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Old 02-06-2006, 04:38 AM   #1
A. Naef, 1916b
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Default Drugs

I know some of you guys have done some hard stuff and just wondering if care to share some experiences. It's 4:10am, I'm on Ritalin...my work is not getting done anyway so figured I'd create this thread.

I've smoked weed a number of times but I'm done with it for good now. I hated knowing that the feeling was false. Plus I'm paranoid as it is without an aid. One time back in my old college I smoked up by myself in the woods near my school and got back to my dorm before it took affect (for some reason I experience a 10 min delay). This was 5am.

I smoked a huge joint and really wish I hadn't. Tried watching Cartoon Network; too intense. Tried watching WMP visuals but same deal. So sat in my chair in the dark. I was thirsty but felt I couldn't risk reaching to the floor to grab a bottle of water. See, I'm prone to have panic attacks so when THC increases my heart rate I notice that, panic a bit which raises it more, and then freak out that I'll have a heart attack. Loads of fun.

I made it to the bathroom and swore that the face in the mirror wasn't me...if it was I looked sickly green and oh so dead. I moved my hands infront of my face and it felt like a stop motion clay animation. I curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor and rocked back and forth for I dunno how long. Then I made it back to my bed and must have passed out before it even began to wear off.

I swore I would never do it again after that. I did...several times...some of them quite fun. But now I'm totally off it.

I have serious problems concentrating on my work. I'll get distracted by anything and everything. When I saw a professional comic book artist's work schedule on his web site
Haul myself out of bed around 9:00am, then get started around 10:00 draw till 8... eat food...supposedly dinner...I don't usually take a break for lunch. Then go for a run around 10:30pm then work till around 2:00am.
I knew I would never be able to do that without help. I decided to buy some ritalin off someone to see if it would help.

First tried it to read Notes From The Underground to test it. Worked like a charm. Sat perfectly still inhaling the book until I finished. During that time the side effect of feeling elated came over me. Was quite nice. About 3.5 hours after taking the pill I was hit with every side effect minus coma, vomitting (which I'm physically unable to pull off anyway), and hallucinating (which I get plenty of from not sleeping).

I became freezing cold and jittery. Again my heart raced and my own paranoia added to the feeling. My hands went numb and was honestly kinda scared. Three hours later could feel my hands again and started to stop shaking.

After that time I halved the pill but it didn't help as much...especially in terms of drawing comics since I constantly have to check references and get up and move around. So turns out it won't be much help for my work afterall. I did do that pic of Penguin while on it though...I can do work on the computer until my hands bleed without the aid of drugs.

Sorry if bored you but wanted to get that out of my system. Probably won't try anything else; too paranoid. I'll stick to sleep deprivation and lack of nutrition.

So, anyone want to share?
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-06-2006, 05:21 AM   #2
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So this may kill my reputation with the people here who actually know me. Which is almost half the active board.

Let's start this off. Shall we?

I havent really ever gotten into weed. Ever. I dont know why. I feel too much like I'm 14 when I'm standing around with some friends lighting a joint. That doesnt mean I'm opposed to doing it occasionally, Because I'm not. It's just I found weed hasnt much ever done anything to me. And I've had (Being from BC, and knowing my brother) some pretty "killer" weed. It's not that great. It just makes me zone out and wonder why I'm zoning out. I'd much rather drink.

From the stages of about grade 11 and 12, I had myself some drug issues. I had my whole extacy phase. I've done that my fair share of times. I wont condone it, but it is a fun drug to do, in moderation. Dont do too many caps at once, and then you'll be fine. Moderately speaking. It's fun. Really fun. I wont lie. You dont want to have sex with everyone, so thats basically a total lie. You're just touchy-er. But you dont notice. I would sit next to girls at parties, and put my arm around them and rub their shoulder, and not even notice I was doing it. It's not that physical contact gets you off, it's just that it feels good. Not "Oh my god, lets cream my pants" good, but good nonetheless.
Once, I remember I was on it at this party at my friend Anthony's house, and my friend Rob was also "rocked". We had to go meet some girls because they didnt know where Anthony lived. So the second we step out the door, Rob looks at me and says "Want to run there?" So I just started running. We apparently ran reallygod damn far, and didnt stop once. It was a 45 minute walk back from where we met them. And we ran the whole way there, near sprinting speed, while also carrying on conversations. That must have actually looked really messed up to people.
Two guys running really fast by them while talking about something in China.

