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Re: Iowa Republican Debate
Old 09-02-2011, 08:29 PM   #5
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Default Re: Iowa Republican Debate

Originally Posted by thatmariolover View Post
I do, yes (though in the context of political discussion, disregard my affiliation with Mayo). You may be right, all I'm reporting is what we've seen thusfar. But I think the benefits may be more long term than you think. The idea is that now we're forced to keep track of when patients have had important tests (Colonoscopy, Lipid Panel, PSA, Mammogram, Pap Test, etc). If we find they're due for something important, even if we're not they're primary care provider, we offer to schedule it for them. If we don't, we don't get Medicare reembursement. I realize we have a very streamlined process, and it may be a more ideal implementation than many health organizations.
I know a lot of people from Rochester (some who work at Mayo), which is why I asked.

The progressive flat tax you guys have discussed seems quite fair.
It's good ... fair, efficient, and increased revenue. Probably politically problematic though.

Climate change has to be the really big one. There's a clear intent to deny and discredit climate change filtering down from somewhere in the Republican party. I haven't really seen much from the GOP regarding what to do about unemployment, aside from a Bachmann calling down from on high to axe the minimum wage.

I can't reconcile my social differences with the party either.
That's fair. Unfortunately, when the Republican party sold out to the evangelicals after the Goldwater-era, that included selling out to their extreme social views. The problem is that there isn't a party that sides with most Americans: economically conservative and socially liberal.
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