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Neo 01-13-2012 05:26 PM

All Good Things
I've renewed Gametavern's IP through January 2013, and I'm currently not planning on renewing it again after that. It's clear to me now that there's really nothing more that I plan on accomplishing here. All my interests and so forth are wrapped up in other projects, and I don't have the time to give the site the kind of attention it deserves.

And besides, we all know that the world is going to end on December 21st, 2012. Sure, there are these so-called "scientists" and just plain "rational" people who deny our impending doom, but here on planet Reality you and I know the truth - It won't be long before the dead rise up to feast on the flesh of the living. The zombies are coming, my friends, and they will show no mercy and offer no quarter.

I will be participating in a zombie run ( in early December, which is like Warrior Dash except with a capture-the-flag zombie element thrown in. It's perfect timing as it will occur a few days before the actual apocalypse. Great training run for the real thing. I recommend the rest of you start training and make similar preparations. You'll want to be highly organized when the walkers come so that you don't find yourself asking questions like "Where did I put my shotgun," or "Did I remember to board up the bathroom window," or"Why is mom eating the cat?"


Fox 6 01-13-2012 08:28 PM

Re: All Good Things
There really should be a ticker for the remainder of GT's life

Bond 01-13-2012 09:39 PM

Re: All Good Things
So ... new forum or let die?

Angrist 01-14-2012 03:00 AM

Re: All Good Things
Who's up for some more games of Mafia this year? Starting next week or so. Oh and who wants to organize it?

Typhoid 01-14-2012 05:44 AM

Re: All Good Things

So ... new forum or let die?
Personally, I think we've got a good, entertaining thing going here. If there was a new incarnation of this forum I would be down from the start.


There really should be a ticker for the remainder of GT's life
I also agree. That would be hilarious.

Jason1 01-14-2012 01:30 PM

Re: All Good Things
Why cant we all just get a donation going or something and everyone just pay whatever you can contribute and then we can renew it and it could still be GT, just not owned and paid for by Neo anymore?

Fox 6 01-14-2012 08:12 PM

Re: All Good Things
Can we do a hostile takeover of Nerds on the Rocks?

TheSlyMoogle 01-16-2012 09:37 PM

Re: All Good Things
Couldn't someone else just take over?

It feels bad man to let it die.

Neo 01-17-2012 02:09 PM

Re: All Good Things
Sorry my internet was down. Idiot sprinkler installer cut the cable line a while back. We jury rigged it but I guess it finally gave out. Now we've got a brand new feed installed.

Anyhow, Vampyr has offered to take over the site. There are a lot of details that have to be worked out, but I'd like to see the site continue in some fashion with someone at the helm who actually wants to invest the time to make it succeed.

Whoever does it will probably want to switch servers, as I'm sure you can find a better deal than what I'm paying now. There are usually discussions on the vBulletin forums regarding which hosts are good and which suck.

Neo 01-17-2012 02:11 PM

Re: All Good Things
There are basically three things that would need to be transferred:
  1. The website name
  2. The host
  3. The vB license

Angrist 01-17-2012 02:27 PM

Re: All Good Things
Do you have any cost indication, or would you rather not post that online?

Neo 01-17-2012 03:16 PM

Re: All Good Things
Let's see... It's $55.50 billed quarterly, so that works out to $18.50/month. I don't know, maybe that is reasonable for what we're getting.

We're currently using 627/900 MB, and our monthly bandwidth limit is 30,000 MB. Looks like we average about 8 GB per month so we're well under the limit.

The vB license is paid for, but there is a yearly subscription fee if you want upgrades (which is part of the reason we haven't gone to vB 4). Not sure what that runs these days. vB 4 looks pretty fancy - has iPad/iPhone apps.

Bond 01-17-2012 06:59 PM

Re: All Good Things
I'll give money.

Jason1 01-17-2012 08:52 PM

Re: All Good Things
Wow, over $200 a year just to keep the website running does seem a little steep, but what do I know? I would be willing to contribute if needed.

Bond 01-17-2012 09:09 PM

Re: All Good Things
Also, who bought

Acebot44 01-18-2012 02:53 AM

Re: All Good Things
I can give the monies

Jason1 01-18-2012 10:16 PM

Re: All Good Things
I think we should keep it .net!

Ginkasa 01-19-2012 12:20 AM

Re: All Good Things
I think the best option is to let GameTavern die and we can separate by having to choose between two, different gaming forums. One could be called "GamePub" and the other would be named after the 3DS for some reason.

BreakABone 01-19-2012 12:21 AM

Re: All Good Things

Originally Posted by Ginkasa (Post 280899)
I think the best option is to let GameTavern die and we can separate by having to choose between two, different gaming forums. One could be called "GamePub" and the other would be named after the 3DS for some reason.

