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TheSlyMoogle 11-28-2012 08:14 PM


Combine 017 11-28-2012 10:29 PM

Re: Weed
Why do you keep saying "Fund it!"?

Is this a new slang I am unaware of? Perhaps the new YOLO?

Seth 11-29-2012 09:04 PM

Re: Weed

"a wrong message to the rest of the nation and it sends a wrong message abroad."
The UN's response to Colorado and Washington`s democratic result.

"In an interview with The Associated Press, Yans said he would like to see Attorney General Eric Holder "take all necessary measures" to ensure that marijuana possession remains illegal throughout the United States."

Hilarious. Portugal's decriminalization of all classified narcotics has seen the country's drug problem improve drastically, while keeping tax dollars out of the court system. Hmmm

Likely the Fed will impose self-supporting-FDA laws. It's too big a business.

TheSlyMoogle 12-11-2012 09:37 PM

Re: Weed

Originally Posted by Combine 017 (Post 284722)
Why do you keep saying "Fund it!"?

Is this a new slang I am unaware of? Perhaps the new YOLO?

No Fund it is kinda like saying "Make it happen" with money.

Teuthida 12-11-2012 10:09 PM

Re: Weed
I like "Make it happen with money." I feel that saying could be used in all sorts of situations.

Seth 12-12-2012 08:41 PM

Re: Weed
Too hilarious: It's beating a dead horse, but it's comedy gold, taking a glimpse back in time at the same issues that have worn out a man who, while not necessarily pragmatic in his notion of free markets, was at least the only prominent voice for freedom and constitutional protections. Relevant since the upheld NDAA and a Syrian propaganda campaign now underway that eerily resembles a 2003 WMD media barrage prior to Iraq.

btw, the video clip's title is misleading. Hardly amazing, unless one is to compare the crazy TV host with the current refined use of hegelian dialectics as a way to channel opinion through the media. Bill O'Reilly? And not to confuse my reference to Fox, it's a far more subtle use than simply pushing a conservative ideology on an unsuspecting audience. It's about policy acceptance that isn't concerned with partisan sides, only with the forwarding of acceptance for a specific agenda.

Ric 08-02-2014 04:57 AM

Re: Weed
Keep on making it legal America. Your influence will change the world.
I hope to see an end to prohibition in the UK in my life time.
I have been smoking weed for 15 years and can categorically say... it's perfectly safe.

Jonbo298 08-07-2014 12:45 AM

Re: Weed
I'm all for legalizing it. Colorado has shown how successful it can be and not cause the end of the world, unlike what some advocates against it said. There is a lot of medicinal benefits also when used appropriately.

Seth 02-11-2017 01:06 AM

Re: Weed
Wow has the scene changed dramatically in just a few years. Vaporizing is the tits

Trudeau promised legalization but it's looking pretty bleak now.

Speaking of having to get high... We just had a Syrian refugee sexually assault six girls at the West Edmonton Mall water park this week. The news coverage has been so muffled that my friend who lives only a 10 minute drive away from the event hadn't heard about it through local outlets.

There's a serious debate going on right now and we're experiencing censorship legislation being put forward.

I wish Canada had the freedom of speech laws that are upheld in the American Constitution.

Trudeau is a cuck who just welcomed all of the unwanted illegals from the US. This is against a large majority of the Canadian people.

Sweden is a good example of what not to do. A high level position police officer in Sweden recently came forward and said it how it is.

Watch some of the videos with Tommy Robinson, not the media pieces on him, but actual interviews. His talk at Oxford Union.

Seth 02-12-2017 12:05 AM

Re: Weed


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