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Wierd computer issue.
Old 10-02-2008, 07:08 AM   #1
The Greatest One
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Default Wierd computer issue.

So... last night the electricity in my neighborhood went out. I use a laptop, so when the electricity went out, my Laptop kept running fine with no issues. the power was off about an hour, 30 minutes into the outage I decided to close my laptop and let it sleep.

30 mins later the power is back, so I go to turn on my laptop and it turns itself off instantly.. No sound or anything, just on then off quick. About 30 minutes after that, when I attempt to turn it on again, this time it powers up a bit longer.. 10-15 seconds, I hear the fan kick on and it checking the CD drive, then boom it dies again before the screen lights up.

I tried removing and adding the plug, removing and adding the battery and nothing makes a diference, it keeps doing this 15 second thing. I give up and decide the computer is just screwed for a week til I get paid.

Then... a few hours later, I try again for the hell of it to turn it on, and it acts like it did right after the outage. It turned on and off quick twice, then on my third try it randomly booted up completly..

I'm a bit scared to turn the computer off again now and risk it not wanting to restart, so I'm just letting it sleep by closing the monitor then turning it back on by opening it. I was wondering if anyone had an issue like this before? If so, did it actually fix itself over time, or is there something I need to do or check before I risk powering downt he computer?
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