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Re: Star: Wars or Trek
Old 05-06-2009, 04:42 AM   #10
No Pants
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Default Re: Star: Wars or Trek

Originally Posted by Typhoid View Post
Basic star wars knowledge fail.

The thing with Midichlorians, is everything has them. Not everyone who has a high enough concentration of them in their body is a Jedi - they have to learn to channel it.

Also: Anakin was the chosen one. Not Luke. Say whaaaat.
Oh come on, I was just joking about the Yoda sperm. But my point is valid. The force went from something you feel, "feel the force," to something tangible. The force was this intangible essence in the universe that only a few people could channel with great concentration. Now there are "microscopic life-form that resides within the cells of all living things" that dictate who can use the force or not. And to make matters worse these things are measurable with a little meter. I think it's kind of lame in a who-is-to-say-you-can't-inject-more-of-them-into-regular-people-kind-of-way. Just sayin' though, that is my opinion on the matter.

Anyway, enough bickering I don't care enough about Star Wars to invest this much thought into the subject.

My favorite part of Episode II: Attack of the Clones was the progression of Natalie Portman's outfit throughout the film from this:

to this

It was hotter and more revealing if I recall in movie format...but my point is, they totally had two costume and their is correlation between the quality of the movie as it progressed and the amount of time Lucas spent playing with his light saber on the set.
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