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BreakABone 09-28-2008 03:49 PM

Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action

I like to start off any thread with stolen information from Wiki.


James Bond 007 is a fictional character created in 1953 by writer Ian Fleming, who featured him in twelve novels and two short story collections.[1] The character has also been used in the second longest running and second most successful film franchise to date, starting in 1962 with Dr. No.
Well, I have sadly never read the books, something I have been meaning to do, I have seen the movies. And we can all declare that they aren't all winners. Though which is bad and which is good all seems to be relative.

The character has been played by six different actors in the past 46 years. Some have had short tenures, some have had decade spanning tenures while others left the role only to return for one last dance. There is usually no debate on who's everyone's favorite is, but there would be.

In this thread, in honor of his 22nd movie, Quantum of Solace, we go through the cinema history of one Bond, James Bond. Starting with his very first movie Dr. No and ending it with the recent blockbuster Casino Royale.

In the process, we will be shaked and stirred with excitement, spills and thrills.

Officially, Bondtober (as I have dubbed it) will start Oct 1st while maintaining a pace of about 4-5 movies a week. With weekends off to catch up or whatever. But the thread is here so if you want to start early be my guest. And end late. As Quantum isn't due until the 14th.

Fyacin 09-28-2008 03:52 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
I've got bond all queud up at netflix. I will partake of Bondtober! When shall we officially start watching Dr. No?

BreakABone 09-28-2008 03:54 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action

Originally Posted by Fyacin (Post 239579)
I've got bond all queud up at netflix. I will partake of Bondtober! When shall we officially start watching Dr. No?

My official start date is 10/01 for Dr. No.
Each movie will have a brief update when I watch.
Including trivia facts, opening/theme song and of course discussion.

magus113 09-28-2008 03:55 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
It's times like now that I'm glad I have the entire Bond collection that I received as a Christmas gift.

I think I might start with the movies now since 4-5 movies a week might be a bit taxing considering that I have work and school.

BreakABone 09-28-2008 04:23 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Magpie bought up a good point on AIM. We are going to watch the movies in order, not that weird order they released the boxsets in.

So here it is.

Dr. No (1962)
From Russia With Love (1963)
Goldfinger (1964)
Thunderball (1965)
You Only Live Twice (1967)
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
Live and Let Die (1973)
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
Moonraker (1979)
For Your Eyes Only (1981)
Octopussy (1983)
A View to a Kill (1985)
The Living Daylights (1987)
Licence to Kill (1989)
GoldenEye (1995)
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
The World is Not Enough (1999)
Die Another Day (2002)
Casino Royale (2006)

KillerGremlin 09-29-2008 02:38 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
This thread makes me hot.

BreakABone 09-29-2008 09:51 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
And our resident Mixologist, Typhoid has also mentioned a Bond drinking game.

So for those of you who are 21 and over and would like to partake. You take a drink every time a Bondism/Bond zinger is uttered.

Trust me, you will know it when it comes.

BreakABone 09-30-2008 11:40 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Let's kick this marathon off in style.

With the original.

Yeah, the world is introduced to the film version of Bond, James Bond in Dr. No

Our Bond is the original and to many the best, Sean Connery.

Our Bond girl, Honey Rider

And the man the movie is named after, our main baddie, Dr. No

So we have 24 hours to get to know the good doctor and our newest secret agent. 007

For Those of you who need it, Link to Dr. No

uber_paddler 10-01-2008 05:46 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Such a good movie. Fuck my Psych midterm, it's Bond time.

BreakABone 10-01-2008 08:15 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action

Originally Posted by uber_paddler (Post 239735)
Such a good movie. Fuck my Psych midterm, it's Bond time.

I understand the love for bond, but psych is very important as well.

Anyhow, I have to watch the movies early due to work and checked out Dr. No earlier today.

It is a fine movie, but for those who haven't seen it, it is very un-Bond like. There are few snappy comments, fewer gadgets and while he does bed some chicks it isn't as bad as later movies.

A fun ride though

uber_paddler 10-01-2008 10:18 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
"That's a Smith and Wesson, and you've had your six."

BreakABone 10-02-2008 12:13 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
The next movies comes to us From Russia With Love.

Yeah, the second movie in the Bond franchise. Is From Russia With Love

Our man holding the rank of 007 is once again Sean Connery.

