hey everyone everyone calls me kooley i am from kentucky and a big gamer
frek i have a ps3 and nintendeo wii and a psp i like sports game and i all so
like to playing all outher games to games i wont to play mgs 4 wench i have
resvard at one of my game stors here when it coms to what game systeam
i thank is better i have hand all 3 so here is how i see it as of right now i
would give the xbox 360 a 7.3 out of a 10 the ps3 a 8.9 out of 10 and the
wii a 9.2 out of a 10 the wil is relly a good systeam and so is the ps3 i
never did get in to the 360 for some reson i dont no why but anyway
hope to meet everyone soon things i like to do besids play games i
like the outdoors i like lesting to music country i like watching wrestling
like tna and wwe but tna is better so ther you have it a littler about me
agane everyone calls me kooley thanks and have a nice day