Re: Breaking Bad
Okay. Finally watched the pilot. What a way to start a season. I'm actually pissed at my roommates for their hesitancy in starting this show. They're all, "wanna play zelda:TP" or, I need to finish Lie to Me, or let's just watch a 20 minute CurburEnthusiasm. Driving me nuts because the show is obviously good. Soooo good. Can't wait to procrastinate school with this one. 4 seasons wahoo
I'm trying to think of something similar in vein. Fight Club comes to mind. Epiphany moment that rattles an individual out of their self loathing career, moving towards criminality. First two seasons of weeds was cool, then it flattened.
Quick question: Have you guys seen The Wire (2002). I have read a lot of rave recommendations for that show..