I see what you did there. -_-

Neo 01-19-2012 11:26 AM

Re: All Good Things
After many tense hours of negotiation, my people have finally reached a deal with Vampyr's people. It was touch and go for a while, but cooler heads prevailed and a compromise was finally reached.

On February 14th, 2012, the 11th anniversary of GameTavern, I will transfer ownership of the site to Vampyr.

We really dodged a bullet this time. I'm know Vampyr is the one who is perfect for the job. Vampyr has all the right moves and even knows kung fu. This site still needs a lot of work.

Don't worry about the financial situation; money's not on this Vampyr's mind. Instead the only blood. YEAAAAAAAHHHH!! :cool:

At this Tavern, all the drinks.......are colored red. YEAAAAAAAHHHH!! :cool:

There's no need to study astronomy. If you want to see stars, just look......under your name. YEAAAAAAAHHHH!! :cool:

Not every post can be seen. There are some messages that will always be........private. YEAAAAAAAHHHH!! :cool:

Jerry Sandusky may have had all the right moves, but on this play.......I'm calling a penalty. YEAAAAAAAHHHH!! :cool:

Vampyr 01-19-2012 11:55 AM

Re: All Good Things
My first official move as CEO of GameTavern is to outlaw David Caruso jokes. :p

As Neo stated, I will be taking the helm of GT in a quest to lead it down the path of greatness. Neo will be taking the blue pill.

I actually already have a server of my own that I pay for each month ($20), that I use for hosting my personal projects and just playing around with. I have a 200GB monthly limit, which is way above the 8GB that Neo says we use. My other projects don't generate anything close to 1GB (yet). 200GB seems low compared to the 30,000GB that Neo mentioned we currently have, but my server is a VPS (virtual private server), as opposed to a shared host. We may actually see some speed increases (not that GT is slow anyway).

I also have 200GB of space available, and GT is currently just over .5GB, so no worries there. I have a registrar that I currently use for my other domain names, so I'll just be transferring to there. That will be about $15 a year.

That being said, I'm going to look into upgrading our version of vbulletin. I would really like to have some of the newer features. It is pretty expensive, so we'll see about doing a round of donations. I won't clutter the forums with advertisements, but we might look into having a small one on the front page or something.

Some people may be wondering about my qualifications to run a website, but rest easy knowing that it's actually my real life job to build and maintain web applications.

As for the future of GameTavern, I have some plans. We won't be going down the route of video game reviews & news. That's been done a thousand times before, and there are bigger sites than us out there that do it better than we ever could. Instead we will focus on finding our own niche and continue doing what we already do best: having a tight knit community.

And of course, a special thanks to Neo for giving us vagabonds a place to hang out all these years. As we can now see, it wasn't exactly cheap for him.

Neo 01-19-2012 12:56 PM

Re: All Good Things
Now that I'm in my lame duck phase, I feel like I should be handing out pardons.

Anyone feel like they need absolution for something?

BreakABone 01-19-2012 01:17 PM

Re: All Good Things

Originally Posted by Neo (Post 280917)
Now that I'm in my lame duck phase, I feel like I should be handing out pardons.

Anyone feel like they need absolution for something?

Sure, I'll like to be redeemed for the whole dubloon stuff.. ran quite the trade back then...

Then there was shadowLink's baby pool...

And.. well I've done a lot of things.. er.. so just clear them all.

Fox 6 01-19-2012 03:42 PM

Re: All Good Things
Viva El presidente! Viva!

Neo 01-19-2012 03:56 PM

Re: All Good Things

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 280919)
Sure, I'll like to be redeemed for the whole dubloon stuff.. ran quite the trade back then...

Then there was shadowLink's baby pool...

And.. well I've done a lot of things.. er.. so just clear them all.

:angel: *spouts off something in Latin* :angel:

You are now cleansed of any sins you may have committed. :bath:

Go forth my son, and rejoice. Be not seduced by the temptations of the flesh, unless she cometh with no strings attached and be dtf.

Typhoid 01-19-2012 04:20 PM

Re: All Good Things
The day this forum dies is the day the internet gets shut down.


And of course, a special thanks to Neo for giving us vagabonds a place to hang out all these years. As we can now see, it wasn't exactly cheap for him.
Agreed. It honestly never really occurred to me (I mean, it occurred to me, but I never really thought about it) that someone is actually paying out of pocket so we can continue to all communicate with each other. Neo should be revered as a Saint in the future of the site.