Our Bond girl is Tatiana Romanova

The villain is one of my favorites, Red Grant

This is the first Bond film with a pre-title sequence which is also one of the better ones in the franchise.
The Trailer from 63

And one of life's greatest mysteries
The opening title sequence. Has an instrumental version of the theme, but there is an actual theme with lyrics at the end.
I also happen to like the theme.

So day 2 takes us to Russia. Enjoy.

BreakABone 10-03-2008 09:52 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
I know this is late but since off for the weekend was personally gonna push the movie back.

Anyhow, I guess its my blunder for not typing this with my Goldfinger... Okay that was bad.

But the next movie in Bond-tober brings us to Goldfinger the man with the golden touch.

Our Bond for the 3rd time is once again Sean Connery

Our villain is Auric Goldfinger, who really is like the first gimmicky bad guy. Dr. No had an island and a hook hand, but he wasn't in the movie much. Red Grant was pretty much just Bond's physical equal where as Goldfinger is well in love with Gold

And where Red was a henchman and there were some in other movies, I mean Oddjob is the real deal here, and a hat that could kill

The Bond girl is one with one of the least subtle names, Pussy Galore

The Trailer for the Movie

The Intro Like mentioned with FRWL, it had a theme song, but it was attached to the end so really this was the first Bond movie that started the whole theme song/intro video sequence that has continued.

Actually, this movie started the formula for many of the following Bonds, but we shall all enjoy finding those today.

Swan 10-05-2008 02:37 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Started a little late but watched Dr. No last night

Next is From Russia With Love.

When I can find it

BreakABone 10-05-2008 03:05 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 239879)
Started a little late but watched Dr. No last night

Next is From Russia With Love.

When I can find it

Since, I do everything else around these parts. :p

Dr. No

From Russia



You Only Live Twice

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

Diamonds are Forever

Swan 10-05-2008 03:34 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Thank you sweet cheeks

BreakABone 10-06-2008 12:56 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
I guess should post my thoughts on the prior 2 movies.

I watched from Russia With Love and Goldfinger.

From Russia With Love is an awesome movie in a lot of ways, but also pretty different from what the series would become.

I think Red Grant is my favorite Bond villain as he is an equal both mentally and physically. The whole scene between the two on the train is some fine piece of cinema.

Goldfinger is a completely different beast, but its the beast that sets the formula for the rest of the series. Huge set-pieces, one-liners and an overuse of gadgets.

It has an awesome Bond girl in Pussy Galore. IT has the Aston. IT has gadgets. It has one of my favorite themes. And my favorite capture scene.

Swan 10-06-2008 02:42 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Just finished From Russia With Love

I approve

BreakABone 10-06-2008 06:21 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Sorry about the delay, but had this up and ready to go last night and then for some strange reason all the text disappeared. Was not a happy Penguin.

Anyhow, the next movie in our Bond-tastic October is Thunderball.

Our Bond for the 4th time is Sean Connery.

Our Bond girl Dominique Derval

Our bond villain is number 2 himself, Emilio Largo

This movie is famous for its VERY extended underwater chase scene.

Film intro/Theme

Alternate Theme

Thunderball Trailer

This seems like a two man operation with an Uber thrown in.

Swan 10-06-2008 10:19 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
No time to watch Goldfinger tonight.

So shall watch 2 tomorrow to make up

BreakABone 10-07-2008 12:25 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Thunderball is a fun movie, but the climax is shot so oddly. It just comes off looking cheesy.

This thread may rise from day to day, but You Only Live Twice... or so it seems... Okay these are getting worse and worse, I admit. :D

But yeah the next movie in our marathon is You Only Live Twice.

And for the 5th time, Sean Connery is our James Bond.

Instead of Felix Leither, Bond gets some assistance from Tiger Tanaka

The first Mrs. Bond, Kissy

And our enemy who you get to see for the first time, Blofeld

The Trailer

The Opening Credits/Theme Song

One of my favorite themes.

Swan 10-07-2008 07:47 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Just finished Goldfinger.

A good movie. More fast paced then the previous 2 and he only lands 2 ladies.

So far have to say I prefer From Russia With Love

Swan 10-07-2008 10:47 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
And just finished Thunderball. One of my favorite Bond themes so far.

