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Re: Star: Wars or Trek
Old 05-05-2009, 04:17 PM   #5
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Default Re: Star: Wars or Trek

Oh Strangler, how I missed your posts.

While yes, it's clearly my opinion that the movies are as bad in most cases as Episodes 1-3, it's immediately proven why nobody factors that in by KG's recent post:

(i had some good father-son bonding seeing the original trilogy when it was rereleased in theaters)

Nostalgia. The main culprit of why nobody will admit that Mark Hamill is a terrible actor. He is the Hayden Christiensen of those movies. Do I need to remind you of the scene where Darth Vader tells Luke he is his father, thusly resulting in the gem of acting prowess that is the "noooo" - much as bad as Vader in episode 3 shouting "nooo".

The Pod Racing scene wasn't made to sell toys. It just wound up that it was easily marketable, and technically a major scene in the movie - considering it proved that Anakin indeed does have a vast amount of "the force."

And don't even bring up "marketing" with Star Wars. Do you really forget about all the mass amounts of Star Wars crap they made in the 70's? All the shit with Han Solo on it, or a Leie Lunchbox? Maybe you want a Luke Skywalker bobblehead for your Station Wagon. Maybe a touch'n' speak Chewbacca more suits your need, or how about a Darth Vader mask? Maybe you can curl up at night beneath your "A New Hope" blanket and your Ewok bedsheets, but not before you lay your head down on your R2D2 and C3P0 pillows.

they hold up even today, and in many cases look better than CG IMO
Really? Really?

I didn't listen to the video, so I don't care what it says, but just look at it.


Anyways, I'm not saying the trilogy sucks horribly, or Episodes 1-3 are amazing - I'm just saying people become biased over it because when they were kids, Star Wars was epic, it was awesome, it was fantastic, and trying to grasp the fact that the acting was crap, and the graphics (while good for their time) don't hold up - clearly, it was the 70's.

And to break it to you all who dearly love the originals - the script writing, while not bad, isn't anything special. People also seem to forget that Lucas was trying to focus on a new audience. Much like in Star Wars in the 70's, he was shooting for kids and teenagers, so was the case for episode 1. (not so much 2 and 3, really.) The problem there, is that as the years pass, you all age aswell. Thusly not making you that bright eyed lad with your father/friends in the theatre who is amazed at a man in a furry outfit who can warble his voice.
1.) The sexual act where a finger is inserted into the vagina or anus.
1.) To vigorously nod your head up and down.
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