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Re: Occupy Wallstreet
Old 11-23-2011, 03:31 PM   #20
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Default Re: Occupy Wallstreet

While I don't really agree with protesting after a certain point; at some point you've got to get educated and make logical points rather than just sleeping in a tent.

Anyhow, I'm all for any protest if the protesters want to waste as much time as they desire as long as they: Don't impede people from going to/from work, don't stop safety services from providing safety, don't impede roads/bridges; that type of thing.

If they (any protest) start doing any of those (other than get violent/loot etc), I say get 'em the fuck out of there. Fine them all. hand each and every one of them their own ticket. If they rip up the ticket in defiance, arrest them for doing so.

But if real people want to waste their own goddamn time sitting in the cold rain for something they think is a good idea, fuck it - let them be cold, and wet sitting in some dingy park for months at a time.

But if they start breaking the law, shitting in public, loitering in stores, theft etc, bring the fucking law down on them hard. Breaking the law is one thing, but breaking the law in public while under the guise of standing up for 'the people' is sort of retarded, to me.

The thing is, I don't believe these occupy wallstreet douches want 'change'. It seems to me they want to be there long enough so force will have to be used to remove them, because then that will look bad on the government. They seemed to apparently wait for something like a line of students or an old lady to get peppersprayed, so they can stand up, throw their arms in the air and scream cruelty.

When I refer to "They", I don't mean the people in New York at Occupy Wallstreet. I mean everyone else. The 19 - late20somethings who are lazy douches who want to feel like they're a part of their own personal 60's flower power revolution. It's a fucking joke.
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