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Old 05-01-2002, 02:37 PM   #8
Revival is offline
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Ok.. I found a picture I'll post.. I'll kill two birds with one stone, you'll also know what Andromida looks like.. she's on the left ( as if you couldn't tell ). Just to let you know.. I despise having my picture taken.. and that was in June when it was almost 80 degrees.. and I was dressed up for my 8th grade graduation.. wow.. that's almost a year old. Yeah so just remember when you look at that picture, that it is a year old.

Anyways.. I'll have a really good picture next week to show you guys.. it's the best picture of me (or at least I think so).. I'm laughing in the picture and there's Elin running behind me.. so yeah uhh.. it actually looks like I'm having fun.. and there are very few pictures of me... or maybe I'll scan the picture of me that's going to be in the paper on Friday.. ehh..

Ahhh! I'm turing into DeathsHand.. I'm rambling on and on about something little.. oh wait.. I forgot one thing..

K bye....

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