Good again but was not that big a fan of the underwater scenes, which took up a good portion of the movie. Only 3 ladies done again, if I am not mistaken, thus making From Russia still the champ all thanks to the gypsy threesome.

And I noticed at the end they totally whipped out the skyhook manuever that Dark Knight totally stole

You Only Live Twice is on my agenda for tomorrow

BreakABone 10-08-2008 02:51 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Anyhow, finished You Only Live Twice a bit ago. It's a fun movie. Ninjas storming a volcanic base, come on!

Our next film, is in my opinion one of the best in the franchise, On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

This is the 6th film in the series and the first to not star our man Connery.
So our James Bond for the first (and only) time is George Lazenby

Our Bond girl is the only true Mrs. Bond, Tracy di Vicenzo

Our returning villain with a new look, Blofeld.

The Trailer
As an aside, I really do enjoy the cheesy voice-overs of the trailers. They don't make em like this anymore.

The Opening Credit/Theme
I believe this was due to remind folks that it was the same character, but like the use of old footage in the intro. And a really well done theme song.

And when the movie is done shall post the other themes, one of my favorite moments in the entire series.

Swan 10-08-2008 10:35 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Watched You Only Live Twice today.

It was good but it felt like the whole movie was filler.

And his bone count is still at 3. Damn that gypsy threesome

BreakABone 10-09-2008 12:56 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
OHMSS is such a great movie. Easily in my top 5 Bond movies.

Sadly... it was followed by....

I just started this so figured would put up the post now for some discussion.

Right off the back, I hate how the whole opening sequence is set-up. We get Bond basically being apathetic towards the man who murdered his wife. He shows no emotion... and not no emotion like stone cold.. just kind of mindlessly fighting people. Then Blofeld is "killed" in a mud bath or whatever. And Connery aged pretty damn quick through these movies!

Anyhow, the next movie in our marathon is Diamonds are Forever, but apparently Sean Connery is not.

Our Bond for the 6th and final time is Sean Connery who just didn't give a damn at this point.

Our villain for the 3rd and really final time is one Blofeld played by another actor

Our Bond girl is Tiffany Case

The movie also features a gay couple henchmen.. I think that's this movie anyhow.

And the girl named after her father, Plenty O'Toole

The Intro/Theme Song
I am actually a fan of the theme song. One of the few things I like about the movie. Also pained me when little brothers didn't know the Kanye West song sampled the movie theme. :(

The Trailer

And so ends the Connery era and we enter the Golden Age of Moore. :(

Swan 10-09-2008 06:19 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 240008)


No time tonight to watch OHMSS

So will watch two tomorrow

BreakABone 10-10-2008 02:34 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Okay this is take 2 since this has a habit of clearing on me.
Anyhow for those who criticize Casino Royale as turning Bond into Bourne. The whole trend of Bond reflecting current movie trends started with this film and a lot of the Moore era as well. With that said, we shall Live and Let Die.

Our Bond for the first time, Roger Moore

Our Bond girl is Soliataire, who loses her powers once Bond deflowers her

Our Bond villain(s), Mr. Big/Dr. Kananga

And lastly, my most hated character in the franchise

I don't know what he brings to the table.

The Trailer
Unlike Lazenby, they had no problem advertising Moore as the new face of 007.

The Theme/Intro
MAybe the most famous of the Bond themes.

BreakABone 10-12-2008 05:51 PM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Since sitting home a little bored, I figured it would be a good time to watch a Bond movie seeing how Mondays are usually such a pain for me to find the time.

Next on our marathon is The Man with The Golden Gun. A favorite mode in Goldeneye for my friends.

Our Bond for the second time is Roger Moore,

Our villain is sir Third Nipple, Scaramanga

Our Bond girl is Mary Goodnight,

And one would be rude not to mention, Nick Nack, a midget servant (I wish I was making that up)

The Trailer

The Intro/Theme Song
I actually do enjoy the song.

Found a new site that provide these for each movie

Vital Statistics: (According to

* Conquests: 2
* Martinis: 0
* Kills: 1
* "Bond, James Bond": 2

Angrist 10-13-2008 03:35 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Saruman was already scary back then.

BreakABone 10-14-2008 02:51 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 240127)
Saruman was already scary back then.

