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Old 08-01-2002, 04:42 PM   #17
Blade Runner
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Originally posted by Null
Josie Maran

omg. Charisma Carpenter looks like she just got out of a Drug instatute or a Trash bin or someting in a couple of thoes pics. Expecially her first and last pics. E-W-W-W

her 3rd looks like her ass is sagging.

her 2nd is the only good one. i wonder how in hell some of you choose her. In her first pic there. She looks like she's been shootin up some drugs. Been sick for 3 weeks And gone Un-showered.

Josie is by far the best there.

And that girl Stonecutter posted would be 2nd.

then Beyonce.
Then Jenifer lopez.

then you can guess my last choice.
ROFL! You are right, what was I thinking! *smacks himself in the face* I didn't even see the one stonecutter posted. I change mine to josie...
Warez is bad. It is a bad bad thing. Do not do warez, and the world will be a better place. Little children will once more be able to play on the streets, and old folks can sit in their armchairs without fear of being mugged or burgled, etc. Over 90% of the crimes comitted in the world are linked to Warez, and if you do it, you are contributing to that 90% of crime. How would you like it if the Warez scene's next victim was someone you loved. So do the right thing, and don't do warez; because it's wrong. Morally, and ethically wrong.
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