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Bond 11-14-2008 08:39 PM

New Watchmen Trailer

Ohhh yeah.

Swan 11-14-2008 08:55 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Was trying to post this.

Have to say's starting to look less good

Ginkasa 11-15-2008 11:37 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
How so?

thatmariolover 11-15-2008 03:01 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
I can hardly wait!

Fox 6 11-15-2008 03:06 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
So good....

Teuthida 11-15-2008 09:34 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
I know he wore lifts in the comic but this Rorschach is so tiny.

Happydude 11-16-2008 01:29 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
this looks pretty cool.

Swan 11-16-2008 03:37 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Hmm, after watching it a second time I think I felt that way just because wasn't quite how I imagined stuff in my head.

Though I still am not a fan of Dr. Manhattan. His voice just doesn't match

Bond 11-16-2008 04:07 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Dr. Manhattan's voice does seem off, I will agree.

Fox 6 11-16-2008 04:42 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
You just want to see his wang Swan.

I wonder how they will handle that :p

manasecret 11-16-2008 04:57 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
From someone that knows nothing about this Watchmen series, the trailers IMHO make the movie look ridiculous. The movie feels like it's going to be cool, but then the "heroes" arrive...

Exhibit A:

The sorta-revealing-but-not-really girl's costume? The guy in the Batman-wannabe costume? The blue electricity guy in a freakin' speedo (or not)? Really? I'm supposed to take this movie seriously?

Angrist 11-16-2008 05:07 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Haha, I'm with Manasecret. And what's Xena Warrior Princess doing in that movie??

Bond 11-16-2008 05:47 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Hey, read the graphic novel and then you'll understand. :)

Dylflon 11-16-2008 05:50 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Manasecret, read the book.

They aren't supposed to be "cool". This is a world in which masked vigilantes choose to dawn the costume for strange (sometimes narcissistic) reasons.

One of the major themes of the book is calling attention to the utter instability any person who would choose to put on a costume and fight crime.

The Watchmen takes a very ironic stance on superheroism and once you realize that this idea takes precedence over trying to look cool, hopefully their appearances won't be enough to turn you off of the film.

Fox 6 11-16-2008 06:19 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 241088)
Haha, I'm with Manasecret. And what's Xena Warrior Princess doing in that movie??

Are you talking about the woman hero in the picture? Because its not the same actress.

Angrist 11-17-2008 03:36 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Originally Posted by Dylflon (Post 241090)
The Watchmen takes a very ironic stance on superheroism and once you realize that this idea takes precedence over trying to look cool, hopefully their appearances won't be enough to turn you off of the film.

Shouldn't the trailer reflect that? Now they're just trying to be another cool super hero movie. Some kind of messed up X-Men.

She sure looks like Xena.

Professor S 11-17-2008 09:45 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 241097)
Shouldn't the trailer reflect that? Now they're just trying to be another cool super hero movie. Some kind of messed up X-Men.

I honestly don't see how you get any of that from the Watchmen trailers. The entire mood of the movies is completely different and they set everything up as a mystery in the superhero universe rather than anything remotely traditional for a comic movie.

As for reflecting irony in a trailer, I'd imagine that would be impossible with the time contraints. The entire depth of this story would be impossible to relay in a trailer. But in the end, I'd love for those who have not read the book to go into this movie with the preconceptions shown here, and then see your reaction afterward. I think it will be interesting. And besides, if given the vhoice, I always prefer to watch the movie first and then read the book. As movies can spoil beloved books, but books rarely spoil beloved movies, they simply make the experience grander.

Looking at the reactions, I can see this movie getting wildly conflicted reviews. Watchmen is a deconstruction of traditional comic universes, and in movie for a deconstructions of the comic book movie. Looking at the trailers, I think Snyder has hit the nail on the head, but in doing so he is expecting his audience to be intimatelyfamiliar with comic book themes and schemas. I think snyder's challenge will be to create a fun movie for those looking for a comic movie, and a thoughtful piece for those looking to see a reflection of Alan Moore's critically best work (personally, I still hold his Swamp Thing run in higher regard even if it's less unique).

As for Xena, her look is the point, but I'll let you discover than for yourself. If you think those costumes look silly, wait until you see the one's from the flashbacks...

Dylflon 11-17-2008 10:15 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 241101)

As for Xena, her look is the point, but I'll let you discover than for yourself. If you think those costumes look silly, wait until you see the one's from the flashbacks...

