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BreakABone 03-27-2005 03:03 PM

WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Well, I know there aren't too many wrestling fans left on this board, or any at all.

But the Grand-Daddy of them Em All is in a week. I figured I make a list looking back at the first 20 Manias or so. I would rank em, but its rather difficult to do. I could tell you that 17 ranks at the highest one of my list. As for worse Mania, I think 9 wins that hands down, most usually say 13, but atleast that had one breakout match, can't say much for 9. XX was real good but they should of shaved off an hour to make it better.

Anyhow has anyone seen the WrestleMania Goes Hollywood Trailers? Those have been pretty awesome for the most part.

Perfect Stu 03-29-2005 08:18 AM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
the Taxi Driver one is funny.

And I'm paying (along with a couple buddies) to see this WM for pretty much one match: 6 man ladder. I cant wait to see what Benjamin can do in a match like this. I think this will propell him to superstar status.

Of course, I'm also looking forward to Batista destroying HHH...

Professor S 03-29-2005 10:10 AM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
My favorite Wrestlemania of all time is #3. It was nearly 20 years ago and it still sticks in my mind... that and Ive watched it about 20 times since then ;)

I've actually stopped watching wrestling religiously. I still watch every once in a while and pop in an import of RoH tape every now and again, but as for the current scene, I have lost interest.

Joeiss 03-29-2005 10:48 AM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
I hope Batista wins... and who is in the 6man ladder match? That sounds illlllll

Perfect Stu 03-29-2005 03:33 PM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Jericho, Benjamin, Edge, Christian, Benoit and Kane

it will be nuts...

Typhoid 03-29-2005 05:08 PM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
I dont watch wrestling anymore, but I have caught a couple of the commercials, and they made me laugh. Especially the "Are you talkin to me?" one.

I dont know how many their were, but in all honesty, given the choice, I would rather watch all the commericals than wrestling, with that out on the table, can anyone link me to all of the commercials?

MuGen 03-29-2005 05:30 PM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
I don't remember the exact number, but the Wrestlemania when HBK beat Hitman for the Championship.... that was complete pwnage.

BreakABone 03-30-2005 12:04 AM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Well, I'm going to watch Mania, I mean it is free and on the big screen.

Well I think this Mania looks good on paper, just for three matches.

Angle/HBK has had a pretty good build up, and the match should be up there with some greats.

Eddie/Rey is a weird match build-up wise, but should be a great opener. As long as they don't turn either heel of course.

And the 6-man ladder match should be good.

As for the main events, I think they have both been built up properly so they have that WrestleMania feel to me, don't know if they will be 5-star classics, but should be good.

Forgot link for the commercials

And voting on them.

CHRISnwoCHRIS 03-30-2005 12:36 AM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Wrestlemania is always pretty exciting, but there is no chance in hell this even gets close to matching WM XX for me. Benoit winning the big belt in the 20th anniversary of the biggest wrestling show ever was absolutely astounding. This Mania just doesn't have that type of match where I really hope someone wins.

I think the two title matches have been built up decently, but I really don't care if Batista or Cena beat the champions, and I don't expect great matches from them either.

The 6-man ladder match is kind of screwed up I'd say, considering none of the guys are really "spot" guys and none of them are likely going to take the risks and bumps that the Hardys and old school Edge and Christian usually would in these types of matches. It seems like it'll be TLC Lite, but with the talent in there it should be pretty good either way.

I like the build up for HBK/Angle and it could be a great match. I hate HBK though in every possible way, and I expect him to win, which is going to suck.

Taker vs Orton I hope is a complete beatdown by Taker. Trish vs Christy will suck, but Trish is one of if not the single most entertaining wrestler in the whole WWE right now, and damn hot to boot, so whatever. Eddie vs Rey could be an absolute show-stealer, so looking forward to that.

I'm also looking forward to PIPER'S PIT~!! with Austin, and Hogan making an appearance. I'm a real nostalgia whore. I wish Paul London was on the card, but, you know...

All in all... WM in Chicago next year sucks, and if somehow by hook or by crook, they announce it as being in Calgary... I will go NUTS. :)

fingersman 03-31-2005 06:24 PM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
I hope Taker beats Orton into the ground.
If I didn't have so much work to do I would go and watch it at a sports bar. :( bah

BreakABone 03-31-2005 11:13 PM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Originally Posted by fingersman
I hope Taker beats Orton into the ground.
If I didn't have so much work to do I would go and watch it at a sports bar. :( bah

Do the work before hand or do it while you watch, it's the biggest show of the year.

CHRISnwoCHRIS 04-03-2005 11:47 PM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Alright... Pretty much as I predicted for myself, not a bad show but not really up to my Wrestlemania hype standards. Two main events were pretty non eventful. 6-way ladder match was good, but pretty much TLC Lite. HBK/Angle I'll have to watch again, but I sure LOVED the ending. Piper was hilarious. Women's match was forgettable. Trish was smoking though. Akebono was a waste of time. I thought Rey/Eddie was way too short and kind of dissapointing. Taker/Orton was as expected, glad that Taker is now 13-0rton. ;) And that match made it all worth it, as me and friends were watching at a theatre, and I harassed these teenage girls who were in love with Orton enough that they wanted to beat me up, said they called for backup to kick my ass, and swore at me for a good 10 mins. Good stuff.

All in all, kinda dissapointing, not WM XX quality, not WM 17, 18, or 19 quality either.

Perfect Stu 04-04-2005 12:32 AM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
I thought the HBK/Angle match was VERY good, best match of the night
Ladder match was very good, but it had a very anti climatic ending. Shelton Benjamin running up the ladder was downright cool.
Taker vs. Orton was better than I thought it would be. Two of the coolest looking counters I've seen...
Batista vs. HHH was about as good as I could have expected, which is nothing amazing, but decent.
JBL vs Cena was garbage. JBL cannot wrestle...he can brawl. And Cena...well, lets just say he's not nearly good enough to make up for the fact that he's facing JBL.

fingersman 04-09-2005 02:01 PM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Hey does anyone know, where I can directly download the trailers to my comp? I don't like the streaming thing

dropCGCF 04-09-2005 04:12 PM

Re: WrestleMAnia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
You're talking about soap operas like they're football games.

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