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Ginkasa 04-18-2008 03:55 AM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 220029)
Yeah, I've noticed with alot of Stephen King stories I love the story and the buld up and everything. I just hate the ending. Most of his stuff the ending is just a let down

Supposedly its because he's a fan of just writing stuff without really planning it. Letting things flow on their own. So he just writes and writes until he decides its time to end it... And it does...

Angrist 04-23-2008 10:45 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
I haven't seen that many movies lately, just Microcosmos.
Gorgeous movie/documentary about insects. 8/10.

Bube 04-23-2008 12:46 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 220029)
Yeah, I've noticed with alot of Stephen King stories I love the story and the buld up and everything. I just hate the ending. Most of his stuff the ending is just a let down

I remember watching Dreamcatcher, it was an even bigger disappointment. There seems to be a problem with Stephen King movies :)

I watched Donnie Darko again last night. It gets better each time. I absolutely love the dark, schizophrenic atmosphere of the movie.

Angrist 04-23-2008 01:12 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Ah, now I want to see Donnie Darko again. I have it on DVD, so go me!

Typhoid 04-23-2008 01:16 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
I just saw No country for old men the other day.

And, it was good. I liked the lack of dialogue.
But I wouldn't watch the movie again, to be honest.

Dyne 04-23-2008 01:49 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Yeah, I rented No Country for Old Men last night. Good movie. I couldn't see (or hear) why it won awards in sound design, but then again I never really agree with the Academy Awards. I was also checking what time it was in the last half an hour of the movie because they kind of dropped the ball in terms of momentum. I was more wondering when it was going to be over more than how.

Fox 6 04-23-2008 01:58 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
You should both be clubbed to death by Anton Chigurh. :p

Angrist 05-18-2008 03:40 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
Iron Man. It was a very decent superhero movie. It went a bit fast at the end though. 8/10

BreakABone 05-18-2008 06:24 AM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 223343)
Iron Man. It was a very decent superhero movie. It went a bit fast at the end though. 8/10

You know we have an Iron Man movie thread right? :p

Angrist 05-18-2008 07:24 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
Yeah, but I didn't want to go into the whole discussion. Just some quick thoughts, which this thread is for. :D

Dyne 05-18-2008 02:09 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
I watched both Shoot-em-up and The Rock yesterday on Blu-ray. Both are fantastic movies. I couldn't put a rating to them though.

BreakABone 05-18-2008 02:58 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Jason1 05-18-2008 04:09 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
I saw Ironman yesterday. Not nearly as good as the reviews its been getting. Actually, it was pretty bad.

Teuthida 05-18-2008 09:36 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Just saw Renaissance. The style was more Sin City than Sin City was.

Bond 05-18-2008 10:25 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
My Blueberry Nights with Jude Law, Norah Jones, and Natalie Portman. I'd give it an average rating.

Angrist 05-25-2008 03:58 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
Paprika. Very pretty and interesting anime movie. 8/10

Also: Spielberg bought the rights to Ghost in the Shell, they'll turn it into a real life action movie. We'll see how it works out. But first there will be Akira next year.

GameMaster 05-25-2008 04:30 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
I saw Young@Heart with someone today. It's a documentary that follows a group of old people who sing songs that young people listen too.

It was refreshing to get away from the glimmer and gleam of those multi-million dollar, CGI popcorn flicks I'm so accustomed to seeing.

BreakABone 05-25-2008 06:39 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
Had a SLOW day at work yesterday so.

Die Hard. One of those movies I can watch over and over. So damn awesome.

Prince and Me: A pretty decent romantic comedy. It plays by the rules for the most part. Throws you a loop at the bottom of the 9th but is called out at the last moment.

Shrek the 3rd: Not as good as the first two, but not as awful as people made me believe.

Yeah weekends are sometimes too relaxing here.

KillerGremlin 05-26-2008 10:39 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
I saw Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, and What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas. Both movies were like 2 or 2.5 star affairs, so not bad.

Vampyr 05-30-2008 10:20 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Jason1 (Post 223368)
I saw Ironman yesterday. Not nearly as good as the reviews its been getting. Actually, it was pretty bad.

I thought it was amazing. :)

Saw Prince Caspian the other day, it wasn't very good, sadly. Also watched Juno for the first time the other night, it was fantastic.

Teuthida 05-31-2008 12:28 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
How would you compare Prince Caspian to the first movie? Was thinking of going to see it tomorrow.

Vampyr 05-31-2008 10:21 AM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 225475)
How would you compare Prince Caspian to the first movie? Was thinking of going to see it tomorrow.

I really enjoyed he first movie. It told the story very well, had the nostalgia of reading the first book going for it, and had an epic battle. I would have given the first one at 8/10 (the acting wasn't very good).

I'd give Caspian a 5/10 or a 6/10. The acting is even worse, and the story is not told well at all. The only thing it has going for it is the cool battles and visual effects, and the fact that Eddie Izzard is the voice of Reepicheep.

When the movie starts, you think it's going to be good, and it has good potential. But they try to have all these conflicts between the characters, but nothing ever goes anywhere. By the end of the movie, you don't feel like anythin ever really happened.

Dyne 05-31-2008 06:37 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
I just saw Iron Man, finally. Fuckin' sweet movie. Downey IS tits.

