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Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 05:40 PM   #1
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Default Xbox 2 will run the tables

I think Microsoft will likely edge out Sony in the next generation. Sony has had the advantage of being the "cool" system and the only real alternative to Nintendo. I think culturally Xbox has taken over the role of the "coolest" console. You're more likely to hear the word Xbox on tv or printed media than you are Playstation. Plus Xbox Live is really up and coming. Games like Halo 2 are suckering mass quantities of gamers into an online realm that Sony can't effectively compete with due to their allowance of 56kers. Nintendo will not be able to shed its kiddy image no matter what innovations they pull out of their hat (or out of anywhere else). I sense kids are almost embarrassed to say they have a Nintendo instead of a Playstation or Xbox.

Though concerning Revolution - what are your thoughts on what their innovation is going to be? Reggie's comments about how systems always involve a controller tethered to a console leads me to think they may go for wireless standard. I can't see anything other than a VR headset being more than a gimmick. A built-in camera would be cool but hardly a revolution. Nintendo needs to face the facts and realize they will always be #3.
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Last edited by Neo : 11-22-2004 at 05:50 PM.
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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 05:47 PM   #2
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

I think you have a good point Neo. Xbox Live has been and will be a determining factor for people buying Xbox's, and I'm positive that it will carry on to the next generation. As for Nintendo, they should really just forget a new console and become a third party developer.
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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 05:52 PM   #3
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

Originally Posted by Neo
I think Microsoft will likely edge out Sony in the next generation. Sony has had the advantage of being the "cool" system and the only real alternative to Nintendo. I think culturally Xbox has taken over the role of the "coolest" console. You're more likely to hear the word Xbox on tv or printed media than you are Playstation. Plus Xbox Live is really up and coming. Games like Halo 2 are suckering mass quantities of gamers into an online realm that Sony can't effectively compete with due to their allowance of 56kers. Nintendo will not be able to shed its kiddy image no matter what innovations they pull out of their hat (or out of anywhere else). I sense kids are almost embarrassed to say they have a Nintendo instead of a Playstation or Xbox.

Though concerning Revolution - what are your thoughts on what their innovation is going to be? Reggie's comments about how systems always involve a controller tethered to a console leads to think they may go for wireless standard. I can't see anything other that a VR headset being more than a gimmick. A built-in camera would be cool but hardly a revolution. Nintendo needs to face the facts and realize they will always be #3.

I dissagree. PS2 is still selling more then Xbox, and its very clear PS3 is going to have quite a big lead next gen also. The gap will be closer but theres absolutly no chance of MS overtaking em.

And sony allowing 56k connections actually allows them to reach MORE people than MS can with BB only. allowing 56 does not hurt them in anyway unless its a game where everyone syncs up together, and i dont know if they're are any of thoes.

Only thing keeping sony back in the online game is the lack of a must have online title. (plus that since it didnt come with an online adapter people had to buy one seperate)
That wont be an issue next gen, sony should have a network adapter, HD Built in, and an xbox live type service to log onto. (hopfully free)

Nintendo i dont have any hope for, they just dont understand the industry anymore. they dont understand what people want. Its like they're living in thier own little world.

Next gen...
Sony with a big lead as usual.
MS catching up but not there yet.
Nintendo way behind.

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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 05:57 PM   #4
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

I dont know which will be the most successful system next gen, but right now:

-more people play SOCOM online (PS2) than there are active XBox Live users
-PS2 continues to outsell its competition, whether it's the "cool" system or not
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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 05:59 PM   #5
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

Good point about the 56k. I suppose if you are in fact a broadband gamer you would rather have a system which doesn't allow people to dial in. Current news says Xbox 2 is coming out before PS3, right?
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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 06:04 PM   #6
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

Originally Posted by Crono
As for Nintendo, they should really just forget a new console and become a third party developer.

When hell freezes over and angels have streaking parties down on Earth. While I'm sure Nintendo would like to be leading both Sony and Microsoft, its hardly a requirement for them to stay in the console business.