Good eye. :lol:

It's time to get back on track, and this may or may not be good.
But I watched the trailer for the next movie as I often do, and I honestly can't remember this one. So I don't know if that is good or bad.

But the next movie goes out to all those singles out there, The spy Who Loved Me

This is and only gonna guess Roger Moore's 3rd turn as James Bond and also the 10th James Bond movie in total.

Our Bond girl is Agent Triple X, who would return to us later on as Vin Diesel.

Bond villain is Karl Stromberg,

And another memorable Bond henchman is introduced, Jaws,

This film has people in it and stuff happens. And some stuff blows up. Like I said I really don't remember it.

The Trailer

The Intro/Theme

While I don't remember the movie, I do love the theme. :D

BreakABone 10-21-2008 02:11 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
I was informed by KG that I was slipping, but that isn't the case the marathon still goes on I've just been a bit busy. So to catch you up to speed.

There's only so much one person can hide from their destiny.
Ladies and gentlemen the next movie in our Bond marathon is For our Eyes Only :P
Not quite yet, we go to Moonraker. One of Bond's more... special adventures.

Our Bond for the 4th time is a one Mr. Roger Moore,

Our Bond girl is the non-punny named Holly Goodhead,

Our villain is the strangest looking villain in a Bond film yet, Hugo Drax

Jaws is back but as the movie goes on he becomes less and less of a threat... until.. well you will find out.

This Bond movie is (in)famous for being the first movie to actually send Bond out into outerspace for the final climatic battle.

The Trailer

The Intro/Theme Song
Not really a fan, but sure some are.

I know a little off this week, but my work schedule has been hectic, what can you do?

Anyhow the discussion is already brewing, but this post is For Your Eyes Only.

We have come to James Bond's 12th adventure and Roger Moore's 5th turn as everyone's favorite superspy.

Our Bond girl is Melanie Havelock,

Our villain is Aristotle K.

The Trailer

The Intro/Theme Song
A pretty good song.

This movie is notable for several reasons-
The demise of Ernst Blofeld finally.
No more Bernard Lee as M
And really its much different than most of Moore's film. Partially cuz I guess was written with a new Bond in mind.

KillerGremlin 10-22-2008 11:29 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
you have been slacking....but i can't blame you. i'd be slacking if i had to go through the moore era too. :p

hurry up so we can get to goldeneye, one of the franchise bests.

BreakABone 10-23-2008 02:13 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action

Originally Posted by KillerGremlin (Post 240422)
you have been slacking....but i can't blame you. i'd be slacking if i had to go through the moore era too. :p

hurry up so we can get to goldeneye, one of the franchise bests.

I haven't been slacking.. just a tad busy which does happen from time to time. And no one else seems to be partaking even Swan quit out on me.

So yeah schedule is all out of sync. Gonna attempt the rarely tried Dalton-thon tomorrow and then do Pierce/Craig next week. We are near the finish line. It's as if we have A View....

Yeah it is! A View To a Kill (A Kill as some would say :D )

This is Roger Moore's 7th and final run as our favorite superspy, James Bond

He was way past his physical prime at this point, but eh.

Our Bond villain is Max Zorin, who is played by Christopher Walken maybe one of the most profilic people to play a Bond villain.

Our evil Bond girl is May Day, who is a little crazy

The good one, Stacey Sutton,

The Trailer

The Intro/Theme Song
ONe of the better themes and an interesting intro.

Speaking of intros wasn't a fan of the California Girls song during the pre-credits sequence.

Anyhow, it's there.

KillerGremlin 10-23-2008 03:06 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
A View To a Kill is pretty awful. Definitely a candidate for worst Bond film. At least Christopher Walken is a fun guy to watch.

but the 80s definitely suck. hard.

BreakABone 10-27-2008 01:22 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Sorry about the sporadic schedule recently. Was out of town for the weekend which usually puts a damper on movie watching.

Anyhow Im back got some time to kill so its The Living Daylights

The Living Daylights ushers in the era of the 4th James Bond, Timothy Dalton

The Bond girl is Kara Milovy,

The Bond villain, General Georgi Koskov

I don't believe we have any funky henchman in the Dalton era as he was a return to the more hardcore Bond.

The Intro/Theme Song
It's an enjoyable enough song.