So, will there be sweeping changes? 100% overhaul, new members, new forum staff, new look, new colours? :ohreilly:

Neo 01-19-2012 04:44 PM

Re: All Good Things

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 280927)

So, will there be sweeping changes? 100% overhaul, new members, new forum staff, new look, new colours? :ohreilly:

I like that I can make suggestions now instead of being the one shooting them down. Awesome.

Though at the same time it's going to feel weird. I'm so used to just jamming whatever I want down your throats and hahahaha SCREW YOU if you don't like it.

Neo 01-19-2012 05:38 PM

Re: All Good Things
vBulletin 4 does look pretty bad ass. It has an integrated article publishing system that would make it easy to post news or whatever. It also allows users to setup and maintain their own blogs. Is that something you guys would be interested in?

KillerGremlin 01-19-2012 06:59 PM

Re: All Good Things
Although I have contributed nothing meaningful to this empire, I would be open to helping brainstorm new directions....

Teuthida 01-19-2012 07:04 PM

Re: All Good Things
Thank you Neo for keeping the lights on all these years.

GT's been a great way for me to keep track of what movies I've watched and music currently listening to. And I guess you folks are tolerable enough.

It could become the forum for NOTR. It does link here...

Typhoid 01-19-2012 07:07 PM

Re: All Good Things

Originally Posted by Neo (Post 280936)
Is that something you guys would be interested in?

I would definitely use that as my outlet for my time-wasting-nonsensical-topical-ranting rather than my normal posts.

I'm sure other people would use it for much more useful things than me, however.
That also might be a good way to draw in new members. Give them a place to maybe show things off, artwork, maybe videos of how they did in a certain video game (or something).

KillerGremlin 01-19-2012 07:24 PM

Re: All Good Things
I would have suggested turning GT into the forum for NOTR except that it sounds like Vampyr has plans for the site. :p

Bond 01-19-2012 07:57 PM

Re: All Good Things
Someone should let Vampyr into the staff forum. It would be great to see a new thread considering the last one is from July of last year.

Vampyr 01-19-2012 08:32 PM

Re: All Good Things
I should really get a more professional avatar.


Originally Posted by typhoid
So, will there be sweeping changes? 100% overhaul, new members, new forum staff, new look, new colours?

First things first I'm going to have to do an audit of vBulletin 4 and see what all it's really capable of. It seems to be like a full blown CMS for managing content on a website, which is cool. Hopefully it's easy for me to leverage my own programming skills to take those turn-key solutions and make them something truly unique for our site.

Blogs are a great idea. Like I said - I really want to focus on the community aspect of GameTavern, and build new features around that. Just having blogs wouldn't be enough - people would never go read them. We have to find a way to integrate those blogs into the forefront of GT and make them visible. I think I know how to do that.


Originally Posted by KillerGremlin
I would have suggested turning GT into the forum for NOTR except that it sounds like Vampyr has plans for the site.

NOTR will always be our sister site, but I think gametavern deserves to be something completely game oriented. It won't try to compete with Nerds on the Rocks, though.


Originally Posted by Bond (Post 280955)
Someone should let Vampyr into the staff forum. It would be great to see a new thread considering the last one is from July of last year.

I'm in your forum, reading your really old threads.

Bond 01-19-2012 08:41 PM

Re: All Good Things
Yeah... let's not make any of that public. I feel like there were some unique conversations from a few years ago.

Typhoid 01-19-2012 08:42 PM

Re: All Good Things

I should really get a more professional avatar.
I think it fits the situation.

Neo 01-19-2012 09:32 PM

Re: All Good Things

Originally Posted by Vampyr (Post 280958)

I'm in your forum, reading your really old threads.

Oh crap, better delete that "Vampyr is a nut licker" thread. Sorry!

And what the hell is NOTR? Is this something I should have been aware of?


Combine 017 01-19-2012 09:37 PM

Re: All Good Things

Originally Posted by Bond (Post 280959)
Yeah... let's not make any of that public. I feel like there were some unique conversations from a few years ago.

You cant bring up stuff then tell us we cant see it, thats not fair. :(

I gotta know now!

Teuthida 01-19-2012 09:59 PM

Re: All Good Things

Originally Posted by Neo (Post 280962)
And what the hell is NOTR? Is this something I should have been aware of?

It was suppose to be the front page for GT but became its own thing. Hosts three podcasts: Nerds On The Rocks (themed shows about various topics), Dual Wielding (gaming), and The Comic Anvil (comics); has comic and game reviews, satire articles, and other stuff (I just started a crappy little comic there).

Neo 01-19-2012 10:06 PM

Re: All Good Things
That's pretty cool; I'll have to check it out.

Edit: Hah, I see there's even a thread about it. Shows how much I pay attention.

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