And then about, halfway through summer last year, I got into Cocaine. Which I obviously dont advise anyone to get into at all. It's not that great. It's a total waste of money. It's hard to stop once you do it, and it makes your girl friends cry. Or at least thats what I learned from it. I really only have two things I remember about the times I did coke. One, is that once, I was talking to my friend Chelsea, but I was talking really fast, and I couldnt understand myself. Because I wasnt thinking, I was talking, and listening to what I was saying instead. And I was realizing it was making no sense, so I started to get mad at myself, and didnt understand that, which made me madder.
And the other thing I remember, is that Ashley found out I did it, and cried. And thats the day I stopped doing it.


All in all, drugs are a waste of time, and a waste of money. But I suppose some people just get into the wrong crowds and stuff. Like me. Even though I'm still totally with the same crowd. Go figure.

I also found out that more people than you think, do cocaine. It's getting as big as weed around here.

But if I would advise anything, it would obviously be dont do cocaine. Dont do anything else either, but cocaine is addictive. Once you start, it's hard to stop. It's not like you'll die for it at first, but if its there, you'll go for it. Then after a while you start spending your money on it, and then 4 months later the girl you love cries and the cycle ends.

Stick with drinking, kids.
1.) The sexual act where a finger is inserted into the vagina or anus.
1.) To vigorously nod your head up and down.

Last edited by Typhoid : 02-06-2006 at 05:38 AM.
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-06-2006, 05:35 AM   #3
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What is it with the hard substances around here?


Well...I'm glad you quit.
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-06-2006, 05:37 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Dylflon
What is it with the hard substances around here?


Well...I'm glad you quit.
I dont know. It's odd. I know that around half of the grade 9's, 10's and 11's in Fox do it, or have a few times.

And yeah, shut up, I know it was stupid to get into.

And yeah, I stopped. I havent done it, or any other drug (excluding various joints) for a long time.

I stick to drinking now.
1.) The sexual act where a finger is inserted into the vagina or anus.
1.) To vigorously nod your head up and down.
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-06-2006, 08:25 PM   #5
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Ive never really gotten into drugs. Ive been really close to smoking weed several times, and I swore I would at least give it a try the next time I was offered it, but then came along my lung problems, and I now highly doubt I will ever risk smoking anything ever again.

I do still drink on occasion, and when I say on occasion, I mean since I started drinking my sophmore year in high school, I have gone as long as 6 months between drinking, and at other times I might have a month long stretch where I do it every weekend. Just depends on who im hanging around with at various times. When I do drink it is usually quite heavily, and I only do it to get drunk. But I guess that is why everyone drinks right?
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-06-2006, 09:31 PM   #6
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One time, when Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix came out, I stayed up all night to read it and drank a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper. Then I continued to read the book into the day while drinking a new 12 pack of Dr. Pepper.

I stayed up until, like, 4:00 the next night. So, I was super sleep deprived, and really really "hyper" from caffiene. It was crazy.

And, uh, that's all. No alcohol. No illegal drugs. No overdoses. I'm a good kid.

/me shrugs and walks away
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-07-2006, 03:44 AM   #7
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*sees thread from afar*

*runs into thread smashing the door open*


*realizes there are no drugs in the thread*

this is false advertising!!! i'll sue!!!

anyhoo, only thing i've done so far and still occasionally do (about once a month) is weed.
i would really like to try 'X' or 'E' whatever you kids call it these days, just for the hell of experience, and i would also not mind trying LSD (i think that's what those patches are called) because i heard that was hella fun for halucinations.

and thats about it, i wouldn't try the hardcore stuff like coke or heroin or **** like that, just not me.
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-07-2006, 04:09 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Happydude
i would really like to try 'X' or 'E' whatever you kids call it these days, just for the hell of experience, and i would also not mind trying LSD (i think that's what those patches are called) because i heard that was hella fun for halucinations.

and thats about it, i wouldn't try the hardcore stuff like coke or heroin or **** like that, just not me.