Oh man. The MinuteMen look sooo good.

Professor S 11-17-2008 10:24 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Originally Posted by Dylflon (Post 241102)
Oh man. The MinuteMen look sooo good.

I didn't think a major studio would have the balls to let a huge first run movie have rediculous costumes, even if they were to make a point. I think we have to thank our stars that it was Warner Bros. heading up this project, and not 20th Century Fox, where creativity goes to die.

manasecret 11-17-2008 10:55 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
I think it's time to add the caveat that my impressions of the trailer do not mean I won't give the movie a chance. I just wanted to give the impressions of someone who knows nothing about Watchmen.

Fox 6 11-17-2008 12:29 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 241097)
She sure looks like Xena.

Its not, Lucy Lawless played Xena

Professor S 11-18-2008 08:08 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
The one concern I do have is that the film looks somewhat... unfinished. I know that there is still a lot of time between now and Watchmen's release, but the TRAILER shouldn't look unfinished. And Billy Crudup's voice needs some effects on it. It just doesn't look or sound right coming from a being of pure energy.

KillerGremlin 11-20-2008 01:02 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
I hope the movie is shot mostly in slow motion and misses blatant context from the original work.

thatmariolover 11-23-2008 02:10 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Honestly, just gotta say, WTF Nite Owl's cape? It very explicitly detailed why his cape narrowed toward the bottom (aside from looking awesomely like an Owl) in the novel (hint: it involves revolving doors and bullets).

BreakABone 12-14-2008 02:13 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Well for those who haven't read the comics or looking for an interesting experiment.

And more at link.

Swan 12-14-2008 07:41 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
After watching trailer again I have to say it loooks awesome except for two things. At least in my opinion.

As Prof said, Dr. Manhattan's voice needs to be altered.

And Silk Spectre needs and older actress

birdman 12-16-2008 07:56 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Thanks for the youtube Earl. My GF has been trying to get me into Watchmen. She LOVES the comic. Guess I can finally join the party.

BreakABone 12-30-2008 11:29 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
I mentioned this during TF 2 this past weekend, but here's an update.


Fox to Seek Order Delaying Watchmen Release

Source: The Associated Press

An attorney for 20th Century Fox says the studio will continue to seek an order delaying the release of Watchmen, according to The Associated Press.

U.S. District Court Judge Gary Feess last week agreed with Fox that Warner Bros. had infringed its copyright by developing and shooting the film, scheduled for release March 6.

Feess said Monday he plans to hold a trial Jan. 20 to decide remaining issues.

Fox claims it never fully relinquished story rights from its deal made in the late 1980s, and sued Warner Bros. in February. Warner Bros. contended Fox isn't entitled to distribution.

Warner Bros.' attorney said Monday he didn't know if an appeal was coming, but thinks a trial is necessary and a settlement unlikely.

birdman 12-30-2008 02:26 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
This. is. bullshit.

BreakABone 02-04-2009 12:45 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Professor S 02-04-2009 03:03 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Looking at the promotional materials, it looks like the studio thinks Rorschach is the most iconic characters from the movie. I was very excited to see Jackie Earl Haley get the role, so I hope he is as good as advertised. The prison scenes should be impressive.

Fox 6 02-04-2009 04:42 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Looking forward to this....... AND IN IMAX TOO!

Doubt I will make the trip to Down Town. Unless Swanny would be up for it......

Swan 02-04-2009 05:50 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Such a boner for this movie.

And yeah, I would totally be down for driving to Imax

Stupid Langley

BreakABone 02-04-2009 05:57 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Just as a head's up.
The imax won't be as special as the Dark Knight.
I'm sure it would still be an improvement over normal theatres due to the larger screen, but if its out of the way its no biggie.

Fox 6 02-04-2009 08:23 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
If only I had that big yellow poster BaBs posted

BreakABone 02-05-2009 11:12 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Teuthida 02-05-2009 01:14 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 244459)

Why is Nite Owl II there twice? Is his snow gear that important?

Swan 02-05-2009 05:16 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 244572)
Why is Nite Owl II there twice? Is his snow gear that important?

Teuthida 02-16-2009 04:57 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
I thank you good sir for that clarification. Allow me to repay your services in pirates.

Swan 02-16-2009 05:45 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

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