The Trailer

Personally, think Dalton is the only Bond with a perfect record. (Wont count Lazenby as he has one movie and Craig still has time to screw up)

Angrist 10-27-2008 03:34 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
My friend once told me that Timothy Dalton had 'killed' James Bond. But I will give him a fair chance when I (ever) start watching the Bond movies.

Tonight I dreamed about a Bond movie. I think I played Bond. We had to redo this scene over and over again:

The girl and me enter a room, the villain is there. All I have is a glass bottle, which I smash into the wall to turn it into a weapon. I sit down on a bench, next to a bad guy. I say "I forgot my suitcase", which is apparently some oneliner. The girl and me get tied up. I wait for the girl to do something stupid and I cut loose my rope and attack the villain. I throw him into a machine that pulvarizes his and some other bad guys' bodies. The girl gets caught in it too, but I stop the machine in time.
I wondered why there was no blood. Or pulvarized bodies. I figured if the villain maybe got away. I woke up and wondered why I would dream about Bond...

BreakABone 10-28-2008 01:04 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 240527)
My friend once told me that Timothy Dalton had 'killed' James Bond. But I will give him a fair chance when I (ever) start watching the Bond movies.

Tonight I dreamed about a Bond movie. I think I played Bond. We had to redo this scene over and over again:

The girl and me enter a room, the villain is there. All I have is a glass bottle, which I smash into the wall to turn it into a weapon. I sit down on a bench, next to a bad guy. I say "I forgot my suitcase", which is apparently some oneliner. The girl and me get tied up. I wait for the girl to do something stupid and I cut loose my rope and attack the villain. I throw him into a machine that pulvarizes his and some other bad guys' bodies. The girl gets caught in it too, but I stop the machine in time.
I wondered why there was no blood. Or pulvarized bodies. I figured if the villain maybe got away. I woke up and wondered why I would dream about Bond...

Better than the last guy you dreamt about...

Going to see if could get them all in before the end of the month if not by the end of the weekend.

If I don't, my License to Kill should be revoked.

Yeah the next movie is License to Kill, which personally was one of my favorite movies. Let's see if it holds up

I know cover to book, but I prefer it to the cover of the movie which looks kind of cheesy.

For the second and final time our James Bond is Timothy Dalton,

Think only Bond movie where he actually gets two Bond girls who are alive at the end :D

The villain is pretty sweet as well, Franz Sanchez

The Trailer

The Intro/Theme Song
Also a huge fan of the song as well.

So yeah didn't hide my feelings. really love this movie.
James bond revenge movies are awesome. Just imagine if DAF was done properly.

BreakABone 10-30-2008 12:19 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
It probably makes no sense updating this thread, but might as well finish it out.

Gonna attempt to get in two movies today. Or just extend into weekend, but I did pretty decent.

The next movie in our marathon is probably the most famous movie due to the game that shares its name, Goldeneye.

This movie marks the start of one of the more controversary runs with Pierce Brosnan as some love him as he has the biggest media success with aforementioned game and he is a Bond to the current generations, others dont feel he is up to snuff.

Our Villain is a rogue Double 0 agent, 006

The Bond girl is Xenia Onatopp and Natalya I Hate Escorting You through the Library

The Trailer

The Intro/Theme Song
I like the song, but its always bothered me that it seems to be singing about a person while Goldeneye is actually a satellite or missile in the movie.

Gonna have to start stacking them in order to get them all done in time.

And being that there is no time like the present and that Tomorrow Never Dies. We are moving on.

Yeah the next movie in the marathon is Tomorrow Never Dies

Pierce returns for his second go-around as Commander Bond,

Our villain is Elliot Carver, while he isn't Bond's most physical opponent or even his greatest mental challenge, I do enjoy him for some reason

We get two Bond girls again, first we get a geek's dream girl as she was both a Bond Girl AND Lois Lane in Paris Carver and Wai Lin.

The Intro/Theme Song
I actually like this song a great deal and the alternative Surrender.

The Trailer

Tomorrow Never Dies, but this thread is closing to an end.

Angrist 10-30-2008 03:03 AM

Re: Bond, James Bond: Thread of 007 Action
Keep em coming, I enjoy it. I will probably start a 007 marathon in a few weeks. I've only seen like 3 of them.

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