I would actually think it more likely for Nintendo to become kind of more like a "toy" company and have their consoles and games much cheaper (and perhaps less sophisticated technologically), and focus entirely on their first party titles. Any game released by third parties would have to approved directly by Nintendo (like how they ran things in the NES days).

Nintendo has said several times how the day they leave the console business is the day they leave the video game business, and I just can't see them ever doing that permanently. Not anytime soon, anyway. Even if they become just "that small company with the little known company that makes some quirky games," Nintendo will always be around in the video game industry.

I think.

*shrugs and walks away*


Originally Posted by Neo
Good point about the 56k. I suppose if you are in fact a broadband gamer you would rather have a system which doesn't allow people to dial in. Current news says Xbox 2 is coming out before PS3, right?
I doubt XBox 2 coming out first will help them all that much. Remember, both the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast were rushed out of the gates, and both pretty much failed miserably.

Sure, the XBox has been very sucessful, but so was the Genesis before the Saturn (although all those funky peripherals probably didn't help Sega much).

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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 06:11 PM   #7
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

Originally Posted by Neo
Good point about the 56k. I suppose if you are in fact a broadband gamer you would rather have a system which doesn't allow people to dial in. Current news says Xbox 2 is coming out before PS3, right?

Most broadband players dont care either way. its only choppy or laggy for the person on 56k, everyone else would be just fine.
its not a system that they're dialing into. once they're connected to the internet, its exactly the same as broadband. just slower. they'd then log into the server just as brandband users log in, just....slower.

there are times i wish i didnt see 56k users tho when playin a game. i will be smooth as most BB users are, then a 56k user comes and you can actually see him move choppy across the screen. problem is when that helps him out. you had a clean shot and when you fire he warps over the left and your shot doesnt count.
that doesnt happen too often tho so i really dont care. i just aim again and fire.

and yea. if they get it how they're planning. Xbox will be released later 2005 while PS2 i'd think Mid 2006.

which doesnt mean its a good thing. it all depends on how sony plays it. if they start releasing info and getting the hype up just before xbox2 gets released, it will pull people away who want to wait for something better.
(note i dont know if it would be better, but that would be what Sony would hype it as obviously)


Originally Posted by Linkey
I doubt XBox 2 coming out first will help them all that much. Remember, both the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast were rushed out of the gates, and both pretty much failed miserably.
yes but that also has to do that Sega was coming off other failed systems and they were on a downward hill.
MS is on an upward hill.

IMO it all depends on Sony as to how good it ends up for MS releasing early.

[edit again]

And also, MS better really make sure thier hardware isnt too far behind Sonys when releasing early. MS has made such a big deal about being the most powerful console that it could REALLY hurt them to have the PS3 as the most powerful next gen.

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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 06:18 PM   #8
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

Originally Posted by Link1130
Nintendo has said several times how the day they leave the console business is the day they leave the video game business, and I just can't see them ever doing that permanently. Not anytime soon, anyway. Even if they become just "that small company with the little known company that makes some quirky games," Nintendo will always be around in the video game industry.
Shinji Makami also said that RE4 would never be available on any other system besides the GCN or he'd cut off his head. Nothing is ever impossible in this industry. How many people thought the Square Enix merger would never happen? It happened. And how many people thought that Sony would never dethrone Nintendo in the console market? It happened. Just because Nintendo says they'll never go to third party, doesn't mean it won't happen. If they ever decided to simply go out of business because they weren't making anymore profit in the console market, they'd be the stupidest god damn company to ever exist.

The Revolution better be one hell of a REVOLUTION, cause the same old tried and true formula of continually relying on Mario and Zelda franchises is not going to cut it anymore. But for Sony and Microsoft, they merely have to release a new console with great new graphics and some cool features in order to be successful. Nobody expects a revolution from them, nor do they need one. The pressure is on Nintendo next gen, and if you ask me, it's do or die for them this time.
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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 07:00 PM   #9
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

Originally Posted by DarkMaster
Shinji Makami also said that RE4 would never be available on any other system besides the GCN or he'd cut off his head.
To add to it for the ill-informed, when the PS2 port starts, alot of the GCN developers won't be around at Capcom because it wasn't their decision. Capcom and its shareholders FORCED them to make a PS2 port, thus angering alot of the makers of RE4 thus they are leaving Capcom after the GCN version is done.