The kids (now) call it E, first of all.

And second, E is a hardcore drug. I'm pretty sure LSD is too. E messes you up more than coke does. E drains your spinal fluid, and can make you die overheating by just being on one cap. If you drink too much water on a cap of E, you'll die from water poisoning.

E is pretty mohfriggin "hardcore".
1.) The sexual act where a finger is inserted into the vagina or anus.
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-07-2006, 05:27 AM   #9
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first of all, i know more about E than most people .

you can't actually die directly as a result from the drug. you can only die either by being stupid and not drinking or drinking too much and hence drowning your own body form the inside. (no such thing as water poisoning unless there is actualy poison in the water )

in either case i don't consider it to be hardcore.

as for LSD, it's in between, it has long term effects like flashbacks and stuff and supposedly it leaves a "scar" on your brain *shrug* haven't double checked on that. but neither of those drugs are addictive and that's what makes them not hardcore in my opinion.
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-07-2006, 06:46 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Happydude
first of all, i know more about E than most people .

you can't actually die directly as a result from the drug. you can only die either by being stupid and not drinking or drinking too much and hence drowning your own body form the inside. (no such thing as water poisoning unless there is actualy poison in the water )

Thats great. But I'm "in" the drug scene, so I'm pretty sure I know about E too.

I never said you can die directly from it. E makes you overheart without knowing it, and it takes away your apetite, and increases your need for fluids, mainly water. Causing the water poisoning.

So congratulations, you basically succeeded to say exactly what I said, only longer.

And there is something such as Water Poisoning. It's also called "hyponatremia".

Thanks for coming out though.

(Water Poisoning link)

Too lazy to read it? I'll just take a little piece out of it for you.

water poisoning results when too much water is ingested in too short a time without replenishing electrolytes, particularly sodium and potassium.
1.) The sexual act where a finger is inserted into the vagina or anus.
1.) To vigorously nod your head up and down.
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-07-2006, 07:12 AM   #11
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well i guess i was wrong about the water poisoning thing then...and i like to restate stuff in a longer fashion. so
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-07-2006, 07:51 AM   #12
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I have never done drugs. Never even touched a sigarette.

I do drink some alcohol, but not to get drunk. The tipsiest I've ever been was after 7 drinks spread over 6 hours.
I like to really enjoy my beer and feel that slight lightness in the head. I've never had te need to find out how much I could take.

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Re: Drugs
Old 02-07-2006, 08:10 AM   #13
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I've only been drunk once. Taking shots of gin playing pool with friends. I think my accuracy actually improved.

Other than that I would only drink socially when offered at a friend's apartment or something, who were usually a number of years older than me and over the whole drink to get drunk thing. Usually never would have enough to even make me tipsey....though everyone would try to get me to loosen up a bit to no avail.

As for cigarettes: I'll NEVER smoke them. I don't see the point of having them unless already addicted. Don't get why someone would even start.

I've been to a hookah bar once but didn't see the appeal. If smoked a lot you felt light headed for a couple minutes but that wore off quickly. Plus anywhere they sell a bottle of water for $3 is not somewhere I want to visit much. The place seemed to be full of college students too, trying to be oh so trendy. That bothers me more than expensive water. It was kind of cool that was reading Alice In Wonderland at the time and had just got up to the caterpillar part though.
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-07-2006, 06:28 PM   #14
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I've never done any drugs. A lot of my friends do, but I've just never felt the need to. I don't see how it helps you at all - rather than giving you a false sense of happiness and then becoming addicted.
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Re: Drugs
Old 02-07-2006, 06:56 PM   #15
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I smoke pot every once in a while.

And when I drink, I get better at DDR. Finally beat Tsugaru when I was tipsy.
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