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Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Old 10-31-2011, 04:41 PM   #2
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Default Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

I like where Shane's character is going though. Now I just wonder if him shaving his hair at the end symbolizes him trying to put it behind him, or if he's going to continue down a path of becoming more and more morally ambiguous.
I thought he shaved his head because Otis ripped a chunk of his hair out, and he didn't want anyone to get wise to the fact he shot him and left him for the zombies so he could get away. I'm not trying to sound like a douche, I mean that just as a comment and not as an "are you suuuuuuuure?.

Also, I think the sound quality thing is solely the rip you got, Angrist.

This episode was definitely one of the better ones, I thought. I like what's becoming of Shane's character. Seems like he's slowly slipping into insanity - or something. At the end of this episode it gave me a thought that Shane would be the Antagonist to Rick sometime soon. Maybe by the end of the season. Then again he does seem to have totally wanted Rick and Rick's son alive, despite the intense desire to bang his wife. Who wouldn't. Chicks a babe.

I didn't find anything wrong with the deer speech. Well, it was sort of like a comment, but still. I thought it was pretty touching in a completely-cheesy way. The innocence of children, and all. Zombie apocolypse is going on all around him, kid gets shot and is close to dying, he's seen people get torn apart by the re-animated corpses of people- and the first thing he talks about is how pretty a deer was? Innocence I tells ya.

If I can ask without seeming too douchey for constantly critiquing other people's opinions (because I really don't do it with the intention of douchedom, but with the intention of conversation about why your opinions on why certain things are so bad, are so bad to you); but what seemed over-the-top to you about Shane when he got back and was standing at the truck? The dude essentially killed an innocent man, and had to stand there and watch everyone's reaction to having that dude be dead and torn apart by zombies. It's not like [Shane's actor] was wimpering and had saliva dripping from his lips as he made some moaning sound while helplessly flailing his arms or something. He wasn't pandering to the camera or breaking any fourth wall. The way he talked wasn't very theatric at all.

*joint break*

I honestly don't find the acting on the show terrible at all. I have to figure that some (especially real) people would lose a little of their personalities when a catastrophic event takes place, while others (forget name, Merle's brother/Glen) assumedly have their personality remain unchanged (the slightly jovial attitude, while not being a complete comedian) because they're more or less mentally prepared for the situation by having some type of survival training, or training in general. And don't give me a "Glen doesn't have training." The kid knew the city streets so he felt totally comfortable. Now that they're away from what he knows, I'm noticing his character looking like he's feeling more and more upset with the situation as time passes.

To me Andrea just looks like a chick in complete and utter shock. When my grandpa died a couple weeks ago that's how my dad was more or less. Less of the zombie aspect. But if you've seen anyone in total shock before, they are pretty melodramatic at times. And usually somber, quiet, and highly easy to agitate. The character of Andrea just watched her sister die, then had to put a bullet through her head, decided to kill herself, then was forced to give up that option because of some stubborn old man she doesn't even know. Is the character of Andrea not allowed to be sad? Do you want her and all other characters to be emotionless soulless dickheads who don't think about repercussions or the past? Can these characters not have flaws, break down, get scared, worried, and be extremely depressed? When faced with a traumatic situation, some people just break. Some become stronger people. Some do both.

Are we (as collective fans) so jaded by what zombie shows/movies usually are that when there are characters that act like real people it seems far-fetched to us? Does the collective populace just want another mindless zombie show that is compiled of 5 minutes of finding zombies, and 40 minutes of murder with 10 minutes of loud dialogue in between about finding and killing zombies? Where's the suspense or character building in that.

Anyways, black out your comic-shit. Some of us (probably only me) haven't read them. Granted they might not stick to it page-by-page, but still man, come on.
1.) The sexual act where a finger is inserted into the vagina or anus.
1.) To vigorously nod your head up and down.
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