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Smackdown Ratings Plummet
Old 03-02-2002, 12:34 AM   #1
Professor S
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Default Smackdown Ratings Plummet

Please credit Dave Scherer and www.1wrestling.com with this info. I highly recommend this site to all wrestling fans.

"As I speculated yesterday, the combined power of CBS and NBC's lineups meant bad news for the WWF's Smackdown in the ratings last night. Smackdown scored just a 3.8 rating with a six share, way down from last week's 4.5. There is no way to spin that as good news for the WWF. It's not a good sign leading up to WrestleMania."

Looks like the NWO infection isn't having the "must see" effect that Vinnie Mac had hoped.

My theory is that while having the NWO will make many existing fans happy, it isn't creating any NEW wrestling fans like it and Stone Cold did a few years ago.

Chris... *grins* I've never been one to say "I told you so" so...

Nanny nanny boo boo

*moons NWO fans collectively*

J/K... kind of
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Old 03-02-2002, 01:01 AM   #2
Mr. Perfect
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I do believe I did say the angle could easily suck ass, and I do believe I did say if it did, it'd be booking's fault mosy likely.

You and I both know that making three men scared of one man just a week after their debut doesn't exactly help for anybody.
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Old 03-02-2002, 01:27 AM   #3
Professor S
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I was just kidding around Chris, c'mon, I thought we had worked our hostilities out in this matter. Besides, it is just wrestling after all... did I just say that?:eek:

Anyway, I always hoped that the NWO angle would breath new life into the NWO, but in my heart of hearts I knew that it wouldn't. No promotion has ever thrived off of recycling old gimmicks and talent. Indies SURVIVE by doing that, but they never seem to be able to grow because the fan base has nowhere to go but down because they are surviving on old ideas and old fans.

In order for the WWF to not just survive, but once again thrive, they need to change things up again like they did when they gave birth to "WWF Attitude". I'm not saying that they should get really sleazy again, not at all. That would just be recycling an old gimmick, and like I said that never gains new fans. What I am suggesting is...

*swallows hard*

An adoption of the Japanese art of Strong Style wrestling. Basically what this means is that the in ring wrestling will become very stiff (Ex. Remember "Doctor Death" Steve William's disgusting backdrop he did on the guy who did the JR impression?) and concentrate on logical match progressions and LONGER matches. This will be a drastic step and require WWF workers to work and train much more intensely, but at the same time it also will mean they will work less. The angles are based around competetion, honor and the value of the Titles.

No promos, all talking will be done in mock up journalistic interview segments and press conferences.

No rediculous gimmicks or catch phrases. Each wrestlers personality will come out with their posture and style IN THE RING. But maybe a little will come out in the OCCASSIONAL heated interview.

I believe that American wrestling fans are ready for this style of wrestling and I actually think that they WANT to see something different like this. I believe that the American audience wants WRESTLING now, not funny skits and the spin-a-roonie. Remember when Booker T was a GOOD wrestler?

Do I believe that this will ever happen? Hell no. 1) Vinnie Mac would never take a chance like that. 2) the WWF would basically have to comepletely rework their roster. Many of the wrestlers they have would have a BIG problem with working this style. Why do you think Steve Williams was run out on a rail? Nobody wanted to work with him.

Anyway, thats my dream, but I don't think it will ever happen. At least not in the WWF. I believe that a strong second place company will emerge running this style though, in the next few years.

Look out for RF Video's Ring of Honor promotion. They have just started, they run a style much like this, and they have been getting a HUGE response since their first show. Here's to hoping the WWF gets some competition soon. It will only help their product.
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Old 03-02-2002, 01:34 AM   #4
Mr. Perfect
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Originally posted by The Strangler
I was just kidding around Chris, c'mon, I thought we had worked our hostilities out in this matter. Besides, it is just wrestling after all
I'll never forgive you for that.

What I am suggesting is...

*swallows hard*

An adoption of the Japanese art of Strong Style wrestling. Basically what this means is that the in ring wrestling will become very stiff (Ex. Remember "Doctor Death" Steve William's disgusting backdrop he did on the guy who did the JR impression?) and concentrate on logical match progressions and LONGER matches. This will be a drastic step and require WWF workers to work and train much more intensely, but at the same time it also will mean they will work less. The angles are based around competetion, honor and the value of the Titles.

No promos, all talking will be done in mock up journalistic interview segments and press conferences.

No rediculous gimmicks or catch phrases. Each wrestlers personality will come out with their posture and style IN THE RING. But maybe a little will come out in the OCCASSIONAL heated interview.

I believe that American wrestling fans are ready for this style of wrestling and I actually think that they WANT to see something different like this. I believe that the American audience wants WRESTLING now, not funny skits and the spin-a-roonie. Remember when Booker T was a GOOD wrestler?
I agree 100%. If the WWF starts training the fans to like WRESTLING, then it could go over big time. But as you said, it'll NEVER happen.
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