But as for next gen. I don't care who's on top. 3 companies can survive. If Nintendo bow's out of the video game business, I will also because all there ever is today is blood and violence in games. When's the last time I could sit down and enjoy a game without either hurting someone or shooting them to death?

I don't like the direction of the console market. Sony wants their things to be all in one devices that costs a sh*t ton of money to make and Microsoft wants an all in one PC that costs a sh*t ton to make. I want to play games. Not watch DVD's or do my reports on my VIDEO GAME CONSOLE. Give me a console stripped of all features except playing games only and I'll buy it.

I hope Nintendo doesn't start going that route. I hate paying more then $200 for a console just because they throw in stuff I don't want. I want to play games. Sony doesn't know its console gamers neither does MS. Give your flaming opinion to me, I know its coming. Hell, lately companies rather listen to its Shareholders then the people who buy the things.

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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 07:07 PM   #10
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

3 consoles can survive 1 gen, maybe 2. but the same 3 cant continue to service generation after generation. the lowest one would just continue to lose people to one of the top 2.

And sony has added nothing to any console of thiers that adds money to the cost. and you dont even know what the PS3 will have. likewise neither has MS added any unnessisary things that add cost.

if your talking about playing DVD movies, that didnt add anything to the price, and they'd of been moronic not to enclude the DVD players. they already had the DVD drives. to play movies was just a simple little program.

And if all your ever seeing in video games is blood and voilence, i suggest you really open your eyes and look past nintendo. because i have no problem finding such games on ANY platform. only difference is maybe on the other platforms they're harder to find because of the larger libraries

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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 07:19 PM   #11
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

Labelling Microsoft and Sony games as nothing but blood and violence is the same as calling Nintendo kiddy. Each console has its fair share of every type of game, and anyone who buys games JUST because of blood and violence is a dumb jackass who we shouldn't even care about.

And by the way, Makami and his team aren't leaving Capcom. They considered joining a subsidary company called Clover Studios, which is still owned and funded by Capcom. They would have a bit more freedom, but nothing drastic. And Makami has stated that he and his team are not angry, they realize it was a business decision and a wise one at that to port RE4, that's just life.
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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 07:19 PM   #12
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

Originally Posted by Jonbo298
I hope Nintendo doesn't start going that route. I hate paying more then $200 for a console just because they throw in stuff I don't want. I want to play games. Sony doesn't know its console gamers neither does MS. Give your flaming opinion to me, I know its coming. Hell, lately companies rather listen to its Shareholders then the people who buy the things.

They throw stuff in there that you don't want? Well guess what, the rest of the buyers want it, and if they didn't, then Nintendo would be leading this generation, wouldn't they? Companies cannot adjust to fit a single person's need, Jobo.
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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 07:49 PM   #13
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

I know they can't conform to everyone's needs. If next gen consoles are filled with junk, I won't be buying anything. I don't care who's it is. If Nintendo decides to follow Sony and MS and cram things into it, then I personally won't be buying anything. If it adds to games but doesn't make the price go high (ie: built in HD and ethernet port) then I may consider them if it doesn't cause hte price to jump high.

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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 07:55 PM   #14
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

I can't say with confidence that Xbox 2 will be much competition to Ps3 next gen, but I can say with confidence that Nintendo is doomed. Gamecube was so full of false hope and promises that no matter what they say about their next console I can imagine it ending up being crap. Maybe that's just me.
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Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables
Old 11-22-2004, 07:57 PM   #15
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Default Re: Xbox 2 will run the tables

You know, you really shouldn't be blaming Sony and Microsoft for adding more stuff to their products. People buy it, they make more money, that's how it works. If you want to blame someone, blame the gamers who mindlessly go out and drop tons of cash on anything new and popular. Sony and Mircosoft are just preforming smart business.

It's like democracy, biggest flaw is that the majority of people are stupid.
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