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Fox 6 05-09-2009 09:40 PM

"Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
So saw this today with Swan and its really good!

Contender for best summer blockbuster. Everything felt right on, and I enjoyed it from start to finish.

Anyone else seen/ going to see it?

Swan 05-09-2009 09:55 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
As Foxxy said, just saw it.

Was ALOT better then I thought it would be.

If you want something to do I suggest seeing this

KillerGremlin 05-09-2009 11:10 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
I just saw it. And damn it was good! I'm not a Trek fan but the movie had ebb and flow...

The jokes were funny, Chris Pine was awesome as James T. Kirk, the whole growing up with the characters was cool, special effects rocked....

Also, I can't fucking stand Kal Penn (of Kumar fame from H&K Go to White Castle) in serious roles (he ruined House for me). But John Cho actually shows potential to be a decent real actor.

I recommend it...with the disclaimer that I'm not a Trek fan so you might be pissed.

Vampyr 05-09-2009 11:25 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
Kal Penn was great in house.

I'm going to see this tomorrow though, looking forward to it.

Fox 6 05-10-2009 04:35 AM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
Another thing I loved was all the old sounds on the ship, like the comm system and the the doors and stuff. Sounded perfect.

thatmariolover 05-10-2009 10:27 AM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
I am a huge Trekkie, and I thought the movie was amazing. It might actually be one I go to see a second time while it's still in theaters.

Vampyr 05-10-2009 08:20 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
Amazing. I have to go see this again. One of the best movies ever, let alone of the summer.

Fox 6 05-10-2009 11:26 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
I would actually be up for seeing it again too.

Angrist 05-11-2009 04:30 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
If you're all being ironic, this is the time to tell me. Before I go watch a crappy movie in theaters.

thatmariolover 05-11-2009 05:18 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
Naw, seriously. It's an amazing flick, you have to go see it!

BreakABone 05-11-2009 05:24 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
That was an awesome movie.
And early contender for movie of the year.
I want to go see it on imax.

In comparison, the GI Joe trailer looked awful.

Fox 6 05-11-2009 08:29 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
my parents saw it, loved it.

Teuthida 05-12-2009 12:24 AM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
Better than I thought it would be. It was no Wolverine though.

KillerGremlin 05-12-2009 01:09 AM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 250352)
Better than I thought it would be. It was no Wolverine though.


Jonbo298 05-16-2009 11:47 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 250352)
Better than I thought it would be. It was no Wolverine though.

and by no Wolverine you mean nowhere near as bad as Wolverine...right?

Teuthida 05-17-2009 01:54 AM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
I'm also having trouble telling if I was being sarcastic or not.

Angrist 05-17-2009 08:40 AM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
George RR Martin hated this movie. Now I'm not sure. I've heard the special effects are sweet, but the story is bad.

Fox 6 05-17-2009 11:13 AM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
I saw it again last night. Think its funnier the second time around.

Vampyr 05-17-2009 11:47 AM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 250585)
George RR Martin hated this movie. Now I'm not sure. I've heard the special effects are sweet, but the story is bad.

I love his books, but he seems to have trouble liking anything more successful than he is.

manasecret 05-18-2009 03:56 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
I liked it mucho. It felt like one big TV episode, but coming from a TV series that's not all bad. And by the end of the movie, I was like, so what happens next? Is this really the end of the movie? I didn't feel like it had an excellent climax, and the whole creating a blackhole and still being able to fly away felt a little too easy.

I would definitely like to see it again, but unfortunately finding someone to see it with again will be hard, as finding someone for the first viewing was hard enough.

Angrist 05-18-2009 05:39 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
Spoiler tags next time?

manasecret 05-18-2009 05:47 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 250689)
Spoiler tags next time?

Sorry, fixed. Though I don't think it was that big of a spoiler, this is Star Trek afterall with big weapons in space.

Professor S 05-18-2009 07:35 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
I really like about 80% of this movie. The main actors were perfectly chosen,a nd I mean PERFECTLY chosen, and I thought the writing was well about average for the genre. The effects and atmosphere were excellent as well, even if the design was lifted a bit from Star Wars (mile high platforms that inexplicably have no railings). It gives the entire era a feeling of imminent and constant danger.

