /r/TheWalkingDead subreddit. Lots of fans complaining about the same stuff we are, and lots of comments like:

"If you complain so much, why do you keep watching the show!"

The obvious answer is that I've read the comics, and I'm heavily invested in The Walking Dead mythology. I'm a super fan. But there is another reason.

This was my epiphany last night:

Part of the reason why I am watching the show is because I want to be here when the Titanic sinks. There is a sadistic level of enjoyment I get from watching really bad writing. I also get some laughs too. Unintentional comedy FTW.

I'm with Prof S in that I have a lot of curiosity as to where they are going...morbid, morbid curiosity.

I think it is human nature to want to watch destruction. The 9 o'clock news, Nascar, destruction derbys, the X-games, war, weird porn like the pain Olympics, and bad writing. Eh?

Angrist 11-07-2011 03:38 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by KillerGremlin (Post 279406)
Part of the reason why I am watching the show is because I want to be here when the Titanic sinks. There is a sadistic level of enjoyment I get from watching really bad writing. I also get some laughs too. Unintentional comedy FTW.

For a while I felt like that with Terran Nova. But then I realized I wasn't only wasting my time, I made my day worse by watching the show.

Vampyr 11-07-2011 03:51 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I still watch it because I think it's a good show and enjoyable. I have my complaints, but I still think it's one of the better things on TV right now.

Plus it's zombies.

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