Angrist 05-31-2008 07:00 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Just saw Cloverfield. I went in with no expectations at all. It was a pretty cool movie. I should have seen it with my brother, he would have liked it too.

BreakABone 05-31-2008 07:28 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Dyne (Post 225563)
I just saw Iron Man, finally. Fuckin' sweet movie. Downey IS tits.

Jeebsus man why the hell are you just now seeing iron man?

Did the high praise this forum give it not enough for you?

Dyne 05-31-2008 10:17 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 225580)
Jeebsus man why the hell are you just now seeing iron man?

Did the high praise this forum give it not enough for you?

I don't have unlimited free time / money. :p

BreakABone 05-31-2008 10:19 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Dyne (Post 225616)
I don't have unlimited free time / money. :p

I'm sure one of your man love on these forums would have treated you. ;)

Dyne 05-31-2008 10:20 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 225619)
I'm sure one of your man love on these forums would have treated you. ;)

..But Christian Bale doesn't go to Gametavern. And he's my only mancrush.

BreakABone 05-31-2008 10:22 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Dyne (Post 225621)
..But Christian Bale doesn't go to Gametavern. And he's my only mancrush.

I didn't say it was your mancrush.

I said your man love. And well you know who they are. :p Now if they know is a completely different question.

Bube 06-01-2008 07:58 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
I saw Indy last night. Classic Indy movie - I don't really care what people thought about it, I loved it.

Angrist 06-01-2008 04:12 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Deja Vu. 8/10. A great movie, right on par with Minority Report, Abre Los Ojos and some others that I forgot.

BlueFire 06-01-2008 08:37 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 225784)
Deja Vu. 8/10. A great movie, right on par with Minority Report, Abre Los Ojos and some others that I forgot.

Abre los Ojos was great.

Oh man, Penelope Cruz. She's so hot.

GameMaster 06-01-2008 11:44 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
I just got back from Indiana Jones. I thought it was great. Right on par with the same fun-loving, American adventurism that was in the previous 3 movies.

Seriously, as soon as a foreigner watches one of the action sequences and hears that classic theme playing, how they can they not rush to nearest American citizenship class?

That's good ol' Indy for ya.

Teuthida 06-02-2008 12:14 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
I just saw Strings. The world is inhabited by marionettes who know they have strings. Quite an interesting concept and was pretty to boot, but a little hard to take seriously at first.


The fact that the characters are played by marionettes is incorporated into the movie's fictional universe. That is, the characters are literally marionettes. Wide shots of the countryside reveal millions of strings stretching endlessly into the sky, each one representing an individual on earth. Nobody knows how far the strings reach or who is controlling them. As far as the characters know the strings are controlled by a higher power.

When a string attached to a moveable limb is severed, it is analogous to amputation; the individual loses the ability to use that body part. Once a string is cut nothing can repair it or bring back to life whatever it was attached to. If the "head string" is cut it results in permanent death.

Since nothing can reanimate a body part after its string is cut, repairs to injured individuals must be made using healthy, unsevered parts. An unfortunate collection of poor people and prisoners is kept as a donor class. When a person of royalty or other social importance loses a body part, another is involuntarily taken from a prisoner and replaced with its string intact.

Prisons are designed around the fact that the strings reach up endlessly into the sky. Rather than cells, the prisoners are confined underneath huge horizontal grids, and the range of mobility allowed by their strings is limited by small square openings in the grid through which the strings are inserted and locked within.

Instead of giving birth, a couple fashions a new child out of wood, and the "pregnant" wife begins to grow fine, silky strings on her own. At the end of the "pregnancy" the newborn strings detach from the mother's and fasten to the infant, miraculously endowing it with life.

Later it is also revealed that some people have discovered the ability to "leap" incredible distances and effectively fly for a short time; essentially this is analogous to the puppeteer jerking on the marionette's string and making it soar through the sky. It is only when the protagonist understands the unity of all living things, and the power of love, that he is able to acquire the skill.

Bube 06-03-2008 07:04 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
I watched Groundhog Day last night. I thought it was brilliant.

thatmariolover 06-03-2008 09:54 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Bube (Post 226651)
I watched Groundhog Day last night. I thought it was brilliant.

First time!? One of my favorite movies ever! :p

Angrist 06-04-2008 03:12 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
Yeah mine too.
If you like the concept and you like mini-series, try Day Break. It's about a cop who gets falsely (?) accused for murder. He gets stuck in 1 day to solve the murder. Very good series, even though it starts a little bit slow. :)

Bube 06-04-2008 08:40 AM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by thatmariolover (Post 226704)
First time!? One of my favorite movies ever! :p

Waaay back when I was 8, I rented the movie on pay-per-view. Then I forgot that I had, and never got to watch it. Until two nights ago. I felt weird finally getting to see the movie :)

Angrist 06-07-2008 05:54 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
The Terminator 8/10
Terminator 2: Judgement Day 8/10

I had both seen them before, T2 a few times. I was especially surprised at how good T1 was! I really enjoyed it a lot and I thought it was very scary in at least 3 scenes.

Next on my list is T3 (seen it once, wasn't too fond of it) and then The Sarah Connor Chronicles. :)

Teuthida 06-08-2008 03:06 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
Kung Fu Panda. Pure awesomeness.

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