My biggest complaints are with the villain Nero and the plot.

I saw the movie but still don't know who Nero was. I know what happened to him, but I don;t know who he was, so there was no weight to his defeat. I also thought his defeat was far too easy, also. This was no Wrath of Khan, but I'd say it is in the top 3 or 4 of Trek movies.

And I just with the plot was as good as the writing. Half way through the plot kind of sat there like a dead fish slowly attracting flies.

I also thought the space flight was a little too based on air and not naval battles.

Overall, I give it a 85%. Thumbs up but there are significant areas for improvement.

manasecret 05-19-2009 10:03 AM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
Prof. S you hit the nail on the friggin' head about Nero. That felt like the biggest weakness of the movie to me as well. I didn't feel his humanity (yeah yeah he's not human, but he obviously feels emotion), he was simply angry, which made him a paper-thin character and his defeat just as heavy.

Ric 05-20-2009 10:47 AM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
I just saw this myself and as a minor Trek fan, oh and bare in mind that in the last week before seeing this I watched the first 10 movies, I thought this film was great.

Angrist... go and see this film my friend, seriously you will not regret it. I thought it was great and I am usually very critical of such things.


I see what ProfS is saying about Nero. I figured he was pissed because he blamed spock for the destruction of Romulus, a gigantic star was exploding nearby and spock was too late to save the day. Nero being a survivor and the captain of a mere Romulan mining crew/vessle. His goal to make the entire Vulcan race suffer. He captured Spocks vessle and mis-used the technology originally designed to save Romulus. Nero did seem like a bit of an afterthought to tie everything together though.

My favourite in the film was Zachary Quinto's (Sylar's) portrayal of Spock. I thought he was great, looked like him, acted like him, spoke like him, great. This guy is fast becoming one of my new and favourite actors. The parts with Leonard Nemoy were great too. 'You have always been and forever shall be my friend, Jim'

And speaking of the man, Kirk I mean. I thought the actor done a pretty good job. Two of my favourite scenes being when he steals his dads car as a kid (technically a different person I suppose) and the other being when he has a fight in the bar.

I also noticed many main story lines and events that were unchanged. If you watch old star trek, the characters, especially Kirk, often relate tales of their history and up bringing. These things have been remembered which is good. Even the big test they had to do. Actually on that note however I dont remember them saying he actually passed it in the new film, just that the council were gonna decide on the matter, In star trek history Kirk is reveared as being the only one ever to beat it.


Professor S 05-20-2009 12:14 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
Ric, and they even mention in the pevious films that he cheated. It was a throw away joke that they brought back for the reboot. It was my favorite part of the movie, and also I thought the part where the actor who played Kirk channelled a little Shatner. Awesome moment.

Vampyr 05-24-2009 01:00 AM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
I actually loved Nero's character - I had a moment watching the movie where I really empathized with him. I mean, he came through the portal, and then waited there for 25 years. He must have known what he was doing was hopeless - he was in the middle of space with finite resources. He would eventually run out out of ammo, he had no hope to really succeed in doing anything but the one thing he wanted.

But anyway...I've been watching the first season of Star Trek on my Xbox streaming from Netflix, and I just saw an episode I haven't saw before, "The Naked Time." What happens is that the crew gets infected with some disease that causes them to lose all of their inhibitions.

But, the interesting part is that during this time they were flying over an alien planet, and had entered it's atmosphere. In order to get enough power fast enough to escape the pull of gravity, they had to combine matter and anti-matter in the engines (similar to the red matter from the movie). The result was they they ended up moving "faster than normal space allows", and they went back in time 71 hours.

Spock says to Kirk, "Since we know it is possible...we could go back in time to any any era."

Kirk sort of looks at him and smiles, and says, "Maybe some day we will, Mr. Spock."

I was like, :O

Dargogamer 05-28-2009 03:49 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
Great movie. Nero - definitely a little 2D. Outside of that one gripe I haven't wanted to see a movie a second time during it's theatrical release in quite some time. I think i could see this 3 times lol.

Professor S 05-28-2009 03:51 PM

Re: "Nuclear Wessels!" The Star Trek Movie!
Welcome, Dargogamer!

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