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Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Old 03-19-2012, 03:30 PM   #371
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Default Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

I thought it was a pretty solid episode, too.
I like how it started right from the beginning, there was no sauntering back to the farm, it was just "Well son, I'm sorry to tell you that I ki- we've got to haul ass away from these zombies"

The only thing that got me as "meh" was when Herschel's daughter got taken by a zombie. It was easy to tell it was coming considering they were only looking left, and the camera was tighter on the right side; so I was all immediately "Oh, fuck. Well there's obviously an extra or two standing there or else they would have probably centred the shot, or at least have her look right."

I thought Herschel was going to get eaten. I'm pumped he didn't. If he does in the future, he does. I like the person of the character, and I think the actor plays him well. He feels like a real guy attempting to struggle with the world in a real way. For as much as he said he'd die on his farm (He very well might), and how he'd never leave - he wound up running like all the rest. Self-preservation.

I like how they all panicked and fled at some point. Fight or flight, but in the end flight took over for all of them. I like that; human evolution was based on flight. We don't survive by being the best hunter, we survive by being the smartest at living.
1.) The sexual act where a finger is inserted into the vagina or anus.
1.) To vigorously nod your head up and down.
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