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Fav. Game Genres?
Old 11-05-2002, 05:18 PM   #1
Crono is offline
Location: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
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Question Fav. Game Genres?

Well, I'd like everyone to post their favourite and least favourite game genres (it's just like a little poll thingy)...Also, post why you like or dislike that particular genre. some of your fav. games of that genre (or in the dislike genre, list the games you dislike)

RPGs - All of my fav. games of all time are RPGs. The reason is simple. RPGs almost always have great characters, wonderful storylines, memorable scenes, etc. I love games with lots of dialouge and character improvement, and how characters interact with their world. I dunno why, ever since playing my first RPG (Final Fantasy 4/2 on SNES), I was hooked. I also tend to like games that move at a slower pace...and I also like games that are single player..

My Fav. RPGs:
- Breath Of Fire III
- Chrono Trigger
- Chrono Cross
- Suikoden III
- Final Fantasy VII
- Secret Of Mana
- Seiken Densetsu 3
...and soon Kingdom Hearts will be added to that list. If any of you ever play any of these games, you will understand why I love RPGs so much.


Least Favourite
Hmm...I'll have to go with FPS's. For one, I don't like the fast paced killing. And like I said, I love games with great stories and character development. And guess what? Most FPS's tend to lack majorly in this department.

FPS's that I dislike:
- Perfect Dark
- Time Splitters 2
- Goldeneye 007 (I enjoyed it for a BIT, then got real tired of it soon after)
- Half Life
...and pretty much any other FPS. Goldeneye 007 was the first (and only) FPS that I bought. After that, I learned my lesson to never buy another.

Last edited by Crono : 11-05-2002 at 05:35 PM.
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