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MLB Playoffs 2004.
Old 10-03-2004, 10:26 PM   #1
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Default MLB Playoffs 2004.

Well, its now offical...the Playoffs are finally upon us. Without further delay, I give you the 2004 playoff schedule:
(all times EST)
National League:

Los Angeles Dodgers vs. St. Louis Cardinals
Game 1: Tuesday, Oct 5th. 1:00PM. ESPN

Houston Astros vs. Atlanta Braves
Game 1: Wensday, Oct 6th 1:00PM ESPN

American League

Minnesota Twins vs. New York Yankees
Game 1: Tuesday, Oct 5th 8:00PM FOX

Boston Red Sox vs. Anaheim Angels
Game 1: Tuesday, Oct 5th 4:00PM ESPN

So there you have it. Cant say im really all that shocked by any of it. Astros made one helluva run late to sneak in, thats most shocking to me considering how much they sucked there for most of the season. Cubs chocked as always, but that was to be expected. A lot of the Cub fans were really running their mouths throughout most of the season, ive been in more than one arguement with more than one person on this board, you know who you are. Simple fact of the matter is, exactly what ive been saying since Day 1 of this season:

No matter how good the Cubs look on paper, theyre still the Cubs. Simple as that. Im looking foward to some good playoff action.
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