Thread: SOPA
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Old 01-29-2012, 10:07 AM   #28
Professor S
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Default Re: SOPA

Originally Posted by TheGame View Post
The penalty has to fit the crime. I think I made it very clear how it's different, so no need to explain this again.
Here is the problem: No one cares what you think, or how different it may be, even if you're right. They are looking for opportunities to push through laws to benefit themselves. You all seem to think that those that want to push PIPA and SOPA don't understand how the Internet works. That is ridiculous. They are very well aware of how it works, and that is EXACTLY their issue.

Again, making it complicated only gives your opposition opportunity to do what they want. This is how the world works. Get used to it and triangulate. Sometimes you have to lose a battle to win a war.
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